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Created April 7, 2016 20:19
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var config = require('./config.js');
var oio = require('orchestrate');
oio.ApiEndPoint = config.db.region;
var db = oio(config.db.key);
var constants = require('./constants');
var qbchat = require('./Chat/qbchat');
* Orchestrate query wrappers ---------------------------------->
* Query helpers to make life a lot, lot easier
* create a graph relation
* @param from
* @param fromKey
* @param to
* @param toKey
* @param relationName
* @returns {Object}
function createGraphRelationPromise(from, fromKey, to, toKey, relationName) {
return db.newGraphBuilder()
.from(from, fromKey)
.to(to, toKey);
* @param collection
* @param id
* @param relation
* @returns {GraphBuilder}
function getGraphResultsPromise(collection, id, relation) {
var offset = 0
var limit = constants.db.limit
return db.newGraphReader()
.from(collection, id)
* join a set of queries with AND, OR conditions
* for lucene/orchestrate
* @param queries
* @param type
function queryJoiner(queries) {
var returnQuery = ""
queries.forEach(function (query) {
returnQuery += "("
returnQuery += query
returnQuery += ") AND "
returnQuery = returnQuery.substring(0, returnQuery.length - 5)
return returnQuery
* generates a lucene OR query for a set of values (theArray)
* for a specific key (searchKey) to search for
* @param theArray
* @param searchKey
* @returns {string}
function createFieldORQuery(theArray, searchKey) {
var theQuery = searchKey + ": ("
theArray.forEach(function (oneItem) {
theQuery += "`" + oneItem + "` OR "
theQuery = theQuery.substring(0, theQuery.length - 4);
theQuery += ")"
return theQuery
* create a distance query for orchestrate
* assuming the field name is "location"
* @param lat
* @param long
* @param radius
* @returns {string}
function createDistanceQuery(lat, long, radius) {
var theDistanceQuery = "value.location:NEAR:{lat:" + parseFloat(lat) + " lon:" + parseFloat(long) + " dist:" + radius + "}";
return theDistanceQuery
* create a eventId search query
* @param eventId
function createSearchByIdQuery(id) {
var searchByIdQuery = "@path.key:" + id + ""
return searchByIdQuery
* Inserts the id into every response object
* extracted from orchestrate's "path" key
* @param results
* @returns {Array}
function injectId(results) {
var response = (aResult) {
var value = aResult.value
value["id"] = aResult.path.key
return value
return response
* Delete a graph relation from orchestrate
* @param from
* @param fromKey
* @param to
* @param toKey
* @param relationName
function deleteGraphRelationPromise(from, fromKey, to, toKey, relationName) {
return db.newGraphBuilder()
.from(from, fromKey)
.to(to, toKey);
* generate a one on one graph relation query
* @param sourceCollection
* @param sourceId
* @param destinationCollection
* @param destinationId
function createGetOneOnOneGraphRelationQuery(sourceCollection, sourceId, relation, destinationCollection, destinationId) {
var query =
"@path.kind:relationship AND @path.source.collection:`" +
sourceCollection +
"` AND @path.source.key:`" +
sourceId + "` AND @path.relation:`" +
relation + "` AND @path.destination.collection:`" +
destinationCollection + "` AND @path.destination.key:`" +
destinationId + "`"
return query
module.exports = {
injectId: injectId,
createGetOneOnOneGraphRelationQuery: createGetOneOnOneGraphRelationQuery,
createGraphRelationPromise: createGraphRelationPromise,
createFieldORQuery: createFieldORQuery,
getGraphResultsPromise: getGraphResultsPromise,
createSearchByIdQuery: createSearchByIdQuery,
createDistanceQuery: createDistanceQuery,
deleteGraphRelationPromise: deleteGraphRelationPromise,
queryJoiner: queryJoiner
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