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Last active March 14, 2018 00:50
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binned throttle for donkeycar
import numpy as np
def clamp(n, min, max):
if n < min:
return min
if n > max:
return max
return n
def linear_bin(a, N=15, offset=1, R=2.0):
create a bin of length N
map val A to range R
offset one hot bin by offset, commonly R/2
a = a + offset
b = round(a / (R/(N-offset)))
arr = np.zeros(N)
b = clamp(b, 0, N - 1)
arr[int(b)] = 1
return arr
def linear_unbin(arr, N=15, offset=-1, R=2.0):
preform inverse linear_bin, taking
one hot encoded arr, and get max value
rescale given R range and offset
b = np.argmax(arr)
a = b *(R/(N + offset)) + offset
return a
throttle_commands = np.arange(0,1,0.05)
Using R = 0.5 will create the following buckets and push all
values greater that 0.50 into the last bucket
for tc in throttle_commands:
print ("throttle:",tc,"\t", linear_bin(tc,N=20,offset=0,R=.5))
Adjusting offset to 1.0 seems to work better.
print ('\nR adjusted to better span 0.0 to 1.0')
for tc in throttle_commands:
print ("throttle:",tc,"\t", linear_bin(tc,N=20,offset=0,R=1.0))
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