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Created February 28, 2020 09:34
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using System.Collections.Generic;
partial class Frameworks {
readonly HashSet<string> iosframeworks = new HashSet<string> {"Accelerate", "AuthenticationServices", "AVFoundation", "CoreBluetooth", "CoreData", "CoreFoundation", "CoreMedia", "CoreML", "CoreVideo", "Compression", "Foundation", "GameKit", "Network", "SceneKit", "SoundAnalysis", "SpriteKit", "AVKit", "Accounts", "AdSupport", "AddressBook", "AddressBookUI", "ARKit", "AssetsLibrary", "AudioToolbox", "AudioUnit", "BackgroundTasks", "BusinessChat", "CallKit", "CarPlay", "CFNetwork", "ClassKit", "CloudKit", "Contacts", "ContactsUI", "CoreAnimation", "CoreAudioKit", "CoreGraphics", "CoreHaptics", "CoreImage", "CoreLocation", "CoreMIDI", "CoreMotion", "CoreNFC", "CoreSpotlight", "CoreTelephony", "CoreText", "DeviceCheck", "EventKit", "EventKitUI", "ExternalAccessory", "FileProvider", "FileProviderUI", "GLKit", "GameController", "GameplayKit", "HealthKit", "HealthKitUI", "HomeKit", "IdentityLookup", "IdentityLookupUI", "ImageIO", "Intents", "IntentsUI", "IOSurface", "JavaScriptCore", "LinkPresentation", "LocalAuthentication", "MapKit", "MediaAccessibility", "MediaPlayer", "MediaToolbox", "Messages", "MessageUI", "Metal", "MetalKit", "MetalPerformanceShaders", "MetricKit", "MobileCoreServices", "ModelIO", "MultipeerConnectivity", "NaturalLanguage", "NetworkExtension", "NewsstandKit", "NotificationCenter", "OpenGLES", "PassKit", "PdfKit", "PencilKit", "Photos", "PhotosUI", "PushKit", "QuickLook", "QuickLookThumbnailing", "ReplayKit", "SafariServices", "Security", "Social", "Speech", "StoreKit", "SystemConfiguration", "Twitter", "UIKit", "XKit", "UserNotifications", "UserNotificationsUI", "VideoToolbox", "VideoSubscriberAccount", "Vision", "VisionKit", "WatchConnectivity", "WatchKit", "WKWebKit", "iAd"};
readonly HashSet<string> macosframeworks = new HashSet<string> {"Accelerate", "AuthenticationServices", "AVFoundation", "CoreBluetooth", "CoreData", "CoreFoundation", "CoreMedia", "CoreML", "CoreVideo", "Compression", "Foundation", "GameKit", "Network", "SceneKit", "SoundAnalysis", "SpriteKit", "Accounts", "AdSupport", "AppKit", "XKit", "AudioToolbox", "AudioUnit", "AVKit", "BusinessChat", "CFNetwork", "CloudKit", "Contacts", "ContactsUI", "CoreAnimation", "CoreAudioKit", "CoreGraphics", "CoreImage", "CoreLocation", "CoreMidi", "CoreMotion", "CoreServices", "CoreSpotlight", "CoreText", "CoreWlan", "DeviceCheck", "EventKit", "ExecutionPolicy", "ExternalAccessory", "FileProvider", "FileProviderUI", "FinderSync", "GameController", "GameplayKit", "GLKit", "ImageIO", "ImageCaptureCore", "ImageKit", "Intents", "IOSurface", "iTunesLibrary", "JavaScriptCore", "LinkPresentation", "LocalAuthentication", "MapKit", "MediaAccessibility", "MediaLibrary", "MediaPlayer", "MediaToolbox", "Metal", "MetalKit", "MetalPerformanceShaders", "MobileCoreServices", "ModelIO", "MultipeerConnectivity", "NaturalLanguage", "NetworkExtension", "NotificationCenter", "OpenGL", "PdfKit", "PencilKit", "Photos", "PhotosUI", "PrintCore", "PushKit", "QTKit", "QuartzComposer", "QuickLook", "QuickLookThumbnailing", "QuickLookUI", "SafariServices", "ScriptingBridge", "SearchKit", "Security", "Social", "Speech", "StoreKit", "SystemConfiguration", "UserNotifications", "VideoSubscriberAccount", "VideoToolbox", "Vision", "WebKit", "WKWebKit"};
