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Last active January 18, 2016 06:33
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Save fireundubh/fc2ec0d1e5cd74cc760c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extension | Function
--- | ---
JIP | AddAmmoEffect
JIP | AddItemAlt
JIP | AddScriptVariable
JIP | ClickMenuButton
JIP | ClimateAddWeatherType
JIP | ClimateRemoveWeatherType
JIP | GetActiveMenuMode
JIP | GetActiveUIComponentFullName
JIP | GetActiveUIComponentID
JIP | GetActiveUIComponentName
JIP | GetActorLevelingData
JIP | GetActorTemplate
JIP | GetAmmoEffectTraitNumeric
JIP | GetAmmoProjectile
JIP | GetAmmoTraitNumeric
JIP | GetClassFlag
JIP | GetClassTraitNumeric
JIP | GetClimateNightSkyModel
JIP | GetClimateNthWeatherChance
JIP | GetClimateNthWeatherGlobal
JIP | GetClimateNthWeatherType
JIP | GetClimateNumWeatherTypes
JIP | GetClimateSunGlareTexture
JIP | GetClimateSunTexture
JIP | GetClimateTraitNumeric
JIP | GetCombatStyleFlag
JIP | GetCombatStyleTraitNumeric
JIP | GetCreatureDamage
JIP | GetCursorPos
JIP | GetDelayElapsed
JIP | GetEnableChildren
JIP | GetExplosionFlag
JIP | GetExplosionTraitForm
JIP | GetExplosionTraitNumeric
JIP | GetFactionReputationType
JIP | GetFollowers
JIP | GetGlobalVariable
JIP | GetIsItem
JIP | GetIsPoisoned
JIP | GetLandTextureNthGrass
JIP | GetLandTextureNumGrasses
JIP | GetLandTextureTextureSet
JIP | GetLandTextureTraitNumeric
JIP | GetLeveledActorBase
JIP | GetLightFlag
JIP | GetLightTraitNumeric
JIP | GetLinkedChildren
JIP | GetMaxOf
JIP | GetMenuItemFilter
JIP | GetMenuTargetRef
JIP | GetMinOf
JIP | GetNthActorEffect
JIP | GetNthAmmoEffect
JIP | GetNthEffectBase
JIP | GetNthEffectTraitNumeric
JIP | GetNumActorEffects
JIP | GetNumAmmoEffects
JIP | GetNumEffects
JIP | GetObjectDimensions
JIP | GetPackageFlag
JIP | GetPrimitiveBound
JIP | GetProjectileExplosion
JIP | GetProjectileFlag
JIP | GetProjectileTraitNumeric
JIP | GetSoundFlag
JIP | GetSoundTraitNumeric
JIP | GetTextureSetFlag
JIP | GetTextureSetTexture
JIP | GetTextureSetTraitNumeric
JIP | GetUIString
JIP | GetValueAlt
JIP | GetWeaponDetectionSoundLevel
JIP | GetWeaponSound
JIP | GetWeatherImageSpaceMod
JIP | GetWeatherPrecipitationModel
JIP | GetWeatherRGBColor
JIP | GetWeatherTexture
JIP | GetWeatherTraitNumeric
JIP | InjectUIComponent
JIP | IsComponentLoaded
JIP | IsEquippedWeaponScoped
JIP | IsEquippedWeaponSilenced
JIP | LandTextureAddGrass
JIP | LandTextureRemoveGrass
JIP | ReadArrayFromFile
JIP | ReadStringFromFile
JIP | RefToString
JIP | RemoveAmmoEffect
JIP | RemoveItemTarget
JIP | SetActorLevelingData
JIP | SetAmmoEffectTraitNumeric
JIP | SetAmmoProjectile
JIP | SetAmmoTraitNumeric
JIP | SetClassFlag
JIP | SetClassTraitNumeric
JIP | SetClimateNightSkyModel
JIP | SetClimateSunGlareTexture
JIP | SetClimateSunTexture
JIP | SetClimateTraitNumeric
JIP | SetCombatStyleFlag
JIP | SetCombatStyleTraitNumeric
JIP | SetCreatureDamage
JIP | SetDelayElapsed
JIP | SetExplosionFlag
JIP | SetExplosionTraitForm
JIP | SetExplosionTraitNumeric
JIP | SetFactionReputationType
JIP | SetGlobalVariable
JIP | SetLandTextureTextureSet
JIP | SetLandTextureTraitNumeric
JIP | SetLightFlag
JIP | SetLightTraitNumeric
JIP | SetLinkedReference
JIP | SetNthEffectTraitNumeric
JIP | SetPackageFlag
JIP | SetPersistent
JIP | SetPrimitiveBound
JIP | SetProjectileExplosion
JIP | SetProjectileFlag
JIP | SetProjectileTraitNumeric
JIP | SetSoundFlag
JIP | SetSoundTraitNumeric
JIP | SetTextureSetFlag
JIP | SetTextureSetTexture
JIP | SetTextureSetTraitNumeric
JIP | SetWeaponDetectionSoundLevel
JIP | SetWeaponItemMod
JIP | SetWeaponItemModEffect
JIP | SetWeaponItemModValue
JIP | SetWeaponSound
JIP | SetWeatherImageSpaceMod
JIP | SetWeatherPrecipitationModel
JIP | SetWeatherRGBColor
