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Created May 19, 2012 22:37
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Fully native C++ WinRT (Metro-style) app
// Fully native C++ WinRT application example
// Programmed by fincs
#include <windows.h>
#include <roapi.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wrl.h>
#include <Windows.UI.Xaml.h>
#include <Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.h>
#include <Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.h>
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace ABI::Windows::UI::Xaml::Markup;
using namespace ABI::Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation;
// Error handling
// Even though this is officially unsupported and the corresponding declaration in
// the header files is left out for WinRT apps, it is actually possible to use these
// "forbidden" functions via manually including the declaration like as follows:
extern "C" int WINAPI MessageBoxW(HWND parent, LPCWSTR aText, LPCWSTR aTitle, int opt);
// Error checking helper
void CheckHRESULT(HRESULT hr, LPCWSTR message)
if (FAILED(hr))
WCHAR aBuf[1024];
swprintf_s(aBuf, L"Error 0x%08X during: %s", hr, message);
MessageBoxW(NULL, aBuf, L"BareMetalMetroApp", MB_ICONERROR);
// Application class
class MyApp: public RuntimeClass<IApplicationOverrides>
InspectableClass(L"BareMetalMetroApp.MyApp", BaseTrust);
ComPtr<IApplicationOverrides> pBaseImpl;
void SetBase(IApplicationOverrides* _pBaseImpl)
pBaseImpl = _pBaseImpl;
STDMETHOD(OnActivated)(IActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnLaunched)(ILaunchActivatedEventArgs* args);
STDMETHOD(OnFileActivated)(IFileActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnFileActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnSearchActivated)(ISearchActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnSearchActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnShareTargetActivated)(IShareTargetActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnShareTargetActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnFileOpenPickerActivated)(IFileOpenPickerActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnFileOpenPickerActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnFileSavePickerActivated)(IFileSavePickerActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnFileSavePickerActivated(args); }
STDMETHOD(OnCachedFileUpdaterActivated)(ICachedFileUpdaterActivatedEventArgs* args) { return pBaseImpl->OnCachedFileUpdaterActivated(args); }
// OnLaunched event
#define MARKUP_TO_LOAD \
L"<Grid xmlns=\"\">" \
L" <TextBlock Text=\"Hello, fully native world!\" VerticalAlignment=\"Center\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Center\" FontSize=\"48\" />" \
// TODO: find out how to listen to events coming from e.g. buttons
// L" <Button Content=\"Click me\" VerticalAlignment=\"Center\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Center\" />"
// This is what this function looks like under C++/CX:
void MyApp::OnLaunched(ILaunchActivatedEventArgs^ args)
Window::Current->Content = XamlReader::Load(MARKUP_TO_LOAD);
STDMETHODIMP MyApp::OnLaunched(ILaunchActivatedEventArgs* args)
// Prepare HSTRING versions of class names
HStringReference WindowClsName(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Xaml_Window);
HStringReference XamlReaderClsName(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Xaml_Markup_XamlReader);
HStringReference MarkupData(MARKUP_TO_LOAD);
// pCurWin = Window::Current
ComPtr<IWindow> pCurWin;
ComPtr<IWindowStatics> pWinStatics;
CheckHRESULT(GetActivationFactory(WindowClsName.Get(), &pWinStatics), L"IWinStatics");
CheckHRESULT(pWinStatics->get_Current(&pCurWin), L"get_Current");
ComPtr<IUIElement> pContent;
ComPtr<IXamlReaderStatics> pXamlReaderStatics;
ComPtr<IInspectable> pObj;
// pContent = XamlReader::Load(MarkupData)
CheckHRESULT(GetActivationFactory(XamlReaderClsName.Get(), &pXamlReaderStatics), L"IXamlReaderStatics");
CheckHRESULT(pXamlReaderStatics->Load(MarkupData.Get(), &pObj), L"Markup loading failure");
CheckHRESULT(pObj.As(&pContent), L"IUIElement");
// pCurWin->Content = pContent
return S_OK;
// Application initialization function
// This is what this function looks like under C++/CX:
static void InitApplication(IApplicationInitializationCallbackParams^ args)
auto app = ref new MyApp();
static STDMETHODIMP InitApplication(IApplicationInitializationCallbackParams* args)
// Prepare HSTRING versions of class names
HStringReference ApplicationClsName(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Xaml_Application);
ComPtr<IApplicationFactory> pAppFactory;
CheckHRESULT(GetActivationFactory(ApplicationClsName.Get(), &pAppFactory), L"IApplicationFactory");
ComPtr<MyApp> pMyApp = Make<MyApp>();
ComPtr<IApplication> pApp;
// This is done like this because pInner is set to a reference to the same object as the
// return value (albeit with a different VTable (offset)), and the Microsoft guys *FORGOT*
// to AddRef(). Therefore we need to throw out the pInner pointer.
IInspectable* pInner;
CheckHRESULT(pAppFactory->CreateInstance(pMyApp.Get(), &pInner, &pApp), L"CreateInstance");
// Set the inherited Application object
ComPtr<IApplicationOverrides> pBaseImpl;
CheckHRESULT(pApp.As(&pBaseImpl), L"IApplicationOverrides");
return S_OK;
// Application entrypoint
// This is what this function looks like under C++/CX:
int main()
Application::Start(ref new ApplicationInitializationCallback(InitApplication));
return 0;
int APIENTRY wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
// Initialize WinRT
RoInitializeWrapper init(RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED);
CheckHRESULT(init, L"RoInitialize");
ComPtr<IApplicationStatics> pAppStatics;
HStringReference ApplicationClsName(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Xaml_Application);
CheckHRESULT(GetActivationFactory(ApplicationClsName.Get(), &pAppStatics), L"IApplicationStatics");
// Application::Start(AppMain)
ComPtr<IApplicationInitializationCallback> pCallback = Callback<IApplicationInitializationCallback>(InitApplication);
return 0;
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FreeVili commented Mar 3, 2013

I'm new under the metro. I had try your source. It compiled and ran simple, but didn't do anything (I mean nothing show up). Did I do something wrong?

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wpbest commented Mar 23, 2015

Sorry but this is not a complete Windows store Application. Thanks anyway.

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2bitsin commented Mar 9, 2016

This crashes on startup :/
windows\dxaml\xcp\dxaml\lib\frameworkapplication_partial.cpp(143)\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll!00007FFF204C5EA0: (caller: 00007FF7D8D3D169) FailFast(1) tid(3694) 8000FFFF Catastrophic failure

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To run the application, you need an application package manifest. The XAML UI APIs require an application to have a package identity. For more information see Creating a minimal UWP app using the WRL and Run, debug, and test an MSIX package. Another option would be to create a Win32 app and use XAML islands (this option requires an application manifest): Host a standard UWP control in a C++ Win32 app

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