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Created March 28, 2015 12:21
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all script packs
> :scriptpacks
** Methods **
- void Listen()
** Methods **
- IReplCommandScriptSamples GetReplCommandScriptSamples()
- void LoadReplCommandScripts()
** Properties **
- IDictionary<string, string> ReplCommands
** Methods **
- Result Execute(string assemlyPath)
** Methods **
- DependencyObject LoadXaml(string xamlFile)
- void RunApplication()
- void RunApplication(TViewModel viewModel)
- void RunApplication(string xamlFile)
- void RunApplication(string xamlFile, TViewModel viewModel)
- void RunApplication(string xamlFile)
- void RunInSTA(Action action)
** Methods **
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(HttpSelfHostConfiguration config, ICollection<Type> controllerTypes)
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(HttpSelfHostConfiguration config, Assembly[] assemblies)
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(string baseAddress)
** Methods **
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(HttpSelfHostConfiguration config, ICollection<Type> controllerTypes)
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(HttpSelfHostConfiguration config, Assembly[] assemblies)
- HttpSelfHostServer CreateServer(string baseAddress)
** Methods **
- Twilio.TwilioRestClient Client(string sid, string token)
** Methods **
- IRedisClient Host()
- IRedisClient Host(string host)
- IRedisClient Host(String[] hosts)
** Methods **
- void initialize(string commandText, string entityName, string configurationFilePath)
- bool serialize(int serializationType, string filePath)
** Methods **
- SpeakR Age(int age)
- SpeakR Age(string age)
- SpeakR Culture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
- SpeakR Culture(string ietfLanguageTag)
- void Dispose()
- SpeakR Gender(int gender)
- SpeakR Gender(string gender)
- Dictionary<string, VoiceInfo> GetInstalledVoices()
- SpeakR Rate(int rate)
- void SelectVoice(string name)
- void SelectVoiceByHints(int gender, int age, int voiceAlternate, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
- SpeakR SetOutputToWaveFile(string path)
- SpeakR Speak(string prompt)
- SpeakR SpeakWrite(string prompt)
- SpeakR VoiceAlternate(int voiceAlternate)
- SpeakR Volume(int volume)
** Methods **
- void StartServer(int port)
- void StopServer()
** Methods **
- IDisposable CreateServer(string baseAddress)
- IDisposable CreateServer()
- IDisposable CreateServer(string baseAddress)
- IDisposable CreateServer()
** Methods **
- string Execute(string serverName, string query)
** Methods **
- HttpResponseMessage Delete(string url, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue, Dictionary<strin
- string Get(string url, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue, Dictionary<string, string> custo
- HttpResponseMessage GetJson(string url, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue, Dictionary<stri
- T GetJson(string url, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue, Dictionary<string, string> custom
- HttpResponseMessage PostJson(string url, T objectToPost, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue
- HttpResponseMessage PutJson(string url, T objectToPut, AuthenticationHeaderValue authenticationHeaderValue,
** Methods **
- BaseBus ConfigureBus(string queue)
** Methods **
- EmbeddableDocumentStore CreateEmbeddableDocumentStore(bool runInMemory, string store)
- IDocumentStore CreateRemoteDocumentStore(string url, string name)
- void Dispose()
- IDocumentSession OpenSession(string store, string database)
** Properties **
- IDictionary<string, IDocumentStore> Stores
** Methods **
- T Create(string path, T resource)
- Octopus.Client.Model.TaskResource Delete(string path)
- T Get(string path, object pathParameters)
- Stream GetContent(string path)
- Octopus.Client.Model.RootResource GetRootDocument()
- ResourceCollection<T> List(string path, object pathParameters)
- void Post(string path)
- void Post(string path, T resource)
- void Put(string path, T resource)
- void PutContent(string path, Stream content)
- OctopusRepository Server(string hostUrl, string apiKey)
- T Update(string path, T resource)
** Methods **
- GitHubClient Create(string productHeaderValue)
- GitHubClient CreateWithBasicAuth(string productHeaderValue, string username, string password)
- GitHubClient CreateWithOAuth(string productHeaderValue, string username, string oAuthToken)
** Methods **
- ObjectDumper Build()
- IFluentConfiguration Compact()
- string Dump(object o)
- IFluentConfiguration ExcludeNullValues()
- IFluentConfiguration ExcludeObjectReferences()
- IFluentConfiguration IncludeNullValues()
- IFluentConfiguration IncludeObjectReferences()
- IFluentConfiguration PrettyPrint()
** Methods **
- NUnit.Core.TestResult RunAllUnitTests(Assembly testAssembly)
- NUnit.Core.TestResult RunAllUnitTests(Action<string> callback, Assembly testAssembly)
** Methods **
- EmmiterTcpClient Connect(int port, string address, Action onConnect)
- TcpServer CreateServer(Action<EmmiterTcpClient> connectionCallback)
** Methods **
- NancyPack At(Uri[] uris)
- NancyPack At(String[] uriStrings)
- NancyPack At(Int32[] ports)
- NancyPack Browse()
- NancyPack Browse(string path)
