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Created January 31, 2019 00:46
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Some basic array information
<script type="text/javascript">
// better way to create an array
// its easier and less prone to mistakes
var betterArray = ['summer','fall'];
// not a good way to create an array
// it can be confusing and lead to unexpected
// results
var worseArray = new Array(43);
// function to determine the month number from the month abbrv
function whatNumberIsThisMonth(month){
var months = ['garbage','Jan','Feb'
// show me the months
// indexOf will return -1 if it can't find the month
// remember, javascript is case sensitive so it won't find
// jan but will find Jan
return months.indexOf(month);
var myFamily=[];
function addAKidToMyFamily(newKid){
//dont use console in production; it is just
// a tool to help you while developing
// to help you figure out what your code is doing
function gotDivorced(person){
//find the person in the family
var index = myFamily.indexOf(person);
// if the person exists in the family remove them.
if(index !== -1){
// remember, -1 means the item wasn't in the array
// we need to know how long the myFamily array is:
var lastIndex = myFamily.length -1;
if(index === 0){
myFamily = myFamily.slice(1);
// removing last person, so we grab from the first
//to the next to last
else if(index === lastIndex){
myFamily = myFamily.slice(0, lastIndex-1);
else {
// removing someone from the middle of the array
// slice will go from the first argument index
// and then count out to the second argument number
// of indexes to get data.
var firstPart = myFamily.slice(0,index);
// slice with only one argument will start at the first
// index and then grab all the way to the end of the array
var lastPart = myFamily.slice(index+1);
// concat is an array method to concatenate two arrays into
// one resulting array.
myFamily = firstPart.concat(lastPart);
this is a test page for playing with arrays
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