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Last active July 19, 2024 17:31
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An example of column transformers and pipelines in sklearn
# configs/data/bank-marketing.yaml
data_url: /home/firasj/project/data/raw/data.csv
num_cols: ['age', 'balance', 'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous']
bin_cols: ['default', 'housing', 'loan']
dt_cols: {"day":['day_of_week'], "month": ['month']}
target_cols: ['y']
cat_cols: ['job', 'marital', 'education', 'contact', 'poutcome']
categories_cat_file_path: data/raw/categories_cat.npy
categories_bin_file_path: data/raw/categories_bin.npy
labels: ["yes", "no"]
dataset_name: "bank_marketing_dataset"
array([['no', 'yes'],
['yes', 'no'],
['no', 'yes']], dtype=object)
array([array(['management', 'technician', 'entrepreneur', 'blue-collar',
'retired', 'admin.', 'services', 'self-employed', 'unemployed',
'housemaid', 'student'], dtype=object) ,
array(['married', 'single', 'divorced'], dtype=object),
array(['tertiary', 'secondary', 'primary'], dtype=object),
array(['cellular', 'telephone'], dtype=object),
array(['failure', 'other', 'success'], dtype=object)], dtype=object)
# src/
from utils import init_hydra
import os
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder, FunctionTransformer, StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
import numpy as np
import calendar
import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import dvc.api
from zenml import save_artifact
from zenml.integrations.sklearn.materializers.sklearn_materializer import SklearnMaterializer
from model import load_artifact
BASE_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$PROJECTPATH")
# initialize Hydra using Compose API
# cfg = init_hydra()
def extract_data(base_path = BASE_PATH, cfg = None):
Extracts data from dvc remote data store
:param str base_path: The project path.
if cfg is None:
# initialize Hydra using Compose API
cfg = init_hydra()
version = cfg.data_version
data_path =
data_store =
# Get relative url to retrieve the data sample
url = dvc.api.get_url(
rev = version,
path = data_path,
remote= data_store,
# Get absolute path to the file
url = base_path + url
df = pd.read_csv(url)
return df, version
def convert_month_abr(month):
A converter to transform the month abbreviations into numbers, e.g. `jan` to 0.
:param str month: The month abbreviation
if month is None:
return month
months = {m.lower(): index-1 for index, m in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr) if m}
return m : months[m.lower()])
def convert_data(X, cfg = None):
Converts and fixes specific data features
:param pd.DataFrame X: the input dataframe
if cfg is None:
# initialize Hydra using Compose API
cfg = init_hydra()
# Get all cols of type month
month_cols = list(['month'])
# convert it
X[month_cols] = X[month_cols].apply(convert_month_abr)
return X
def transform_data(df, version = None, return_df = False, cfg = None, only_transform = False, transformer_version=None, only_X = False):
Transform the raw data into features
:param pd.DataFrame df: the input raw dataframe
:param str version: the version of the data sample
:param bool return_df: True if the returned value is a concatenated dataframe, False if the returned value is input dataframe X and target column y.
if cfg is None :
# initialize Hydra using Compose API
cfg = init_hydra()
if version is None:
version = "v1"
# Define labels and features
target_col = list([0]
print("df columns is ", df.columns)
X_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col not in target_col]
X = df[X_cols]
if not only_X:
y = df[target_col]
if only_transform:
if transformer_version is None:
transformer_version = version
X_model = load_artifact(name = "X_transform_pipeline", version = transformer_version)
if not only_X:
y_model = load_artifact(name = "y_transform_pipeline", version = transformer_version)
# Convert and fix some specific data features
X = convert_data(X, cfg = cfg)
X_preprocessed = X_model.transform(X)
if not only_X:
y_encoded = y_model.transform(y)
# Define the category of features
categorical_features = list(
binary_features = list(
numerical_features = list(
dt_features = list(sum(, []))
# Convert and fix some specific data features
X = convert_data(X, cfg = cfg)
# print(X.head())
categories_cat = list(np.load(, allow_pickle=True))
# categories_cat = [l.tolist() for l in categories_cat]
categories_bin = list(np.load(, allow_pickle=True))
# categories_bin = [l.tolist() for l in categories_bin]
# Define the preprocessing transformers
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent', keep_empty_features=True)),
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore', categories=categories_cat))
binary_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent', keep_empty_features=True)),
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore', categories=categories_bin))
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('scaler', StandardScaler())
# Define the cyclical feature transformers
def sin_transformer(period):
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.sin(x.astype(float) / period * 2 * np.pi))
def cos_transformer(period):
return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.cos(x.astype(float) / period * 2 * np.pi))
# Define the cyclical feature transformers
# def sin_transformer_month(period):
# return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.sin( xx: [index-1 for index, m in enumarte(calendar.month_abbr) if m and m==xx.lower()]).astype(float) / period * 2 * np.pi))
# def cos_transformer_month(period):
# return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: np.cos( xx: [index-1 for index, m in enumarte(calendar.month_abbr) if m and m==xx.lower()]).astype(float) / period * 2 * np.pi))
# def convert_month():
# m.lower(): index-1 for index, m in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr) if m
# return FunctionTransformer(lambda x: )
# month_transformer =
dt_transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
('day_sin', sin_transformer(31), list(['day'])),
('day_cos', cos_transformer(31), list(['day'])),
# ('month_fix', convert_month(), list(['month'])),
('month_sin', sin_transformer(12), list(['month'])),
('month_cos', cos_transformer(12), list(['month']))
# Combine the preprocessing transformers
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_features),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features),
('bin', binary_transformer, binary_features),
('dt', dt_transformer, dt_features)
remainder="drop", # Drop all other features which did not pass through any feature transformer
n_jobs = 4 # parallelism
# print(numerical_features, categorical_features, binary_features, dt_features, labels)
pipe = make_pipeline(preprocessor)
# This will draw a diagram if you run it in a Jupyter notebook.
from sklearn import set_config
# Fit input data X
X_model =
# Transform input data X
X_preprocessed = X_model.transform(X)
# Define the label encoder for the target variable
le = LabelEncoder() # This encoder cannot be used in a column transformer
y_model =
y_encoded = y_model.transform(y.values.ravel())
save_artifact(data = X_model, name = "X_transform_pipeline", tags=[version], materializer=SklearnMaterializer)
save_artifact(data = y_model, name = "y_transform_pipeline", tags=[version], materializer=SklearnMaterializer)
# X_preprocessed
X = pd.DataFrame(X_preprocessed)
if not only_X:
y = pd.DataFrame(y_encoded,columns = # type: ignore
# Do not forget to make columns of string type
X.columns = X.columns.astype(str)
if not only_X:
y.columns = y.columns.astype(str)
if only_X:
return X
print("features shape is : ", X.shape)
if return_df:
df = pd.concat([X, y], axis = 1)
return df
return X, y
if __name__=="__main__":
df, version = extract_data()
df = transform_data(df, version, return_df = True)
print(df.head()) # type: ignore
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