readonly HashSet<string> watchosframeworks = new HashSet<string> {"Accelerate", "AuthenticationServices", "AVFoundation", "CoreBluetooth", "CoreData", "CoreFoundation", "CoreMedia", "CoreML", "CoreVideo", "Compression", "Foundation", "GameKit", "Network", "SceneKit", "SoundAnalysis", "SpriteKit", "ClockKit", "CloudKit", "Contacts", "CoreGraphics", "CoreLocation", "CoreMotion", "CoreText", "EventKit", "HealthKit", "HomeKit", "ImageIO", "Intents", "MapKit", "MediaPlayer", "MobileCoreServices", "NaturalLanguage", "PassKit", "PushKit", "Security", "UIKit", "XKit", "UserNotifications", "WatchConnectivity", "WatchKit"};
readonly HashSet<string> tvosframeworks = new HashSet<string> {"Accelerate", "AuthenticationServices", "AVFoundation", "CoreBluetooth", "CoreData", "CoreFoundation", "CoreMedia", "CoreML", "CoreVideo", "Compression", "Foundation", "GameKit", "Network", "SceneKit", "SoundAnalysis", "SpriteKit", "AVKit", "AdSupport", "AudioToolbox", "AudioUnit", "BackgroundTasks", "CFNetwork", "CloudKit", "CoreAnimation", "CoreGraphics", "CoreImage", "CoreLocation", "CoreSpotlight", "CoreText", "DeviceCheck", "ExternalAccessory", "GLKit", "GameController", "GameplayKit", "HomeKit", "ImageIO", "IOSurface", "JavaScriptCore", "MapKit", "MediaAccessibility", "MediaPlayer", "MediaToolbox", "Metal", "MetalKit", "MetalPerformanceShaders", "MobileCoreServices", "ModelIO", "MultipeerConnectivity", "NaturalLanguage", "OpenGLES", "Photos", "PhotosUI", "ReplayKit", "Security", "StoreKit", "SystemConfiguration", "TVMLKit", "TVUIKit", "TVServices", "UIKit", "XKit", "UserNotifications", "VideoSubscriberAccount", "VideoToolbox", "Vision"};
bool? _Accelerate;
bool? _Accounts;
bool? _AddressBook;
bool? _AddressBookUI;
bool? _AdSupport;
bool? _AppKit;
bool? _ARKit;
bool? _AssetsLibrary;
bool? _AudioToolbox;
bool? _AudioUnit;
bool? _AuthenticationServices;
bool? _AVFoundation;
bool? _AVKit;
bool? _BackgroundTasks;
bool? _BusinessChat;
bool? _CallKit;
bool? _CarPlay;
bool? _CFNetwork;
bool? _ClassKit;
bool? _ClockKit;
bool? _CloudKit;
bool? _Compression;
bool? _Contacts;
bool? _ContactsUI;
bool? _CoreAnimation;
bool? _CoreAudioKit;
bool? _CoreBluetooth;
bool? _CoreData;
bool? _CoreFoundation;
bool? _CoreGraphics;
bool? _CoreHaptics;
bool? _CoreImage;
bool? _CoreLocation;
bool? _CoreMedia;
bool? _CoreMidi;
bool? _CoreMIDI;
bool? _CoreML;
bool? _CoreMotion;
bool? _CoreNFC;
bool? _CoreServices;
bool? _CoreSpotlight;
bool? _CoreTelephony;
bool? _CoreText;
bool? _CoreVideo;
bool? _CoreWlan;
bool? _DeviceCheck;
bool? _EventKit;
bool? _EventKitUI;
bool? _ExecutionPolicy;
bool? _ExternalAccessory;
bool? _FileProvider;
bool? _FileProviderUI;
bool? _FinderSync;
bool? _Foundation;
bool? _GameController;
bool? _GameKit;
bool? _GameplayKit;
bool? _GLKit;
bool? _HealthKit;
bool? _HealthKitUI;
bool? _HomeKit;
bool? _iAd;
bool? _IdentityLookup;
bool? _IdentityLookupUI;
bool? _ImageCaptureCore;
bool? _ImageIO;
bool? _ImageKit;
bool? _Intents;
bool? _IntentsUI;
bool? _IOSurface;
bool? _iTunesLibrary;
bool? _JavaScriptCore;
bool? _LinkPresentation;
bool? _LocalAuthentication;
bool? _MapKit;
bool? _MediaAccessibility;
bool? _MediaLibrary;
bool? _MediaPlayer;
bool? _MediaToolbox;
bool? _Messages;
bool? _MessageUI;
bool? _Metal;
bool? _MetalKit;
bool? _MetalPerformanceShaders;
bool? _MetricKit;
bool? _MobileCoreServices;
bool? _ModelIO;
bool? _MultipeerConnectivity;
