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Created January 27, 2022 13:27
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how to avoid errors coming from a dependent module in typedefs
Filipe Névola Jan 25th at 1:40 PM
@channel does anyone know how to avoid errors coming from a dependent module in typedefs?
I would like to ignore mongodb typedefs checks:
This is the PR
tomche 1 day ago
skipLibCheck: true maybe?
Stephan Meijer 1 day ago
Or override them in a .d.ts, extending the namespace
Stephan Meijer 1 day ago
Which is imo better, because otherwise you'll skip all libs. That might not be what you want.
Stephan Meijer 1 day ago
exclude in your tsconfig might also be of help, if excluding is what you want.
Filipe Névola 1 day ago
skipLibCheck: true maybe?
at least locally this doesn't work in this case.
Filipe Névola 1 day ago
exclude in your tsconfig might also be of help, if excluding is what you want.
doesn't work either
Filipe Névola 1 day ago
I believe these solutions above doesn't work because they are for typedefs and not for the lint of the typedefs. DefinitelyTyped uses a specific lint for typedefs and it seems this lint doesn't consider these options.
Filipe Névola 1 day ago
Or override them in a .d.ts, extending the namespace
Hmm, I think I don't get it. What exactly should I do?
Stephan Meijer 1 day ago
Create a ./global.d.ts file in your project. And update tsconfig.json to include:
"include": ["./global.d.ts"]
Then in the global.d.ts (name it whatever you like), you'll extend/override the mongo namespace to include your signatures so they don't error any more.
declare module mongodb {
export interface Collection {
find: any
TypeScript will merge interfaces. So that way you can make them less strict, or add support to missing props.
Stephan Meijer 1 day ago
But looking at that PR, that might not be what you need. I see that basically all methods are erroring. Weird. :confused:
Filipe Névola 15 hours ago
Yes and this is not my project, this is Meteor types from DefinitelyTyped.
When @Per added mongodb as a dependency instead of mongodb types it starts to produce these errors but I'm not sure how to prevent DefinitelyTyped from validating the types in our dependencies :disappointed:
Filipe Névola < 1 minute ago
I'm stuck here :disappointed:
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