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Last active July 14, 2023 16:39
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Rate Limite
# Leaky bucket implementation from:
local ts = tonumber(ARGV[1]) -- current timestamp
local cps = tonumber(ARGV[2]) -- calls per second
local key = KEYS[1]
-- remove tokens older than 1 second ago
local min = ts - 1'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', key, '-inf', min)
-- get the last item of the sorted set
local last ='ZRANGE', key, -1, -1)
-- the default value of next if there are no previous items is the current timestamp
local next = ts
if type(last) == 'table' and #last > 0 then
-- this iteration only serves to access the value in the set
for key, value in pairs(last) do
-- the next value is the last timestamp stored plus
-- x miliseconds depending on the allowed cps
next = tonumber(value) + 1/cps
break -- break at first item
-- if the current ts is > than last+1/cps we'll use ts
if ts > next then
next = ts
-- store the new timestamp in the set'ZADD', key, next, next)
-- return how long it should wait in order to respect the rate limit
return tostring(next - ts)
# Code adapted from:
import time
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from hashlib import sha1
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
import redis
from redis.exceptions import NoScriptError
class RedisVersionNotSupported(Exception):
Rate Limit depends on Redis' commands EVALSHA and EVAL which are
only available since the version 2.6.0 of the database.
class RateLimit:
This class offers an abstraction of a Rate Limit algorithm implemented on
top of Redis >= 2.6.0.
def __init__(self, resource, max_requests):
Class initialization method checks if the Rate Limit algorithm is
actually supported by the installed Redis version and sets some
useful properties.
If Rate Limit is not supported, it raises an Exception.
:param resource: resource identifier string (i.e. 'user_pictures')
:param max_requests: integer (i.e. '10')
self._client = redis.Redis.from_url(settings.REDIS_URL)
if not self._is_rate_limit_supported():
raise RedisVersionNotSupported()
self._rate_limit_key = "rate_limit:{0}".format(resource)
self._max_requests = max_requests
def __enter__(self):
wait_for = self.get_rate_limit_wait()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def get_rate_limit_wait(self):
Calls a LUA script that should increment the resource usage by client.
If the resource limit overflows the maximum number of requests, this
method raises an Exception.
:return: integer: current usage
ts =
wait_for = self._client.evalsha(
LEAKY_BUCKET_SCRIPT_HASH, 1, self._rate_limit_key, ts, self._max_requests
except NoScriptError:
wait_for = self._client.eval(
LEAKY_BUCKET_SCRIPT, 1, self._rate_limit_key, ts, self._max_requests
return float(wait_for)
def _is_rate_limit_supported(self):
Checks if Rate Limit is supported which can basically be found by
looking at Redis database version that should be 2.6.0 or greater.
:return: bool
redis_version =["redis_version"]
is_supported = StrictVersion(redis_version) >= StrictVersion("2.6.0")
return bool(is_supported)
def _reset(self):
Deletes all keys that start with 'rate_limit:'.
for rate_limit_key in self._client.keys("rate_limit:*"):
import time
from hashlib import sha1
from django.utils import timezone
import redis
from redis.exceptions import NoScriptError
def sleep_to_rate_limit(key, requests_per_minute):
client = redis.Redis.from_url(settings.REDIS_URL)
rate_limit_key = "rate_limit:{0}".format(key)
requests_per_second = requests_per_minute / 60
current_time =
wait_for = client.evalsha(
LEAKY_BUCKET_SCRIPT_HASH, 1, rate_limit_key, current_time, requests_per_second
except NoScriptError:
wait_for = client.eval(
LEAKY_BUCKET_SCRIPT, 1, rate_limit_key, current_time, requests_per_second
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