bool? _NaturalLanguage;
bool? _Network;
bool? _NetworkExtension;
bool? _NewsstandKit;
bool? _NotificationCenter;
bool? _OpenGL;
bool? _OpenGLES;
bool? _PassKit;
bool? _PdfKit;
bool? _PencilKit;
bool? _Photos;
bool? _PhotosUI;
bool? _PrintCore;
bool? _PushKit;
bool? _QTKit;
bool? _QuartzComposer;
bool? _QuickLook;
bool? _QuickLookThumbnailing;
bool? _QuickLookUI;
bool? _ReplayKit;
bool? _SafariServices;
bool? _SceneKit;
bool? _ScriptingBridge;
bool? _SearchKit;
bool? _Security;
bool? _Social;
bool? _SoundAnalysis;
bool? _Speech;
bool? _SpriteKit;
bool? _StoreKit;
bool? _SystemConfiguration;
bool? _TVMLKit;
bool? _TVServices;
bool? _TVUIKit;
bool? _Twitter;
bool? _UIKit;
bool? _UserNotifications;
bool? _UserNotificationsUI;
bool? _VideoSubscriberAccount;
bool? _VideoToolbox;
bool? _Vision;
bool? _VisionKit;
bool? _WatchConnectivity;
bool? _WatchKit;
bool? _WebKit;
bool? _WKWebKit;
bool? _XKit;
public bool HaveAccelerate { get { if (!_Accelerate.HasValue) _Accelerate = GetValue ("Accelerate"); return _Accelerate.Value; } }
public bool HaveAccounts { get { if (!_Accounts.HasValue) _Accounts = GetValue ("Accounts"); return _Accounts.Value; } }
public bool HaveAddressBook { get { if (!_AddressBook.HasValue) _AddressBook = GetValue ("AddressBook"); return _AddressBook.Value; } }
public bool HaveAddressBookUI { get { if (!_AddressBookUI.HasValue) _AddressBookUI = GetValue ("AddressBookUI"); return _AddressBookUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveAdSupport { get { if (!_AdSupport.HasValue) _AdSupport = GetValue ("AdSupport"); return _AdSupport.Value; } }
public bool HaveAppKit { get { if (!_AppKit.HasValue) _AppKit = GetValue ("AppKit"); return _AppKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveARKit { get { if (!_ARKit.HasValue) _ARKit = GetValue ("ARKit"); return _ARKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveAssetsLibrary { get { if (!_AssetsLibrary.HasValue) _AssetsLibrary = GetValue ("AssetsLibrary"); return _AssetsLibrary.Value; } }
public bool HaveAudioToolbox { get { if (!_AudioToolbox.HasValue) _AudioToolbox = GetValue ("AudioToolbox"); return _AudioToolbox.Value; } }
public bool HaveAudioUnit { get { if (!_AudioUnit.HasValue) _AudioUnit = GetValue ("AudioUnit"); return _AudioUnit.Value; } }
public bool HaveAuthenticationServices { get { if (!_AuthenticationServices.HasValue) _AuthenticationServices = GetValue ("AuthenticationServices"); return _AuthenticationServices.Value; } }
public bool HaveAVFoundation { get { if (!_AVFoundation.HasValue) _AVFoundation = GetValue ("AVFoundation"); return _AVFoundation.Value; } }
public bool HaveAVKit { get { if (!_AVKit.HasValue) _AVKit = GetValue ("AVKit"); return _AVKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveBackgroundTasks { get { if (!_BackgroundTasks.HasValue) _BackgroundTasks = GetValue ("BackgroundTasks"); return _BackgroundTasks.Value; } }
public bool HaveBusinessChat { get { if (!_BusinessChat.HasValue) _BusinessChat = GetValue ("BusinessChat"); return _BusinessChat.Value; } }
public bool HaveCallKit { get { if (!_CallKit.HasValue) _CallKit = GetValue ("CallKit"); return _CallKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveCarPlay { get { if (!_CarPlay.HasValue) _CarPlay = GetValue ("CarPlay"); return _CarPlay.Value; } }
public bool HaveCFNetwork { get { if (!_CFNetwork.HasValue) _CFNetwork = GetValue ("CFNetwork"); return _CFNetwork.Value; } }
