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Last active September 12, 2016 07:13
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  • Save filmo/6b8639470d7d4973d803eeac0c20679c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: failed
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-11-23-26-15.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-11-23-33-51.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: failed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: failed
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-11-23-47-44.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-11-23-49-24.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: failed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: failed
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-11-23-50-28.json.)
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-12-00-00-37.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: failed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: failed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: failed
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-12-00-01-30.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver
Tests that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-12-00-02-42.json.)
philglau (master *) pr1 $ python gfserver that the server compiles: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a gfs_abort call.: passed
Tests that the client properly sends an ERROR response.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends a FILE_NOT_FOUND response.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly handles a malformed request.: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and medium messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a long messag: passed
Tests that the server properly sends an OK response and a short messa: passed
(Details available in gflib/gfserver-result-2016-09-12-00-10-18.json.)
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