- NancyPack BrowseAll()
- NancyPack BrowseAll(string path)
- NancyPack Delete(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Delete(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Delete(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Delete(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Delete(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationTo
- void Dispose()
- NancyPack Get(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Get(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Get(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Get(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Get(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken
- NancyPack Go()
- void Host()
- NancyPack Module(Action<DefaultModule> action)
- NancyPack Options(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Options(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Options(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Options(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Options(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationT
- NancyPack Patch(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Patch(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Patch(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Patch(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Patch(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationTok
- NancyPack Post(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Post(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Post(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Post(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Post(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToke
- NancyPack Put(Action<RouteBuilder> action)
- NancyPack Put(string path, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Put(string path, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken, Task<object>> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Put(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, Func<object, object> routeBuilder)
- NancyPack Put(string path, Func<NancyContext, bool> condition, bool runAsync, Func<object, CancellationToken
- NancyPack Reset()
- NancyPack ResetBoot()
- NancyPack ResetConfig()
- NancyPack ResetUris()
- NancyPack Stop()
- NancyPack Use(INancyBootstrapper bootstrapper)
- NancyPack Use(HostConfiguration configuration)
** Properties **
- INancyBootstrapper Boot
- IEnumerable<Uri> Uris
** Methods **
- Task<IEnumerable<ArchiMetrics.Common.Metrics.ICodeMetric>> Calculate(String[] snippets)
** Methods **
- void Constructors(Type t, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(object o, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(object o, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(Type type, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(Type type, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(object o, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(Type t, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Constructors(object o, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Events(object o, bool verbose)
- void Events(object o, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Events(Type t, bool verbose)
- void Events(Type t, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Events(object o, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Events(Type t, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Events(object o, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Members(Type t, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Members(object o, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Members(Type t, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Members(object o, bool verbose)
- void Members(Type t, bool verbose)
- void Members(object o, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Members(Type t, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Methods(Type t, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Methods(object o, bool verbose)
- void Methods(object o, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Methods(Type type, bool verbose)
- void Methods(Type type, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Methods(object o, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Methods(Type t, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Methods(object o, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Properties(Type t, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Properties(object o, bool verbose)
- void Properties(object o, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Properties(Type t, bool verbose)
- void Properties(Type t, string regex, bool verbose)
- void Properties(object o, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Properties(Type t, int flags, bool verbose)
- void Properties(object o, int flags, string regex, bool verbose)
** Methods **
- void Debug(string message)
- void Error(string message)
- void Info(string message)
- void SetContext(LoggerContext loggerContext)
- void Warn(string message)
** Methods **
- System.Drawing.Graphics Drawing(bool modal)
- void InSTA(Action action, bool join)
- string OpenFileDialog(string path, bool join)
