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Last active December 18, 2017 22:05
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DOT graph of FAIR Data players... (very incomplete.....)
graph {
rankdir = LR;
overlap = false; // scale || false
splines = true; // true || false
// Entries
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=lightblue]; "Uncatagorized";
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=lightblue];
ANDS [label="ANDS", href=""];
GoFair [label="Go-FAIR", href=""];
FairMetrics [label="FAIR Metrics", href=""];
FORCE11 [label="FORCE 11", href=""];
ResearchObjective [label="ResearchObjective", href=""];
WF4ever [label="WF4ever", href=""];
FAIRDom [label="FAIRDom", href=""];
See4 [label="See 4 Science", href=""];
RightField [label="RightField", href=" "];
CommonOWL [label="CommonOWL", href=""];
BioExcel [label="BioExcel", href=""];
BioSchema [label="BioSchema", href=""];
P418 [label="EarthCube P418", href=""];
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=darkseagreen3]; "Community"
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=darkseagreen3];
ESIP [label="ESIP", href=""];
RDA [label="RDA", href=""];
MozillaScience [label="Mozilla Science", href=" HOLDER"];
AGUESSI [label="AGU ESSI", href=""];
OKFN [label="OKFN", href=""];
COPDESS [label="COPDESS", href=""];
FAIRData [label="Enabling FAIR Data", href=""];
DataOne [label="DataOne", href=""];
EarthCube [label="EarthCube", href=""];
OpenAIRE [label="OpenAIRE", href=""];
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=burlywood1]; "Services"
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=burlywood1];
schemaorg [label="", href=""];
JATS [label="JATS", href=""];
Hypothesis [label="Hypothesis", href=""];
Crossref [label="Crossref", href=""];
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=goldenrod]; "IdentityServices"
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=goldenrod];
DataCite [label="Data Cite", href=""];
ORCID [label="ORCID", href=""];
IGSN [label="IGSN", href=""];
RE3 [lable="RE3 Data", href=""];
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=darkslategray2]; "Organizations"
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=darkslategray2];
i4oc [label="i4oc", href=""];
Scholix [label="Scholix", href=""];
FairShare [label="FairShare", href="HOLDER"];
DataTogether [label="DataTogether", href=""];
CHORUS [label="CHORUS", href=""];
MakeDataCount [label="Make Data Count", href=""];
DataConservancy [label="Data Conservancy", href=""];
LinkedSearch [label="Linked Search", href="HOLDER"];
CodeMeta [label="CodeMeta", href=""];
node [shape=circle,style=filled,color=darksalmon]; "DataSearch"
node [shape=oval,style=filled,color=darksalmon];
ElsevierDS [label="Elsevier Data Search", href=""];
OSFShare [label="OSF Share", href=""];
DLIS [label="Scolix DLIS", href=""];
ResearchGraph [label="Research Graph", href=""];
// connection functions to groups
// Uncatagorized:
"Uncatagorized" -- {"P418","ANDS", "GoFair";"FairMetrics";"FORCE11";"ResearchObjective";"WF4ever";"FAIRDom";"See4";"RightField";"BioSchema";"CommonOWL";"BioExcel";}
// Community: Groups that are mostly community oriented
"Community" -- {"ESIP", "RDA", "MozillaScience", "AGUESSI", "OKFN", "COPDESS", "FAIRData", "DataOne", "EarthCube", "OpenAIRE"};
// Services: Groups that provide services to others..
"Services" -- {"schemaorg", "JATS", "Hypothesis", "DataCite", "Crossref"};
// IdentityServices: Provide PIDs
"IdentityServices" -- {"ORCID", "DataCite", "IGSN"};
// Organizations: Generic catagory for groups working on projects or to create a deliverable product
"Organizations" -- {"Scholix", "i4oc","FairShare", "DataTogether", "CHORUS", "MakeDataCount", "DataConservancy", "LinkedSearch", "CodeMeta"};
// DataSearch: provide some search capacity
"DataSearch" -- {"ElsevierDS", "OSFShare", "DataOne", "DLIS", "ResearchGraph"};
// subgraph of functional groups (for no real reason)
subgraph cluster_0 {
"Uncatagorized"; "DataSearch"; "Organizations"; "Community"; "IdentityServices"; "Services";
// connect groups to each other
"DataCite" -- {"RE3"};
"EarthCube" -- {"P418"}
"DataCite" -- "Scholix" -- "DLIS"
"Crossref" -- "Scholix" -- "DLIS"
"OpenAIRE" -- "Scholix" -- "DLIS"
"ANDS" -- "ResearchGraph"
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fils commented Dec 18, 2017

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fils commented Dec 18, 2017

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