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Last active March 27, 2019 11:25
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  • Save fintanmm/e44b5258a12b553fbfbd08d69435cd95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fintanmm/e44b5258a12b553fbfbd08d69435cd95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finding info about files and directories
export project=$1
export pathOfProject=$2
mkdir -p "./$project"
# find data/B8493 -type f -printf '%h\n' | sort -u
echo "Empty Dirs"
find "$pathOfProject" -t empty -t d --exec echo {} >> $project/emptydirs.txt \;
echo "Dirs with Files"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -printf '%h\n' -exec echo {} >> $project/dirsWithFiles.txt \;
echo "Count"
cat emptydirs.txt | wc -l
cat dirsWithFiles.txt | wc -l
echo "Illegal Chars"
find "$pathOfProject" -name "*[<>:\\|?*]*" -exec detox -n -v "{}" >> $project/illegal.chars.txt \;
echo "Files older than 7 years"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -mtime +2555 -exec echo '{}' >> $project/filesOlderThan7yrs.txt \;
echo "Jpeg optimize"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -iname "*.jpg" -exec jpegoptim -n -m70 -b {} >> $project/jpeg.progress.csv \;
echo "Png optimize"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -iname "*.png" -exec optipng -o7 -preserve -simulate {} >> $project/progress.png.log \;
echo "Raw image files"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -iname "*.CR2|*.cr3|*.dcs|*.dcr|*.drf|*.k25|*.kdc" -exec echo {} >> $project/rawImages.txt \;
echo "Files longer that 250 chars"
find "$pathOfProject" -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.{250,}' -exec echo {} >> $project/filesLongerThan250.txt \;
# File count for top level directories.
echo "Media files"
find "$pathOfProject" -type f -exec file -N -i -- {} + | sed -n 's!: video/[^:]*$!!p' | tee $project/mediaFiles.txt
while read -r line; do stat -c "%s, '%n'" "$line" >> $project/mediaFileSize.csv ; done < $project/mediaFiles.txt
# Files greater than 200 megs
echo "all Directories called 'New Folder'"
find "$pathOfProject" -type d -iname "New*Folder" >> $project/foldersWithNewFolder.txt
echo "File Count"
echo "count,\"Directory\"" > $project/filesInFolderCount.txt;
find "$pathOfProject" -maxdepth 20 -type d -print0 | while read -d '' -r dir; do
num=$(find "$dir" -ls | wc -l);
printf "%5d,'%s\n'" "$num" "$dir" >> $project/filesInFolderCount.txt;
wget -O
python $pathOfProject >> $project/visualizeDiskSpaceUsage.txt
# if em
# """
# We found that there were ${countEmpty}
# """
# pdf $project.pdf
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