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Last active December 22, 2015 01:09
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Python command line script for
import json
import urllib
import sys
import datetime
import time
def color_text(text, color = "green"):
colors = {
"green": '\033[92m',
"blue": '\033[94m',
"yellow": '\033[93m',
"red": '\033[91m'
return colors[color] + text + '\033[0m'
def progress_bar(ratio):
maxi = 20
left = int(maxi * ratio)
right = maxi - left
percentage = str(int(ratio * 100)) + "%"
return "[" + left*"#" + right*" " + "]" + percentage
def show_progress(lang = False, focus = False):
if lang:
raw_level = float ( profile['languages'][lang]['level'])
elif focus:
raw_level = float( profile['focus_level'] )
raw_level = float( profile['level'] )
kind = lang if lang else "Focus" if focus else "General"
level = int( raw_level )
level_progress = raw_level - level
print "Level " + color_text(str(level)) + "\tProgress " + color_text(progress_bar(level_progress)) + " - " + kind
def get_argument(endpoint, default = False):
if (endpoint in sys.argv):
parameter = sys.argv.index(endpoint)
if(len(sys.argv) > (parameter + 1)):
return sys.argv[parameter + 1]
return default
def restart_line():
username = get_argument("-user", "finn")
while True:
# Load the json file
jsonr = urllib.urlopen("{0}.json".format(username));
profile = json.loads(;
if "error" in profile:
for key, value in profile["error"].iteritems():
print color_text("Error " + key + ": ","red") + value + "\a"
if "-level" in sys.argv:
if "-focus" in sys.argv:
show_progress(False, True)
if "-streak" in sys.argv:
print "You are streaking right now" if profile['streaking_now'] else "Not on streak, yet. Continue coding! ",
print "Your max streak was " + str(profile['max_streak'])
if "-time" in sys.argv:
print "You are programming already " + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=profile['time_spent']))
langs = get_argument("-lang", "empty").split(',')
if langs[0] == "all":
for lang in profile['languages']:
elif langs[0] == "now":
elif langs[0] != "empty":
for lang in langs:
if("-refresh" in sys.argv):
time.sleep(int(get_argument("-refresh", 60)))
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