public bool HaveClassKit { get { if (!_ClassKit.HasValue) _ClassKit = GetValue ("ClassKit"); return _ClassKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveClockKit { get { if (!_ClockKit.HasValue) _ClockKit = GetValue ("ClockKit"); return _ClockKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveCloudKit { get { if (!_CloudKit.HasValue) _CloudKit = GetValue ("CloudKit"); return _CloudKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveCompression { get { if (!_Compression.HasValue) _Compression = GetValue ("Compression"); return _Compression.Value; } }
public bool HaveContacts { get { if (!_Contacts.HasValue) _Contacts = GetValue ("Contacts"); return _Contacts.Value; } }
public bool HaveContactsUI { get { if (!_ContactsUI.HasValue) _ContactsUI = GetValue ("ContactsUI"); return _ContactsUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreAnimation { get { if (!_CoreAnimation.HasValue) _CoreAnimation = GetValue ("CoreAnimation"); return _CoreAnimation.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreAudioKit { get { if (!_CoreAudioKit.HasValue) _CoreAudioKit = GetValue ("CoreAudioKit"); return _CoreAudioKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreBluetooth { get { if (!_CoreBluetooth.HasValue) _CoreBluetooth = GetValue ("CoreBluetooth"); return _CoreBluetooth.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreData { get { if (!_CoreData.HasValue) _CoreData = GetValue ("CoreData"); return _CoreData.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreFoundation { get { if (!_CoreFoundation.HasValue) _CoreFoundation = GetValue ("CoreFoundation"); return _CoreFoundation.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreGraphics { get { if (!_CoreGraphics.HasValue) _CoreGraphics = GetValue ("CoreGraphics"); return _CoreGraphics.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreHaptics { get { if (!_CoreHaptics.HasValue) _CoreHaptics = GetValue ("CoreHaptics"); return _CoreHaptics.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreImage { get { if (!_CoreImage.HasValue) _CoreImage = GetValue ("CoreImage"); return _CoreImage.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreLocation { get { if (!_CoreLocation.HasValue) _CoreLocation = GetValue ("CoreLocation"); return _CoreLocation.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreMedia { get { if (!_CoreMedia.HasValue) _CoreMedia = GetValue ("CoreMedia"); return _CoreMedia.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreMidi { get { if (!_CoreMidi.HasValue) _CoreMidi = GetValue ("CoreMidi"); return _CoreMidi.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreMIDI { get { if (!_CoreMIDI.HasValue) _CoreMIDI = GetValue ("CoreMIDI"); return _CoreMIDI.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreML { get { if (!_CoreML.HasValue) _CoreML = GetValue ("CoreML"); return _CoreML.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreMotion { get { if (!_CoreMotion.HasValue) _CoreMotion = GetValue ("CoreMotion"); return _CoreMotion.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreNFC { get { if (!_CoreNFC.HasValue) _CoreNFC = GetValue ("CoreNFC"); return _CoreNFC.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreServices { get { if (!_CoreServices.HasValue) _CoreServices = GetValue ("CoreServices"); return _CoreServices.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreSpotlight { get { if (!