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Created June 26, 2017 02:36
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Batch rename CG pack
import re
from os import listdir, rename, makedirs
from os.path import join, splitext, basename, exists
from urllib.parse import quote
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from requests import get # to make GET request
def advrename(original_full_path, new_filename, c):
new_full_path = join(pathforrenamed, new_filename)
if basename(original_full_path) == new_filename:
print('No rename needed; file only moved.')
if c != 'simulate':
rename(original_full_path, new_full_path)
if c != 'simulate':
rename(original_full_path, new_full_path)
string = basename(original_full_path) + '->' + new_filename
logfile = open(join(mypath, "log.txt"), "a", encoding='utf-8-sig')
logfile.write(string + '\n')
mypath = 'H:\CG'
pathforrenamed = join(mypath, '_renamed')
if not exists(pathforrenamed):
myzipfiles = [join(mypath, f) for f in listdir(mypath) if (splitext(f)[1].lower() in ['.zip', '.7z', '.rar'])]
for original_full_path in myzipfiles:
original_filename = basename(original_full_path)
print('Processing ' + original_filename)
p = re.compile(
r'^(\((?P<prefix>.+)\))* *(\[(?P<date>\d+)\])* *(\[(?P<brand>[^][]+)\])* *(?P<name>[^[].+[^) ]) *(\((?P<format>.+)\))*\.(?P<extension>(.+?))$')
m =
existing_prefix = m['prefix']
if existing_prefix is not None and ('同人' in existing_prefix or 'CG' not in existing_prefix):
print('Prefix "{0}" is not CG pack, ignored.'.format(existing_prefix))
existing_prefix = '18禁ゲームCG' # Assume CG by default
existing_date = m['date']
if existing_date is not None:
if existing_date.startswith('20') or existing_date.startswith('19'):
existing_date = existing_date[2:]
existing_brand = m['brand']
existing_name = m['name']
existing_format = m['format']
existing_extension = m['extension']
if existing_date is None or existing_brand is None:
print('Missing date or brand, searching Getchu.')
keyword = existing_name.replace('~', '〜').replace('-', '') # replace dash and remove '-'
print('Searching ' + keyword)
keyword = quote(keyword, safe='/', encoding='EUC-JP')
url = '' + keyword
html = get(url)
if html.status_code == 200:
html.encoding = 'EUC-JP'
soup = bs(html.text, "lxml")
ul = soup.find('ul', {"class": "display"})
lis = ul.find_all('li')
if lis:
li = ul.find_all('li')[-1]
name ='blueb.+?>(.+?)</a>', str(li)).group(1).strip()
if name.split(' ')[-1].endswith('版') and len(name.split(' ')) > 1:
name = re.match(r'(.+) ([^ ]+$)', name)[1]
if name.endswith('>'):
name = re.match(r'(.+)<(.+?>$)', name)[1]
name = name.replace(' [Getchu.com限定販売]', '')
date ="発売日:(.+?)<", str(li)).group(1)
date = date.replace('/', '')[2:]
brand ="ブランド名:.+?>(.+?)</a", str(li), re.DOTALL).group(1)
new_filename = '(18禁ゲームCG) [' + date + '] [' + brand + '] ' + name
if existing_format is not None:
new_filename += ' (' + existing_format + ')'
new_filename += '.' + existing_extension
advrename(original_full_path, new_filename, 'go')
print('No such title found on Getchu. Ignored.')
new_filename = '(' + existing_prefix + ') [' + existing_date + '] [' + existing_brand + '] ' + existing_name
if existing_format is not None:
new_filename += ' (' + existing_format + ')'
new_filename += '.' + existing_extension
advrename(original_full_path, new_filename, 'go')
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