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Forked from densh/Snake.scala
Created February 27, 2017 14:14
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Snake game in 200 lines of Scala Native and SDL2 as demoed during Scala Matsuri 2017
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.1.0")
import scalanative.native._
import SDL._
import SDLExtra._
object SDL {
type Window = CStruct0
type Renderer = CStruct0
def SDL_Init(flags: UInt): Unit = extern
def SDL_CreateWindow(title: CString,
x: CInt,
y: CInt,
w: Int,
h: Int,
flags: UInt): Ptr[Window] = extern
def SDL_Delay(ms: UInt): Unit = extern
def SDL_CreateRenderer(win: Ptr[Window],
index: CInt,
flags: UInt): Ptr[Renderer] = extern
type _56 = Nat.Digit[Nat._5, Nat._6]
type Event = CStruct2[UInt, CArray[Byte, _56]]
def SDL_PollEvent(event: Ptr[Event]): CInt = extern
type Rect = CStruct4[CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt]
def SDL_RenderClear(renderer: Ptr[Renderer]): Unit = extern
def SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer: Ptr[Renderer],
r: UByte,
g: UByte,
b: UByte,
a: UByte): Unit = extern
def SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer: Ptr[Renderer], rect: Ptr[Rect]): Unit =
def SDL_RenderPresent(renderer: Ptr[Renderer]): Unit = extern
type KeyboardEvent =
CStruct8[UInt, UInt, UInt, UByte, UByte, UByte, UByte, Keysym]
type Keysym = CStruct4[Scancode, Keycode, UShort, UInt]
type Scancode = Int
type Keycode = Int
object SDLExtra {
val INIT_VIDEO = 0x00000020.toUInt
val WINDOW_SHOWN = 0x00000004.toUInt
val VSYNC = 0x00000004.toUInt
implicit class EventOps(val self: Ptr[Event]) extends AnyVal {
def type_ = !(self._1)
val QUIT_EVENT = 0x100.toUInt
implicit class RectOps(val self: Ptr[Rect]) extends AnyVal {
def init(x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int): Ptr[Rect] = {
!(self._1) = x
!(self._2) = y
!(self._3) = w
!(self._4) = h
val KEY_DOWN = 0x300.toUInt
val KEY_UP = (0x300 + 1).toUInt
val RIGHT_KEY = 1073741903
val LEFT_KEY = 1073741904
val DOWN_KEY = 1073741905
val UP_KEY = 1073741906
implicit class KeyboardEventOps(val self: Ptr[KeyboardEvent])
extends AnyVal {
def keycode: Keycode = !(self._8._2)
final case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
def -(other: Point) = Point(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y)
def +(other: Point) = Point(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y)
object Snake extends App {
var window: Ptr[Window] = _
var renderer: Ptr[Renderer] = _
var snake: List[Point] = _
var pressed = collection.mutable.Set.empty[Keycode]
var over = false
var apple = Point(0, 0)
var rand = new java.util.Random
val title = c"Snake"
val width = 800
val height = 800
val Up = Point(0, 1)
val Down = Point(0, -1)
val Left = Point(1, 0)
val Right = Point(-1, 0)
def newApple(): Point = {
var pos = Point(0, 0)
do {
pos = Point(rand.nextInt(40), rand.nextInt(40))
} while (snake.exists(_ == pos))
def drawColor(r: UByte, g: UByte, b: UByte): Unit =
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, r, g, b, 0.toUByte)
def drawClear(): Unit =
def drawPresent(): Unit =
def drawSquare(point: Point) = {
val rect = stackalloc[Rect].init(point.x * 20, point.y * 20, 20, 20)
SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, rect)
def drawSnake(): Unit = {
val head :: tail = snake
drawColor(100.toUByte, 200.toUByte, 100.toUByte)
drawColor(0.toUByte, 150.toUByte, 0.toUByte)
def drawApple(): Unit = {
drawColor(150.toUByte, 0.toUByte, 0.toUByte)
def onDraw(): Unit = {
drawColor(0.toUByte, 0.toUByte, 0.toUByte)
def gameOver(): Unit = {
over = true
println(s"Game is over, your score is: " + snake.length)
def move(newPos: Point) =
if (!over) {
if (newPos.x < 0 || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.x > 39 || newPos.y > 39) {
println("out of bounds")
} else if (snake.exists(_ == newPos)) {
println("hit itself")
} else if (apple == newPos) {
snake = newPos :: snake
apple = newApple()
} else {
snake = newPos :: snake.init
def onIdle(): Unit = {
val head :: second :: rest = snake
val direction = second - head
val userDirection =
if (pressed.contains(UP_KEY)) Up
else if (pressed.contains(DOWN_KEY)) Down
else if (pressed.contains(LEFT_KEY)) Left
else if (pressed.contains(RIGHT_KEY)) Right
else direction
move(head + userDirection)
def init(): Unit = {
window = SDL_CreateWindow(title, 0, 0, width, height, WINDOW_SHOWN)
renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, VSYNC)
snake = Point(10, 10) :: Point(9, 10) :: Point(8, 10) :: Point(7, 10) :: Nil
apple = newApple()
def delay(ms: UInt): Unit =
def loop(): Unit = {
val event = stackalloc[Event]
while (true) {
while (SDL_PollEvent(event) != 0) {
event.type_ match {
case QUIT_EVENT =>
case KEY_DOWN =>
pressed += event.cast[Ptr[KeyboardEvent]].keycode
case KEY_UP =>
pressed -= event.cast[Ptr[KeyboardEvent]].keycode
case _ =>
delay((1000 / 12).toUInt)
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