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Last active April 6, 2024 03:20
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  • Save filmaj/e4965efbc1aae013d611b00231325301 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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readable dynamodb query stream using aws-lite
const { Readable } = require('node:stream');
const DocumentSource = require('./documentsource');
module.exports = class DocumentClientQueryReadable extends Readable {
constructor (client, params) {
super({ objectMode: true });
this.source = new DocumentSource(client, params);
this.source.on('data', this.onData.bind(this));
this.source.on('end', this.onEnd.bind(this));
_read () {
onData (chunk) {
onEnd () {
this.source.removeListener('data', this.onData);
this.source.removeListener('end', this.onEnd);
const { EventEmitter } = require('node:events');
module.exports = class DocumentSource extends EventEmitter {
constructor (client, params) {
this.client = client;
this.params = params;
readStart () { => {
if (res.LastEvaluatedKey) {
this.params = {
ExclusiveStartKey: res.LastEvaluatedKey
this.emit('data', res);
} else {
this.emit('data', res);
read () {
return this.client.DynamoDB.Query(this.params);
const awsLite = require('@aws-lite/client');
const DocumentClientQueryReadable = require('./documentclientqueryreadable');
const JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
awsLite({ plugins: [import('@aws-lite/dynamodb')]}).then((aws) => {
new DocumentClientQueryReadable(aws, {
TableName: 'whatevers',
IndexName: 'PartitionedByYear',
KeyConditionExpression: 'yearUpdated = :yearUpdated AND startdate BETWEEN :start AND :end',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':yearUpdated': `2024`,
':start': `2024-03-01`,
':end': `2024-03-31`
ScanIndexForward: false // sort descending to get most recent records
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