_CoreSpotlight.HasValue) _CoreSpotlight = GetValue ("CoreSpotlight"); return _CoreSpotlight.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreTelephony { get { if (!_CoreTelephony.HasValue) _CoreTelephony = GetValue ("CoreTelephony"); return _CoreTelephony.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreText { get { if (!_CoreText.HasValue) _CoreText = GetValue ("CoreText"); return _CoreText.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreVideo { get { if (!_CoreVideo.HasValue) _CoreVideo = GetValue ("CoreVideo"); return _CoreVideo.Value; } }
public bool HaveCoreWlan { get { if (!_CoreWlan.HasValue) _CoreWlan = GetValue ("CoreWlan"); return _CoreWlan.Value; } }
public bool HaveDeviceCheck { get { if (!_DeviceCheck.HasValue) _DeviceCheck = GetValue ("DeviceCheck"); return _DeviceCheck.Value; } }
public bool HaveEventKit { get { if (!_EventKit.HasValue) _EventKit = GetValue ("EventKit"); return _EventKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveEventKitUI { get { if (!_EventKitUI.HasValue) _EventKitUI = GetValue ("EventKitUI"); return _EventKitUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveExecutionPolicy { get { if (!_ExecutionPolicy.HasValue) _ExecutionPolicy = GetValue ("ExecutionPolicy"); return _ExecutionPolicy.Value; } }
public bool HaveExternalAccessory { get { if (!_ExternalAccessory.HasValue) _ExternalAccessory = GetValue ("ExternalAccessory"); return _ExternalAccessory.Value; } }
public bool HaveFileProvider { get { if (!_FileProvider.HasValue) _FileProvider = GetValue ("FileProvider"); return _FileProvider.Value; } }
public bool HaveFileProviderUI { get { if (!_FileProviderUI.HasValue) _FileProviderUI = GetValue ("FileProviderUI"); return _FileProviderUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveFinderSync { get { if (!_FinderSync.HasValue) _FinderSync = GetValue ("FinderSync"); return _FinderSync.Value; } }
public bool HaveFoundation { get { if (!_Foundation.HasValue) _Foundation = GetValue ("Foundation"); return _Foundation.Value; } }
public bool HaveGameController { get { if (!_GameController.HasValue) _GameController = GetValue ("GameController"); return _GameController.Value; } }
public bool HaveGameKit { get { if (!_GameKit.HasValue) _GameKit = GetValue ("GameKit"); return _GameKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveGameplayKit { get { if (!_GameplayKit.HasValue) _GameplayKit = GetValue ("GameplayKit"); return _GameplayKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveGLKit { get { if (!_GLKit.HasValue) _GLKit = GetValue ("GLKit"); return _GLKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveHealthKit { get { if (!_HealthKit.HasValue) _HealthKit = GetValue ("HealthKit"); return _HealthKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveHealthKitUI { get { if (!_HealthKitUI.HasValue) _HealthKitUI = GetValue ("HealthKitUI"); return _HealthKitUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveHomeKit { get { if (!_HomeKit.HasValue) _HomeKit = GetValue ("HomeKit"); return _HomeKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveiAd { get { if (!_iAd.HasValue) _iAd = GetValue ("iAd"); return _iAd.Value; } }
public bool HaveIdentityLookup { get { if (!_IdentityLookup.HasValue) _IdentityLookup = GetValue ("IdentityLookup"); return _IdentityLookup.Value; } }
