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Last active September 11, 2019 11:12
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from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
from rest_framework.fields import IntegerField
from utility.generics import get_lazy_dict_from_queryset
def get_merged_rubric_tree(question, required_keys, evaluation=None):
combines question.rubrics and injects other meta data for that evaluation in the tree which can be used
in GET evaluation details
:param question: question model object
:param required_keys: list of required keys - subset of ["name", "rubric", "max_marks", "grading_guidelines", "score",
"comment", "correctness"]
:param evaluation: corresponding evaluation of the student, if null no student related field will be sent
rubric_tree_root = question.rubrics
max_marks = question.max_marks[0] if len(question.max_marks) > 0 else None
rins = question.get_rubric_information_nodes()
rins_dict = dict(get_lazy_dict_from_queryset(rins))
if evaluation:
question_session = evaluation.question_session
score = question_session.score
rubric_scores = evaluation.rubric_scores.all()
rubric_scores_dict = dict(get_lazy_dict_from_queryset(rubric_scores, "rubric_node_information_id"))
def merge_rubric_tree(children_list):
for node in children_list:
id = node["id"]
rin_obj = rins_dict.get(id)
rubric_score_obj = rubric_scores_dict.get(id) if evaluation else {}
attribute_map = {
"name": getattr(rin_obj, 'name', None),
"rubric": getattr(rin_obj, 'name', None),
"max_marks": getattr(rin_obj, 'max_marks', None),
"grading_guidelines": getattr(rin_obj, 'grading_guideline', None),
"grading_guideline": getattr(rin_obj, 'grading_guideline', None),
"score": getattr(rubric_score_obj, 'score', None),
"comment": getattr(rubric_score_obj, 'comment', None),
"comments": getattr(rubric_score_obj, 'comment', None),
"correctness": getattr(rubric_score_obj, 'correctness', None),
for key in required_keys:
node[key] = attribute_map[key]
# recurse on children
if "children" in node:
if "children" in rubric_tree_root:
rubric_tree_root["max_marks"] = max_marks
if evaluation: rubric_tree_root["score"] = score
return rubric_tree_root
def process_grades_for_student(tree):
purpose: hide data from students side rubrics
:param tree: get_merged_rubric_tree tree
# Removes level 3
# Removes max marks and scores from level 2
def remove_keys_based_on_level(tree, level):
for child in tree['children']:
if level == 2:
if 'children' in child : child.pop('children')
if level == 1:
if "children" in child:
remove_keys_based_on_level(child, level + 1)
level = 1
remove_keys_based_on_level(tree, level)
return tree
def get_netx_obj(rubric_tree):
given a json tree (rather dict) of a DiGraph
typically the output of get_merged_rubric_tree
:param rubric_tree:
netx_obj = json_graph.tree_graph(rubric_tree)
return netx_obj
def get_leaf_nodes(netx_obj):
given any networkx DiGraph object, returns the leaf node ids
:param netx_obj:
# WARNING : Never pass True to netx_obj.nodes_iter(), it bombs with
# networkx.exception.NetworkXError: Node {'max_marks': 1000} in the sequence nbunch is not a valid node.
return [node for node in netx_obj.nodes_iter() if netx_obj.out_degree(node) == 0]
def validate_rubric_score(node, max_marks):
Raises validation error unless a node's score is valid and not greater than the max_marks
:param node:
:param max_marks:
# support None in the input
if node["score"]:
integer_field = IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=int(max_marks))
sanitized_internal_value = integer_field.to_internal_value(node["score"])
except ValidationError as e:
raise ValidationError({
str(node["id"]): e.detail
# TODO - restrict max length of a comment as well
def validate_comment(node, level):
Raises validation error if a comment is detected at level 3
:param node:
:param level: level of the current node (depth of tree)
# level = depth -1
if level == 3 and node["comment"]:
raise ValidationError({
str(node["id"]): "Comment not expected at this level"
def sum_rubric_data_marks(rubric_data, rubric_info_nodes_queryset):
Depth first traverses rubric tree (json) and calculates sum of every non-leaf node from leaf nodes.
