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Shadow-CLJS and Fireplace.vim Integration
  1. Create an app following the official Shadow-CLJS Quick Start instructions.
  2. Modify shadow-cljs.edn
;; shadow-cljs configuration

 ;; ADD - CIDER middleware for nREPL (required by fireplace.vim)
 [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.22.4"]]

 ;; ADD - a port for nREPL to which fireplace.vim connects
 {:port 3333}

 ;; ADD - a port for the developmemt-time HTTP server that serves the app
 {8080 "public"}

 {:frontend  ; NOTE - This is the build ID referenced at various places below.
  {:target :browser
   :modules {:main {:init-fn}}}}}
  1. Start the app (note the build ID,frontend)
npx shadow-cljs watch frontend
  1. Open the app in a browser at http://localhost:8080/. Without this step, you would get the following error:
No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.
  1. Open a ClojureScript source file in Vim/Neovim
~/code/clojurescript/acme-app $ vi src/main/acme/frontend/app.cljs
  1. Connect fireplace.vim to nREPL (which is Clojure REPL) at port 3333
:Connect 3333
Connected to nrepl://localhost:3333/                                                              
Scope connection to: ~/code/clojurescript/acme-app (ENTER)
  1. Add ClojureScript support to the Clojure nREPL session (note the build ID, frontend)
:CljEval (shadow/repl :frontend)
To quit, type: :cljs/quit                                                                      
[:selected :frontend]
Press ENTER or type command to continue
  1. You should be able to use regular fireplace.vim commands to do REPL-driven development now.
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mrsipan commented Dec 6, 2021

Thanks! works very well.

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