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Created April 6, 2016 20:51
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//kardo sab import, node only uses it once
var config = require('../config.js');
var oio = require('orchestrate');
oio.ApiEndPoint = config.db.region;
var db = oio(config.db.key);
var customUtils = require('../utils.js');
var constants = require('../constants');
var qbchat = require('../Chat/qbchat');
var UserModel = require('../models/User');
//var MatchModel = require('../models/Match');
var EventModel = require('../models/Event');
var RequestModel = require('../requests/Request');
var dbUtils = require('../dbUtils');
var kew = require('kew');
var EventSystem = require('../events/events');
var ChatModel = require('../Chat/Chat');
var date = new Date()
* LUCENE query generators ------------------------------------->
* generete the lucene query for min and max skill rating
* Lucene reference:
* Your queries can contain as many as ten different buckets in a single Range Aggregate.
* Each bucket can have numerical min and max values, separated by a tilde character (~).
* An asterisk may be used to designate a particular range bucket as boundless.
* For example, the range *~-10 would mean "all values less than negative ten" and
* the range 100~* would communicate "all values greater than or equal to one hundred".
* Ya that shit didn't work so I used the range [minRating TO 5] etc. -_- :*
* @param minRating
* @param maxRating
function createSkillRatingQuery(minRating, maxRating) {
var skillQuery = "value.skill_level_min:[" + minRating + " TO 5] AND " + "value.skill_level_max:[1 TO " + maxRating + "]"
return skillQuery
function connectFacilityToMatch(matchId, facilityId) {
return kew.all([
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('matches', matchId, 'facilities', facilityId, constants.graphRelations.matches.hostedFacility),
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('facilities', facilityId, 'matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.matches.hasMatches)
* get results having playing_time that are past the current time
* and whose results matches/events are discoverable
* @returns {string}
function createIsDiscoverableQuery() {
var currentUnixTime = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000)
var query = "value.playing_time: " + currentUnixTime + "~*" //this means greater than equalto
//matches that are not discoverable for any reason are set to isDiscoverable: false
query = query + " AND value.isDiscoverable:true"
return query
* Note : For lucene you can use filed grouping:
* Field Grouping
* Lucene supports using parentheses to group multiple clauses to a single field.
* To search for a title that contains both the word "return" and the phrase "pink panther" use the query:
* title:(+return +"pink panther")
* createSportsQuery can be updated this way
* Crate a lucene OR query with the array of sports provided
* @param sportsArray
* @returns {string}
function createSportsQuery(sportsArray) {
return dbUtils.createFieldORQuery(sportsArray, "value.sports")
* Crate a lucene OR query with the array of gender provided
* @param genderArray
* @returns {*}
function createGenderQuery(genderArray) {
return dbUtils.createFieldORQuery(genderArray, "value.gender")
* assuming the field type is time
function createOnlyFutureTypeQuery() {
var currentUnixTime = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
//this means greater than equalto
return "value.time: " + currentUnixTime + "~*"
* check if a user is participating in a match
* @param matchId
* @param userId
* @returns {SearchBuilder}
function checkMatchParticipationPromise(matchId, userId) {
//TODO : red alert, why does this require have to be here!
