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Last active April 28, 2020 10:34
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Message Queue - a message buffer that RabbitMQ keeps on behalf of the consumer.

Message Queue是RabbitMQ维护在host上的一个缓存队列


Work Queues (aka: Task Queues)

Avoid doing a resource-intensive task immediately and having to wait for it to complete.



Fair Dispatch

默认情况下,当一个消息进入queue后,broker是直接将消息按照round-robin的方式分配到每个consumer. 如果任务之间是不均衡的,有可能出现饥饿的消费者. 解决方法: 在一个consumer发送ack前,不要将消息再发送给此consumer(prefetch=1)

Fan-out Exchange


The messages will be lost if no queue is bound to the exchange yet, but that's okay for us; if no consumer is listening yet we can safely discard the message.

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