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Last active October 1, 2022 17:24
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import random
from statistics import mean
class Passed(Exception):
class Quiz():
def __init__(self, solutions=None, debug=False):
self.attempt_count = 0
if solutions: = solutions
else: = [random.choice([1,2,3,4]) for i in range(10)]
self.debug = debug
def submit(self, answers):
self.attempt_count += 1
score = 0
for i in range(10):
if answers[i] ==[i]:
score += 1
if self.debug:
print(f'Attempt #{self.attempt_count:02d}:', answers, f'Score: {score:02d}', f'(Solutions: {})')
if score == 10:
raise Passed(self.attempt_count)
return score
def strategy(quiz):
known = [0] * 10
count = {}
count[1] = quiz.submit([1] * 10)
count[2] = quiz.submit([2] * 10)
count[3] = quiz.submit([3] * 10)
count[4] = 10 - count[1] - count[2] - count[3]
if count[4] == 10:
answers = [i if i != 0 else 4 for i in known]
score = quiz.submit(answers)
max1, max2, min1, min2 = sorted(count, key=lambda x: count[x], reverse=True)
for i in range(9):
answers = [i if i != 0 else max1 for i in known]
known_count = 10 - known.count(0)
answers[i] = max2
score = quiz.submit(answers)
if score - (known_count + count[max1]) == 1:
known[i] = max2
assert count[max2] > 0
count[max2] -= 1
elif score - (known_count + count[max1]) == -1:
known[i] = max1
assert count[max1] > 0
count[max1] -= 1
if count[max1] == 0 and count[max2] == 0:
if count[max1] == 1:
known[9] = max1
assert count[max2] == 1
known[9] = max2
if quiz.debug:
cd_attempt = quiz.attempt_count - 3
print(f'Tried {cd_attempt} times to find all max1/max2 answers.')
if count[min1] == known.count(0):
answers = [i if i != 0 else min1 for i in known]
score = quiz.submit(answers)
if count[min2] == known.count(0):
answers = [i if i != 0 else min2 for i in known]
score = quiz.submit(answers)
for i in [i for i in range(10) if known[i] == 0]:
answers = [i if i != 0 else min1 for i in known]
answers[i] = min2
known_count = 10 - known.count(0)
score = quiz.submit(answers)
if score - (known_count + count[min1]) == 1:
known[i] = min2
elif score - (known_count + count[min1]) == -1:
known[i] = min1
count[min1] -= 1
raise Exception
raise Exception
except Passed as e:
return e.args[0]
def main():
import itertools
attempt_count = []
for seq in itertools.product([1,2,3,4], repeat=10):
quiz = Quiz(list(seq))
result = strategy(quiz)
if result > 0:
print(f'Ran {len(attempt_count)} times, average attempt count: {mean(attempt_count):.4f}; max: {max(attempt_count)}')
def test():
quiz = Quiz([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2], debug=True)
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