//var dbUtils = require('../dbUtils');
var checkMatchParticipation =
.query(dbUtils.createGetOneOnOneGraphRelationQuery('matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants, 'users', userId))
return checkMatchParticipation
function incrementMatchesPlayed(userId) {
return db.get("users", userId)
.then(function (result) {
var matchesPlayed = result.body.matchesPlayed;
db.merge("users", userId, {
matchesPlayed: matchesPlayed + 1
function decrementMatchesPlayed(userId) {
return db.get("users", userId)
.then(function (result) {
var matchesPlayed = result.body.matchesPlayed;
return db.merge("users", userId, {
matchesPlayed: matchesPlayed - 1
* inject the distance between the match and the user in km
* @param results orchestrate response of matches
* @param usersLat lat coordinates of the user
* @param usersLong long coordinates of the user
var insertDistance = function (results, usersLat, usersLong) {
var newResults = (aResult) {
aResult["value"]["distance"] = customUtils.getDistanceFromLatLonInKm(
return aResult;
results.body.results = newResults
return results
* update the connections of all users when a new player
* joins the match
* @param userId
* @param matchId
function updateMatchConnections(userId, matchId) {
* get all the players of the match
* let playerList = the players of the match except the player in userId
* create connections of userId to the playerList if no existing connection exists
* create connections of each player in playerList to the userId if no existing connection exists
dbUtils.getGraphResultsPromise('matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants)
.then(function (results) {
//get all the players of the match
var playerList = (oneUser) {
return oneUser.path.key;
//let players = the players of the match except the player in userId
var index = playerList.indexOf(userId)
if (index > -1) {
playerList.splice(index, 1);
playerList.forEach(function (playerId) {
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('users', userId, 'users', playerId, constants.graphRelations.users.connections),
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('users', playerId, 'users', userId, constants.graphRelations.users.connections)
//no status really returned here
* create the chat room for a match
* @param hostUserQbId
* @param matchId
function createChatRoomForMatch(hostUserQbId, matchId) {
* format of match dialog title:
* <matchRoom>:::matchId
* format of user dialog title:
* <connectionRoom>:::user1id:::user2Id
var chatRoomCreated = kew.defer()
var chatRoomName = constants.chats.matchRoom + ":::" + matchId
var newRoomId
.then(function (newRoom) {
newRoomId = newRoom._id
return ChatModel.addUsersToRoom(newRoomId, [hostUserQbId])
.then(function (roomJoinStatus) {
return db.merge('matches', matchId, {"qbId": newRoomId})
.then(function (mergeSuccess) {
.fail(function (err) {
return chatRoomCreated
* takes a json payload and inserts flags:
* hasMale, hasFemale, hasCustomGender
* @param payload
* @param gender
* @returns {*}
function updateGenderInPayload(payload, gender) {
if (gender == "male")
payload["hasMale"] = true
else if (gender == "female")
payload["hasFemale"] = true
else {
payload["hasCustomGender"] = true
return payload
function getFacilityOfMatchPromise(matchId) {
return dbUtils.getGraphResultsPromise('matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.matches.hostedFacility)
function getMatchPromise(matchId) {
return db.get('matches', matchId)
function getFacilityPromise(facilityId) {
return db.get('facilities', facilityId)
* get the promise that gets the participants of the matches
* @param matchId
function getMatchParticipantsPromise(matchId) {
return dbUtils.getGraphResultsPromise('matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants)
function getMatchHistoryPromise(userId) {
return dbUtils.getGraphResultsPromise('users', userId, constants.graphRelations.users.playsMatches)
function removeFromMatch(userId, matchId) {
//decrease slots_filled of the given match
//remove from chat channel
return kew.all([
dbUtils.deleteGraphRelationPromise('matches', matchId, 'users', userId, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants),
dbUtils.deleteGraphRelationPromise('users', userId, 'matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.users.playsMatches),
* that massive createMatch method
* match payload expectations:
* keep this updated if you want a good life.
* var payload = {
title: req.body.title,
description: req.body.description,
skill_level_min: req.body.skill_level_min,
skill_level_max: req.body.skill_level_max,
playing_time: req.body.playing_time,
slots_filled: 1, //the host is a participant of the match
slots: req.body.slots,
location_name: req.body.location_name,
location: {
long: req.body.long
host: {
username: user.username,
avatar: user.avatar,
avatarThumb: user.avatarThumb
isFacility: req.body.isFacility,
facilityId: req.body.facilityId,
type: "match",
hasMale: false,
hasFemale: false,
hasCustomGender: false,
isDiscoverable: true
* hostData = {
* id, name, qbId,
* }
* creates a match, creates its cha
* @param payload
* @param hostData