public bool HaveIdentityLookupUI { get { if (!_IdentityLookupUI.HasValue) _IdentityLookupUI = GetValue ("IdentityLookupUI"); return _IdentityLookupUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveImageCaptureCore { get { if (!_ImageCaptureCore.HasValue) _ImageCaptureCore = GetValue ("ImageCaptureCore"); return _ImageCaptureCore.Value; } }
public bool HaveImageIO { get { if (!_ImageIO.HasValue) _ImageIO = GetValue ("ImageIO"); return _ImageIO.Value; } }
public bool HaveImageKit { get { if (!_ImageKit.HasValue) _ImageKit = GetValue ("ImageKit"); return _ImageKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveIntents { get { if (!_Intents.HasValue) _Intents = GetValue ("Intents"); return _Intents.Value; } }
public bool HaveIntentsUI { get { if (!_IntentsUI.HasValue) _IntentsUI = GetValue ("IntentsUI"); return _IntentsUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveIOSurface { get { if (!_IOSurface.HasValue) _IOSurface = GetValue ("IOSurface"); return _IOSurface.Value; } }
public bool HaveiTunesLibrary { get { if (!_iTunesLibrary.HasValue) _iTunesLibrary = GetValue ("iTunesLibrary"); return _iTunesLibrary.Value; } }
public bool HaveJavaScriptCore { get { if (!_JavaScriptCore.HasValue) _JavaScriptCore = GetValue ("JavaScriptCore"); return _JavaScriptCore.Value; } }
public bool HaveLinkPresentation { get { if (!_LinkPresentation.HasValue) _LinkPresentation = GetValue ("LinkPresentation"); return _LinkPresentation.Value; } }
public bool HaveLocalAuthentication { get { if (!_LocalAuthentication.HasValue) _LocalAuthentication = GetValue ("LocalAuthentication"); return _LocalAuthentication.Value; } }
public bool HaveMapKit { get { if (!_MapKit.HasValue) _MapKit = GetValue ("MapKit"); return _MapKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveMediaAccessibility { get { if (!_MediaAccessibility.HasValue) _MediaAccessibility = GetValue ("MediaAccessibility"); return _MediaAccessibility.Value; } }
public bool HaveMediaLibrary { get { if (!_MediaLibrary.HasValue) _MediaLibrary = GetValue ("MediaLibrary"); return _MediaLibrary.Value; } }
public bool HaveMediaPlayer { get { if (!_MediaPlayer.HasValue) _MediaPlayer = GetValue ("MediaPlayer"); return _MediaPlayer.Value; } }
public bool HaveMediaToolbox { get { if (!_MediaToolbox.HasValue) _MediaToolbox = GetValue ("MediaToolbox"); return _MediaToolbox.Value; } }
public bool HaveMessages { get { if (!_Messages.HasValue) _Messages = GetValue ("Messages"); return _Messages.Value; } }
public bool HaveMessageUI { get { if (!_MessageUI.HasValue) _MessageUI = GetValue ("MessageUI"); return _MessageUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveMetal { get { if (!_Metal.HasValue) _Metal = GetValue ("Metal"); return _Metal.Value; } }
public bool HaveMetalKit { get { if (!_MetalKit.HasValue) _MetalKit = GetValue ("MetalKit"); return _MetalKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveMetalPerformanceShaders { get { if (!_MetalPerformanceShaders.HasValue) _MetalPerformanceShaders = GetValue ("MetalPerformanceShaders"); return _MetalPerformanceShaders.Value; } }
public bool HaveMetricKit { get { if (!_MetricKit.HasValue) _MetricKit = GetValue ("MetricKit"); return _MetricKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveMobileCoreServices { get { if (!_MobileCoreServices.HasValue) _MobileCoreServices = GetValue ("MobileCoreServices"); return _MobileCoreServices.Value; } }
public bool HaveModelIO { get { if (!_ModelIO.HasValue) _ModelIO = GetValue ("ModelIO"); return _ModelIO.Value; } }
