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Created December 1, 2023 11:12
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Flask app for Gladia API
# This is a simple web app to process transcriptions using the Gladia API.
# To start:
# - Make sure you've installed all the dependencies and have templates set up in /templates
# - Get an API key and put it in a .env in the same directory
# - Run `ngrok http 5000` to start a local server (to catch the response from Gladia)
# - Run `flask --app flask-app run` or `flask --app flask-app --debug run` to start the Flask app
# - Visit the `localhost` page (for me it's ``)
# - Upload a file through the page, and keep the app running at least until Gladia returns a transcript.
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
import requests
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydub import AudioSegment
from alive_progress import alive_bar
print(f"Running in directory: {os.getcwd()}")
gladia_api_key = os.getenv("GLADIA_API_KEY")
headers = {
# Accept json as a response, but we are sending a Multipart FormData
'accept': 'application/json',
'x-gladia-key': gladia_api_key
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def split_audio(audio_file):
# Define the parameters
segment_length = 1 * 3600000 # Time in hours times milliseconds in an hour
# Load the audio file
with alive_bar(1, spinner="waves", bar=None, title="Loading audio file.", monitor = None, stats = None, elapsed = "{elapsed} seconds elapsed.") as bar:
# Load audio file
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file)
# Split the audio file into fixed-length chunks
chunks = []
with alive_bar(1, spinner="waves", bar=None, title="Splitting audio file.", monitor = None, stats = None, elapsed = "{elapsed} seconds elapsed.") as bar:
for i in range(0, len(audio), segment_length):
chunk = audio[i:i+segment_length]
print (f"Number of chunks: {len(chunks)}")
return chunks
@app.route('/transcribe', methods=['POST'])
def transcribe():
#audio_url = request.form.get('audio_url')
#print(f"Audio URL from form: {audio_url}")
audio_file = request.files.get('audio_file')
api_endpoint = ""
prompt = request.form.get('prompt')
ngrok = request.form.get('ngrok')
if not prompt:
prompt = "Hear This Idea"
if audio_file and allowed_file(audio_file.filename):
# Split the audio file into chunks
chunks = split_audio(audio_file)
for index, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
file_name = f"chunk_{index}.mp3"
with alive_bar(1, spinner="waves", bar=None, title=f"Re-exporting audio file {index + 1} of {len(chunks)}.", monitor = None, stats = None, elapsed = "{elapsed} seconds elapsed.") as bar:
with alive_bar(1, spinner="waves", bar=None, title=f"Uploading audio file {index + 1} of {len(chunks)}.", monitor = None, stats = None, elapsed = "{elapsed} seconds elapsed.") as bar:
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
files = {
# Send the local audio file. Here it represents: (filename: string, file: BufferReader, fileMimeType: string)
#'audio_url': audio_url,
'audio': (file_name, f, 'audio/mp3'),
'toggle_diarization': (None, True),
'language_behaviour': "manual",
'toggle_direct_translate': "false",
'language': "english",
'transcription_hint': prompt,
'webhook_url' : f"{ngrok}/webhook" # I'm using ngrok while I'm developing, but this will just be the webhook endpoint in prod.
# Send a POST request to the transcription API
response =, headers=headers, files=files)
# Clean up: remove the chunk file after sending it
if index > 2:
# Return a response to the user
if response.status_code == 200:
return render_template('response.html', message="Transcription in progress. Please check your webhook endpoint for results.")
return render_template('response.html', message=f"Error sending transcription request. Received response: {response.text}")
return render_template('response.html', message="Looks like you didn't upload a valid file.")
def allowed_file(filename):
allowed_extensions = {'mp3', 'wav'} # adjust as needed
return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in allowed_extensions
def parse_response(json_response):
# Parse the JSON string
if isinstance(json_response, str):
print("🔧 Response is a string and needed to be parsed as a json first.")
data = json.loads(json_response)
data = json_response
markdown_output = []
# Variables to keep track of ongoing speaker and their text
current_speaker = None
speaker_text = []
# Extract the transcriptions from the predictions
segments = data['prediction']
#timestamp = str(segments[0].get('time_begin'))
#markdown_output.append(f"Beginning at {timestamp}.\n")
for segment in segments:
speaker_id = str(segment.get('speaker'))
# If we have a change in speaker or it's the last segment
if current_speaker is not None and (current_speaker != speaker_id or segment == segments[-1]):
markdown_output.append(f"\n\n**[SPEAKER {speaker_id}]**\n")
markdown_output.append(" ".join(speaker_text))
# Reset for the next speaker
speaker_text = []
current_speaker = speaker_id
# Handling the text for the last segment
if speaker_text:
markdown_output.append(" ".join(speaker_text))
# Return the markdown transcript
return "\n".join(markdown_output)
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['OPTIONS','POST'])
def webhook_endpoint():
print("Webhook hit with method:", request.method) # This should print for every hit to the endpoint
if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
# Pre-flight request. Reply successfully:
response = app.make_default_options_response()
# Add custom headers here, if needed for CORS
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST'
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type, x-gladia-key'
return response
# Process the webhook data here, e.g., saving the transcription to a file.
elif request.method == 'POST':
response_to_md = parse_response(request.json['payload'])
transcript_id = request.json['request_id']
print(f"Transcription received: {transcript_id}") # Print the transcription data (you can process/store it as needed)
with open(f"transcriptions/transcript-{transcript_id}.md", "w") as f:
return "Thanks", 200
app.logger.warning("Received non-handled method: %s", request.method)
return "Method not allowed", 405
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Note that you can inspect ngrok requests at
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