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Forked from Zren/quassel-build.bat
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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@rem @echo off
@rem ---------
@rem Variables
@rem ---------
@rem Input/Ouput Root Directories
set "source_dir=C:\Users\Admin\Code\Git\quassel"
set "build_dir=C:\Users\Admin\Code\Git\quassel\build"
@rem Paths
set "vs_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0"
set "postgres_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\8.4"
set "qt_dir=C:\Qt\4.8.2"
set "openssl_dir=C:\OpenSSL-Win32\"
set "platform_sdk_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A"
set "directx_sdk_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)"
set "git_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git"
set "cmake_dir=E:\Programs\cmake"
@rem Variables
set "QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2010"
set "nmake_args="
@rem -------------------------------------------------
@rem Build flags (@remove the @@rem in front of desired)
@rem -------------------------------------------------
@rem --- Static ---
@rem --- Shared ---
@rem --- Custom ---
@rem --------------------------
@rem The actual script is below
@rem --------------------------
@rem Setup Building variables
call :setupDependency "%postgres_dir%"
call :setupDependency "%openssl_dir%" bin include
set "INCLUDE=%openssl_dir%\lib\VC\static;%INCLUDE
call :setupDependency "%cmake_dir%" bin
call :setupDependency "%git_dir%" bin lib
call :setupDependency "%directx_sdk_dir%" lib include
call :setupDependency "%platform_sdk_dir%"
call :setupDependency "%qt_dir%"
call "%vs_dir%\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
@rem @echo "PATH = %PATH%"
@rem @echo "INCLUDE = %INCLUDE%"
@rem @echo "LIB = %LIB%"
echo %build_dir%
@rem Setting up Build Dir
if exist %build_dir% (
@rem Clean build directory.
@rem del %build_dir%\*.*
@rem WinXP require the path as the first argument with the optional flags comming after.
@echo Y | del /F /S /Q "%build_dir%\*.*"
) else (
mkdir %build_dir%
@rem Build
cd %build_dir%
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" %source_dir% %cmake_build_flags%
nmake %nmake_args%
echo ""
set /p retryNmake="Reattempt nmake (verbose=1) (y / n)?"
echo ""
if /I "%retryNmake%" == "y" (
set retryNmake=
set "nmake_args=verbose=1"
@rem Open build directory in Explorer
explorer %build_dir%
@rem ---------
@rem Functions
@rem ---------
@rem Usage:
@rem call :setupDependency <dir> [bin] [include] [lib]
@rem If none of the optional flags is used, then it will be treated as though all are specified (shortcut).
@rem Interprete arguments
@if not "%~2" == "" (
@if "%~2" == "bin" (
@set b=true
) else ( if "%~2" == "include" (
@set i=true
) else ( if "%~2" == "lib" (
@set l=true
@if not "%~3" == "" (
@if "%~3" == "bin" (
@set b=true
) else ( if "%~3" == "include" (
@set i=true
) else ( if "%~3" == "lib" (
@set l=true
@if not "%~4" == "" (
@if "%~4" == "bin" (
@set b=true
) else ( if "%~4" == "include" (
@set i=true
) else ( if "%~4" == "lib" (
@set l=true
) else (
@set b=true
@set i=true
@set l=true
@rem Make sure directory specified exists.
@if not "%~1" == "" (
@if not "%b%" == "" ( set "PATH=%~1\bin;%PATH%" )
@if not "%i%" == "" ( set "INCLUDE=%~1\include;%INCLUDE%" )
@if not "%l%" == "" ( set "LIB=%~1\lib;%LIB%" )
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