public bool HaveMultipeerConnectivity { get { if (!_MultipeerConnectivity.HasValue) _MultipeerConnectivity = GetValue ("MultipeerConnectivity"); return _MultipeerConnectivity.Value; } }
public bool HaveNaturalLanguage { get { if (!_NaturalLanguage.HasValue) _NaturalLanguage = GetValue ("NaturalLanguage"); return _NaturalLanguage.Value; } }
public bool HaveNetwork { get { if (!_Network.HasValue) _Network = GetValue ("Network"); return _Network.Value; } }
public bool HaveNetworkExtension { get { if (!_NetworkExtension.HasValue) _NetworkExtension = GetValue ("NetworkExtension"); return _NetworkExtension.Value; } }
public bool HaveNewsstandKit { get { if (!_NewsstandKit.HasValue) _NewsstandKit = GetValue ("NewsstandKit"); return _NewsstandKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveNotificationCenter { get { if (!_NotificationCenter.HasValue) _NotificationCenter = GetValue ("NotificationCenter"); return _NotificationCenter.Value; } }
public bool HaveOpenGL { get { if (!_OpenGL.HasValue) _OpenGL = GetValue ("OpenGL"); return _OpenGL.Value; } }
public bool HaveOpenGLES { get { if (!_OpenGLES.HasValue) _OpenGLES = GetValue ("OpenGLES"); return _OpenGLES.Value; } }
public bool HavePassKit { get { if (!_PassKit.HasValue) _PassKit = GetValue ("PassKit"); return _PassKit.Value; } }
public bool HavePdfKit { get { if (!_PdfKit.HasValue) _PdfKit = GetValue ("PdfKit"); return _PdfKit.Value; } }
public bool HavePencilKit { get { if (!_PencilKit.HasValue) _PencilKit = GetValue ("PencilKit"); return _PencilKit.Value; } }
public bool HavePhotos { get { if (!_Photos.HasValue) _Photos = GetValue ("Photos"); return _Photos.Value; } }
public bool HavePhotosUI { get { if (!_PhotosUI.HasValue) _PhotosUI = GetValue ("PhotosUI"); return _PhotosUI.Value; } }
public bool HavePrintCore { get { if (!_PrintCore.HasValue) _PrintCore = GetValue ("PrintCore"); return _PrintCore.Value; } }
public bool HavePushKit { get { if (!_PushKit.HasValue) _PushKit = GetValue ("PushKit"); return _PushKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveQTKit { get { if (!_QTKit.HasValue) _QTKit = GetValue ("QTKit"); return _QTKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveQuartzComposer { get { if (!_QuartzComposer.HasValue) _QuartzComposer = GetValue ("QuartzComposer"); return _QuartzComposer.Value; } }
public bool HaveQuickLook { get { if (!_QuickLook.HasValue) _QuickLook = GetValue ("QuickLook"); return _QuickLook.Value; } }
public bool HaveQuickLookThumbnailing { get { if (!_QuickLookThumbnailing.HasValue) _QuickLookThumbnailing = GetValue ("QuickLookThumbnailing"); return _QuickLookThumbnailing.Value; } }
public bool HaveQuickLookUI { get { if (!_QuickLookUI.HasValue) _QuickLookUI = GetValue ("QuickLookUI"); return _QuickLookUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveReplayKit { get { if (!_ReplayKit.HasValue) _ReplayKit = GetValue ("ReplayKit"); return _ReplayKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveSafariServices { get { if (!_SafariServices.HasValue) _SafariServices = GetValue ("SafariServices"); return _SafariServices.Value; } }
public bool HaveSceneKit { get { if (!_SceneKit.HasValue) _SceneKit = GetValue ("SceneKit"); return _SceneKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveScriptingBridge { get { if (!_ScriptingBridge.HasValue) _ScriptingBridge = GetValue ("ScriptingBridge"); return _ScriptingBridge.Value; } }
