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Filip Štamcar filips123

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filips123 / _winget.zsh
Created July 9, 2024 20:22
Winget tab completion in Zsh
#compdef winget
function _winget {
local word="${words[CURRENT]}"
local commandline="${words[*]}"
local position="$(( $CURSOR ))"
local completions
completions=("${(f)$(winget complete --word "${word}" --commandline "${words}" --position $position 2>/dev/null)}")
filips123 /
Last active January 18, 2025 15:14 — forked from JJRcop/firefoxpwa-runtime-overlayfs.service
Systemd service to use PWAsForFirefox with OverlayFS for runtime

Using PWAsForFirefox with FUSE OverlayFS

This document describes how to use FUSE OverlayFS to link your global Firefox installation with the PWAsForFirefox runtime.

Systemd OS


  • Your OS uses systemd.
  • Firefox is installed (without Snap or Flatpak).
filips123 /
Created July 2, 2020 20:12
Program of AstroVič team for Astro Pi 2019/20 challenge



The objectives of the experiment are to develop a system for land categorization and classification system of satellite photos from Raspberry Pi NoIR camera. Such technologies (but on a bigger scale) would also allow analysing unknown land and easy constructions of rudimentary maps on less discovered places on Earth or analysing land of newly discovered planets, as well as navigation systems based on land images.

Our algorithm uses OpenCV’s Python library and Numpy to process images. For every photo, it uses colour-based classification functions to generate grayscale masks for clouds, oceans, and land, as well as edge detection. We decided to use OpenCV’s threshold with a value between 185 and 255 for cloud detection, ocean mask was detected with checking if red and green components of each pixel were smaller than blue one, and land mask additionally checked that all three components are similar enough.

Program takes all photos in directory, process each of them in separate proc

filips123 /
Last active February 7, 2021 08:47


Automatic mirroring of websites to ZeroNet.


You have to install Python 3, ZeroNet and HTTrack on your computer.

You also have to create new empty ZeroNet site which will be used as archive destination. It's recommended that you use one ZeroNet site for each URL you want to archive.

filips123 /
Last active September 2, 2019 13:05
ZeroFrame WebSocket API for JavaScript

ZeroFrame WebSocket API for JavaScript


This is JavaScript WebSocket client for ZeroFrame API. It supports (almost) same features as default ZeroFrame that is included in ZeroNet sites, but it is using WebSocket client so it can be used in local programs, such as Node.js and Electron.

This is part of clients that will try to add ZeroNet support to local programs outside the browser. I'm currently also creating clients for Python and PHP which will add more possibilities for ZeroNet usage. Please let me know in comments which languages would you also like to support.

The program is now also available as GitHub repository and NPM package on filips123/ZeroFrameJS. Updated documentation is also available there.

filips123 / index.html
Created May 29, 2019 15:26
Simple v86 emulator
.screen {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
line-height: 0px;
.screen-text {
white-space: pre;
position: relative;
filips123 / docker-compose.yml
Created April 22, 2019 12:14
OS.js in Play with Docker
version: '3'
image: osjs/osjs:v3
- NODE_ENV=development
command: nodemon --watch package-lock.json --watch src/server --watch src/packages src/server/index.js
- ./src:/usr/src/osjs/src
filips123 / evaluate-php.js
Last active March 18, 2019 12:17
Iodide with PHP
const PHP_MODULE = ''
const loadResource = url => new Promise((resolve) => {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
const theScript = document.createElement('script')
theScript.src = url;
theScript.onload = () => {
filips123 /
Created January 27, 2019 16:54
Generation of Slovenian BIP0039 wordlist
from random import randint
import sys
COMMON = 'common.txt'
NUM = 2048
filips123 /
Last active May 2, 2018 12:19
Slovenian Translation for Plyr