function createMatch(payload, hostData, invitedUserIdList) {
var matchCreated = kew.defer()
payload = updateGenderInPayload(payload, hostData.gender)'matches', payload)
.then(function (result) {
payload["id"] = result.headers.location.match(/[0-9a-z]{16}/)[0];
var promises = []
invitedUserIdList.forEach(function (invitedUserId) {
RequestModel.createInviteToMatchRequest(,, payload, invitedUserId)
if (payload.isFacility) {
promises.push(connectFacilityToMatch(payload["id"], payload["facilityId"]))
* The numerous graph relations are so that we
* can access the related data from any entry point
//The user hosts the match
promises.push(dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('users',, 'matches', payload["id"], constants.graphRelations.users.hostsMatch))
//The user plays in the match
promises.push(dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('users',, 'matches', payload["id"], constants.graphRelations.users.playsMatches))
//The match is hosted by user
promises.push(dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('matches', payload["id"], 'users',, constants.graphRelations.matches.isHostedByUser))
//The match has participants (user)
promises.push(dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('matches', payload["id"], 'users',, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants))
* Create the chat room for the match, and make the host join it
promises.push(createChatRoomForMatch(hostData.qbId, payload["id"]))
.then(function (results) {
console.log("match creation fully complete")
.fail(function (err) {
console.log("match creation failed")
//var chatObj = {
// "created": date.getTime(),
// "type": "newChannel",
// "matchId": payload["id"],
// "pathTitle": reqBody.title
EventSystem.dispatchEvent(, payload)
.fail(function (err) {
return matchCreated
function joinMatch(matchId, joineeId) {
var joineeGender
var joineeQBid
function incrementFilledSlots(slots, slotsFilled) {
var payload = {
'slots_filled': slotsFilled
//if match is full make it undiscoverable
if (slots == slotsFilled) {
payload["isDiscoverable"] = false
payload = updateGenderInPayload(payload, joineeGender)
db.merge('matches', matchId, payload)
updateMatchConnections(joineeId, matchId)
var joinStatus = kew.defer()
* how do you share data between promise chains?
var matchDetails
kew.all([getMatchPromise(matchId), UserModel.getUserPromise(joineeId)])
.then(function (results) {
matchDetails = results[0]
joineeGender = results[1].gender
joineeQBid = results[1].qbId
if (matchDetails.slots == matchDetails.slots_filled)
return kew.reject(new Error("The Match is already full. Please contact the host"))
return checkMatchParticipationPromise(matchId, joineeId)
.then(function (results) {
var count = results.body.count
if (count == 0) {
return kew.all([
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('matches', matchId, 'users', joineeId, constants.graphRelations.matches.participants),
dbUtils.createGraphRelationPromise('users', joineeId, 'matches', matchId, constants.graphRelations.users.playsMatches)
} else {
return kew.reject(new Error("You are already part of this match"))
.then(function (results) {
return ChatModel.addUsersToRoom(matchDetails.qbId, [joineeQBid])
.then(function (joinedMatchChat) {
return joinStatus.resolve()
.fail(function (err) {
return joinStatus
* inject isJoined flag
* this flag tells if the user is part of the match/event
* @param results a set of raw orchestrate results to inject flag into
* @param userId
* @returns {number|*|!Promise|Object}
function injectIsJoined(results, userId, type) {
* food for thought:
* this bombs real bad if a match and an event share the same id
* will there be a clash of ids?
* but orchestrate ids are not as hardcore as UUIDs
* this will then incorrectly show a match/event to be joined when its not :O
* ya. quite unlikely but hey, why dont you do the math or handle the condition?
* TODO : stay tuned
* @type {!Promise}
var injectedResults = kew.defer()
.then(function (matches) {
var theMatches = dbUtils.injectId(matches)
var matchIds = (match) {
results.body.results = (result) {
if (matchIds.indexOf(result.path.key) > -1)
result.value.isJoined = true
result.value.isJoined = false
return result
.fail(function (err) {
return injectedResults
module.exports = {
getMatchParticipantsPromise: getMatchParticipantsPromise,
createSportsQuery: createSportsQuery,
getMatchHistoryPromise: getMatchHistoryPromise,
createOnlyFutureTypeQuery: createOnlyFutureTypeQuery,
connectFacilityToMatch: connectFacilityToMatch,
checkMatchParticipationPromise: checkMatchParticipationPromise,
updateGenderInPayload: updateGenderInPayload,
updateMatchConnections: updateMatchConnections,
createIsDiscoverableQuery: createIsDiscoverableQuery,
createGenderQuery: createGenderQuery,
createChatRoomForMatch: createChatRoomForMatch,
removeFromMatch: removeFromMatch,
createSkillRatingQuery: createSkillRatingQuery,
insertDistance: insertDistance,
createMatch: createMatch,
joinMatch: joinMatch,
getMatchPromise: getMatchPromise,
injectIsJoined : injectIsJoined
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