public bool HaveSearchKit { get { if (!_SearchKit.HasValue) _SearchKit = GetValue ("SearchKit"); return _SearchKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveSecurity { get { if (!_Security.HasValue) _Security = GetValue ("Security"); return _Security.Value; } }
public bool HaveSocial { get { if (!_Social.HasValue) _Social = GetValue ("Social"); return _Social.Value; } }
public bool HaveSoundAnalysis { get { if (!_SoundAnalysis.HasValue) _SoundAnalysis = GetValue ("SoundAnalysis"); return _SoundAnalysis.Value; } }
public bool HaveSpeech { get { if (!_Speech.HasValue) _Speech = GetValue ("Speech"); return _Speech.Value; } }
public bool HaveSpriteKit { get { if (!_SpriteKit.HasValue) _SpriteKit = GetValue ("SpriteKit"); return _SpriteKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveStoreKit { get { if (!_StoreKit.HasValue) _StoreKit = GetValue ("StoreKit"); return _StoreKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveSystemConfiguration { get { if (!_SystemConfiguration.HasValue) _SystemConfiguration = GetValue ("SystemConfiguration"); return _SystemConfiguration.Value; } }
public bool HaveTVMLKit { get { if (!_TVMLKit.HasValue) _TVMLKit = GetValue ("TVMLKit"); return _TVMLKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveTVServices { get { if (!_TVServices.HasValue) _TVServices = GetValue ("TVServices"); return _TVServices.Value; } }
public bool HaveTVUIKit { get { if (!_TVUIKit.HasValue) _TVUIKit = GetValue ("TVUIKit"); return _TVUIKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveTwitter { get { if (!_Twitter.HasValue) _Twitter = GetValue ("Twitter"); return _Twitter.Value; } }
public bool HaveUIKit { get { if (!_UIKit.HasValue) _UIKit = GetValue ("UIKit"); return _UIKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveUserNotifications { get { if (!_UserNotifications.HasValue) _UserNotifications = GetValue ("UserNotifications"); return _UserNotifications.Value; } }
public bool HaveUserNotificationsUI { get { if (!_UserNotificationsUI.HasValue) _UserNotificationsUI = GetValue ("UserNotificationsUI"); return _UserNotificationsUI.Value; } }
public bool HaveVideoSubscriberAccount { get { if (!_VideoSubscriberAccount.HasValue) _VideoSubscriberAccount = GetValue ("VideoSubscriberAccount"); return _VideoSubscriberAccount.Value; } }
public bool HaveVideoToolbox { get { if (!_VideoToolbox.HasValue) _VideoToolbox = GetValue ("VideoToolbox"); return _VideoToolbox.Value; } }
public bool HaveVision { get { if (!_Vision.HasValue) _Vision = GetValue ("Vision"); return _Vision.Value; } }
public bool HaveVisionKit { get { if (!_VisionKit.HasValue) _VisionKit = GetValue ("VisionKit"); return _VisionKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveWatchConnectivity { get { if (!_WatchConnectivity.HasValue) _WatchConnectivity = GetValue ("WatchConnectivity"); return _WatchConnectivity.Value; } }
public bool HaveWatchKit { get { if (!_WatchKit.HasValue) _WatchKit = GetValue ("WatchKit"); return _WatchKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveWebKit { get { if (!_WebKit.HasValue) _WebKit = GetValue ("WebKit"); return _WebKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveWKWebKit { get { if (!_WKWebKit.HasValue) _WKWebKit = GetValue ("WKWebKit"); return _WKWebKit.Value; } }
public bool HaveXKit { get { if (!_XKit.HasValue) _XKit = GetValue ("XKit"); return _XKit.Value; } }
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