- StaForm PopUp(bool modal, Action<System.Windows.Forms.Form> initForm)
- string SaveFileDialog(string path, bool join)
** Methods **
- F14N Boostrap(Uri remoteDriverUri, int browser)
- F14N Bootstrap()
- F14N Bootstrap(string browser)
- F14N Bootstrap(int browser)
- F14N Bootstrap(Uri remoteDriverUri, string browser)
- F14N Bootstrap(Uri remoteDriverUri, Dictionary<string, object> capabilities)
- F14N Bootstrap(Uri remoteDriverUri, int browser, Dictionary<string, object> additionalCapabilities)
- F14N Config(Action<FluentAutomationSettingsProxy> action)
- F14N Init()
- F14NProxy Proxy()
- F14N Run(Action action)
- F14N Run(string name, Action action)
- F14N Run(Action<FluentAutomation.Interfaces.IActionSyntaxProvider> action)
- F14N Run(string name, Action<FluentAutomation.Interfaces.IActionSyntaxProvider> action)
** Methods **
- void RunAllTests()
** Methods **
- Func<object, Task<object>> Func(string code)
** Methods **
- HttpResponseMessage Delete(string url)
- string Get(string url)
- HttpResponseMessage GetJson(string url)
- HttpResponseMessage PostJson(string url, T objectToPost)
- HttpResponseMessage PutJson(string url, T objectToPut)
** Methods **
- IOrganizationService GetOrganizationService(string discoveryService, string organization, string username, s
** Methods **
- IDbConnection Get()
- IDbConnection Get(string connectionString, bool cache)
- IDbConnection Get(string connectionString, int connectionType, bool cache)
** Methods **
- bool create(string filePath)
** Methods **
- Configuration Get()
- Configuration Get(string fileName)
** Methods **
- ClrRuntime Attach(string processName)
- ClrRuntime Attach(string processName, int attachWaitTimeMilliseconds)
- ClrRuntime Attach(int processId)
- ClrRuntime Attach(int processId, int attachWaitTimeMilliseconds)
- ClrRuntime Attach(Process process, int attachWaitTimeMilliseconds)
- void Detach()
- void DumpArray(UInt64 objectRef)
- void DumpArray(UInt64 objectRef, int startIndex, int length)
- void DumpArray(UInt64 objectRef, int startIndex, bool dumpFields)
- void DumpArray(UInt64 objectRef, int startIndex, int length, bool dumpFields)
- void DumpBlockedClrThreads()
- void DumpClrThreads()
- void DumpClrThreads(bool liveThreadsOnly, bool showCallstack)
- void DumpFinalizerQueueHeapStatsByType()
- void DumpFinalizerQueueHeapStatsByType(long minSize)
- void DumpFinalizerQueueHeapStatsByType(string typeName)
- void DumpFinalizerQueueHeapStatsByType(long minSize, string typeName)
- void DumpFinalizerQueueHeapStatsByType(long minSize, long maxSize, string typeName)
- void DumpHeapStatsByType()
- void DumpHeapStatsByType(string typeName)
- void DumpHeapStatsByType(long minSize)
- void DumpHeapStatsByType(long minSize, string typeName)
- void DumpHeapStatsByType(long minSize, long maxSize, string typeName)
- void DumpObject(UInt64 objectRef)
- void DumpObject(UInt64 objectRef, bool dumpFields)
- void DumpObjects(string typeName)
- void DumpStack(int managedThreadId)
** Properties **
- bool IsAttached
- ClrRuntime ClrRuntime
- Process AttachedProcess
- IOutputWriter OutputWriter
** Methods **
- bool Attach(int pid, string dacFile, UInt32 attachTimeout)
- bool Attach(string processName, string dacFile, UInt32 attachTimeout)
- bool Attach(Process process, string dacFile, UInt32 attachTimeout)
- void Detach()
- IPlayer Play()
- void PrintStackTrace()
- void PrintStackTrace(int threadIndex)
- void PrintStackTrace(ClrThread thread)
- void PrintTypes(string typeFilter, int limit)
** Properties **
- bool IsAttached
- Process Process
- ClrRuntime Clr
- ClrInfo ClrInfo
** Methods **
- T GetService()
** Properties **
- IDictionary<string, string> Parameters
- int Verbosity
** Methods **
- void RunAllTests(Assembly testAssembly)
** Properties **
- string HtmlReportOutputPath
** Methods **
- ZumoClient<T> GetTable(string url)
- ZumoClient<T> GetTable(string url, string key)
- ZumoClient<T> GetTable(string url, string key, string tableName)
** Methods **
- AzureMediaServicesClient CreateClient(string accountName, string accountKey)
** Methods **
- Arduino CreateBoard(string serialPortName, int baudRate, int delay)
** Methods **
- ArcGISOnlineGateway CreateArcGISOnlineGateway(string username, string password)
- ArcGISOnlineGateway CreateArcGISOnlineGateway(ITokenProvider tokenProvider)
- PortalGateway CreateGateway(string rootUrl, string username, string password)
- PortalGateway CreateGateway(string rootUrl, ITokenProvider tokenProvider)
** Properties **
- bool EncryptTokenRequests
** Methods **
- int Add(int a, int b)
** Methods **
- void RawDataSend(string message, string url)
- void TileNotificationSend(string backgroundImage, string count, string title, string backBackgroundImage, st
- void ToastNotificationSend(string title, string content, string pageUrl, string url)
** Methods **
- IDictionary<string, string> Build(object spec, int maxDepth)
** Methods **
- void AddConfiguration(string name, Action<IConfigurationBuilder> settingsConfigurator)
- void AddConfiguration(string name, IConfigurationSettings settings)
- void AddTarget(string name, string description, Action<ITargetBuilder> targetConfigurator)
- void AddTarget(string name, ITarget target)
- void Run()
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