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Created June 29, 2017 10:29
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Pick random Netrunner cards from a given set of pack codes.
import json, urllib2, random
def getPacks():
# Make an array mapping pack_code to full name.
packCodeToName = {}
packsJSON = urllib2.urlopen("")
packs = json.loads("utf-8"))["data"]
for pack in packs:
packCodeToName[pack["code"]] = pack["name"]
return packCodeToName
def getFactions():
# Make an array mapping faction_code to faction.
factionCodeToName = {}
factionsJSON = urllib2.urlopen("")
factions = json.loads("utf-8"))["data"]
for f in factions:
factionCodeToName[f["code"]] = f["name"]
return factionCodeToName
def getTypes():
# Make an array mapping type_code to type.
typeCodeToName = {}
typesJSON = urllib2.urlopen("")
types = json.loads("utf-8"))["data"]
for t in types:
typeCodeToName[t["code"]] = t["name"]
return typeCodeToName
def getCards(packCodeToName, factionCodeToName, typeCodeToName, packs=None):
# Returns an array of all card names in given packs.
cardsJSON = urllib2.urlopen("")
cards = json.loads("utf-8"))["data"]
if packs != None:
cards = [card for card in cards if card["pack_code"] in packs]
return [card["title"] + " from " + packCodeToName[card["pack_code"]] + " which is a " + factionCodeToName[card["faction_code"]] + " " + typeCodeToName[card["type_code"]] + "." for card in cards]
def askToContinue():
print ""
redo = True
newCards = True
while redo:
redo = False
continueInput = raw_input("Pick more cards? (y/n) ").capitalize()
if continueInput == "N":
newCards = False
elif continueInput != "Y":
redo = True
print "Type y or n, please."
print ""
return newCards
def pickCards(packs, numberOfCards):
pctn = getPacks()
fctn = getFactions()
tctn = getTypes()
cards = getCards(pctn, fctn, tctn, packs)
newCards = True
while newCards:
chosen = []
while len(chosen) < numberOfCards:
rand = int(random.random() * len(cards))
if not rand in chosen:
for card in chosen:
print cards[card]
newCards = askToContinue()
if __name__ == '__main__':
pickCards(["core", "td"], 5) # pickCards(None, x) picks from the entire cardpool (aka hard mode)
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