:param rubric_data: input rubric data from question
:param rubric_info_nodes_queryset:
rubric_info_nodes_dict = dict(get_lazy_dict_from_queryset(rubric_info_nodes_queryset))
def validate_and_sum_tree(rubric_tree_root):
node_obj = rubric_info_nodes_dict[rubric_tree_root["id"]]
if ("children" in rubric_tree_root) and len(rubric_tree_root.get('children')):
total = 0
for child in rubric_tree_root['children']:
sub_tree_total = validate_and_sum_tree(child)
if (type(total) is int) and sub_tree_total:
total += sub_tree_total
total = None
node_obj.max_marks = total
return total
return node_obj.max_marks
total = 0
for child in rubric_data.get('children', []):
total += validate_and_sum_tree(child) or 0
return total
def validate_and_sum_input_rubric_data(rubric_data, rubric_info_nodes_queryset):
Depth first traverses rubric tree (json) and calculates sum of every non-leaf node from leaf nodes.
Does any validations if needed. injects the data into the rubric_tree_root
:param rubric_data: input rubric data typically from the POST evaluations API
:param rubric_info_nodes_queryset:
rubric_data structure: {'id': '0', 'children': [{'comment': 'new comment on rubric-1', 'children': [{'comment': None, 'children': [{'comment': None, 'score': 22, 'id': 53}], 'id': 52}, {'comment': 'new comment on rubric-4', 'children': [{'comment': None, 'score': 30, 'id': 55}], 'id': 54}], 'id': 51}, {'comment': None, 'score': 14, 'id': 56}]}
rubric_info_nodes_dict = dict(get_lazy_dict_from_queryset(rubric_info_nodes_queryset))
def validate_and_sum_tree(rubric_tree_root, level=0):
:param rubric_tree_root:
:param level: level of current node being traversed
if "children" in rubric_tree_root:
total = 0
for sub_node in rubric_tree_root["children"]:
total += validate_and_sum_tree(sub_node, level+1)
rubric_tree_root["score"] = total
return total
# this is a leaf node, need to validate only this
max_marks = rubric_info_nodes_dict[rubric_tree_root["id"]].max_marks
validate_rubric_score(rubric_tree_root, max_marks)
validate_comment(rubric_tree_root, level)
score = rubric_tree_root.get("score")
return score if score else 0
return structure {'score': 66, 'id': '0', 'children': [{'comment': 'new comment on rubric-1', 'score': 52, 'children': [{'comment': None, 'score': 22, 'children': [{'comment': None, 'score': 22, 'id': 53}], 'id': 52}, {'comment': 'new comment on rubric-4', 'score': 30, 'children': [{'comment': None, 'score': 30, 'id': 55}], 'id': 54}], 'id': 51}, {'comment': None, 'score': 14, 'id': 56}]}
return rubric_data
def persist_rubric_tree(rubric_data, evaluation):
persists the rubric tree (rubric_data) into the corresponding RubricScore objects
:param rubric_data: rubric tree with score and comment meta data
:param evaluation: the student's corresponding evaluation
from .models import RubricScore
def persist_children(rubric_tree_children):
for node in rubric_tree_children:
if "children" in node:
# TODO: not populating is_leaf_score of RubricScore, do we need it?
rubric_score, created = RubricScore.objects.get_or_create(
rubric_score.comment = node["comment"] if node.get("comment") else None
rubric_score.score = node["score"]
# persist(rubric_data["children"])
# TODO : abstract it out to a Clonable model mixin or something
def clone_rubric(rubric_tree):
Used by the cloning APIs for central (Course cloning)
:param rubric_tree:
from .models import RubricNodeInformation
new_tree = {}
if rubric_tree:
old_id = rubric_tree.get('id')
if old_id == 0:
new_id = 0
new_info = RubricNodeInformation.objects.get(pk=old_id).clone()
new_id =
new_tree['id'] = new_id
children = []
if rubric_tree.get('children'):
for child in rubric_tree.get('children'):
new_tree['children'] = children
return new_tree
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