JIP | SetWeatherTexture
JIP | SetWeatherTraitNumeric
JIP | StringToRef
JIP | WriteArrayToFile
JIP | WriteStringToFile
Lutana | ClearAllHotkeys
Lutana | DumpLevList
Lutana | FileExists
Lutana | GetActivatorPrompt
Lutana | GetActivatorRadioStation
Lutana | GetActivatorWaterType
Lutana | GetActiveQuest
Lutana | GetArmorClass
Lutana | GetBipedModelList
Lutana | GetCellCoords
Lutana | GetCellRefs
Lutana | GetChanceNone
Lutana | GetChanceNoneGlobal
Lutana | GetCombatStyle
Lutana | GetController
Lutana | GetCreatureType
Lutana | GetDeadZoneX
Lutana | GetDeadZoneY
Lutana | GetFormFromMod
Lutana | GetFormMods
Lutana | GetFormRecipeOutputs
Lutana | GetFormRecipes
Lutana | GetFormRefs
Lutana | GetINIFloat
Lutana | GetINISection
Lutana | GetINISectionNames
Lutana | GetINIString
Lutana | GetLeftStickX
Lutana | GetLeftStickY
Lutana | GetLeftTrigger
Lutana | GetLevItemIndexByForm
Lutana | GetLevItemIndexByLevel
Lutana | GetLNVersion
Lutana | GetLoadedType
Lutana | GetLoadedTypeArray
Lutana | GetLockedOut
Lutana | GetMapMarkerHidden
Lutana | GetMapMarkerName
Lutana | GetMapMarkerRep
Lutana | GetMapMarkerTravel
Lutana | GetMapMarkerType
Lutana | GetMapMarkerVisible
Lutana | GetMerchantContainer
Lutana | GetModName
Lutana | GetNthLevItem
Lutana | GetNthLevItemCount
Lutana | GetNthLevItemLevel
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryForm
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryFunction
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryString
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryType
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryValue1
Lutana | GetNthPerkEntryValue2
Lutana | GetNumLevItems
Lutana | GetPasswordNote
Lutana | GetPerkEntryCount
Lutana | GetPressedButtons
Lutana | GetRadioBroadcastType
Lutana | GetRadioPosRef
Lutana | GetRadioRadius
Lutana | GetRadioStatic
Lutana | GetRecipeCategory
Lutana | GetRecipeInputCount
Lutana | GetRecipeInputForms
Lutana | GetRecipeOutputCount
Lutana | GetRecipeOutputForms
Lutana | GetRecipeRequiredSkill
Lutana | GetRecipeRequiredSkillLevel
Lutana | GetRecipeSubcategory
Lutana | GetRightStickX
Lutana | GetRightStickY
Lutana | GetRightTrigger
Lutana | GetSelfModIndex
Lutana | GetStringSetting
Lutana | GetTerminalLock
Lutana | GetTimeStamp
Lutana | GetWorldspaceParentWorldspace
Lutana | HasPerkRank
Lutana | IsButtonPressed
Lutana | IsFormOverridden
Lutana | IsMapMarker
Lutana | IsParentActivateOnly
Lutana | IsRaceInList
Lutana | IsRadioRef
Lutana | LeveledListAddForm
Lutana | LeveledListClear
Lutana | LeveledListRemoveForm
Lutana | ListToArray
Lutana | LNGetAggroRadius
Lutana | LNSetAggroRadius
Lutana | MD5File
Lutana | RemoveNthLevItem
Lutana | ReplaceRecipeInputForm
Lutana | ReplaceRecipeOutputForm
Lutana | RestoreHotkeys
Lutana | SaveHotkeys
Lutana | Search
Lutana | SetActivatorPrompt
Lutana | SetActivatorRadioStation
Lutana | SetActivatorWaterType
Lutana | SetBaseForm
Lutana | SetBipedModelList
Lutana | SetChanceNone
Lutana | SetDeadZoneX
Lutana | SetDeadZoneY
Lutana | SetGlobalValue
Lutana | SetINIFloat
Lutana | SetINISection
Lutana | SetINIString
Lutana | SetLinkedRef
Lutana | SetLockedOut
Lutana | SetMapMarkerHidden
Lutana | SetMapMarkerName
Lutana | SetMapMarkerRep
Lutana | SetMapMarkerTravel
Lutana | SetMapMarkerType
Lutana | SetMapMarkerVisible
Lutana | SetNthPerkEntryForm
Lutana | SetNthPerkEntryFunction
Lutana | SetNthPerkEntryValue2
Lutana | SetPasswordNote
Lutana | SetPerkRank
Lutana | SetRadioBroadcastType
Lutana | SetRadioPosRef
Lutana | SetRadioRadius
Lutana | SetRadioStatic
Lutana | SetRecipeCategory
Lutana | SetRecipeInputCount
Lutana | SetRecipeOutputCount
Lutana | SetRecipeRequiredSkill
Lutana | SetRecipeRequiredSkillLevel
Lutana | SetRecipeSubcategory
Lutana | SetStringSetting
Lutana | SetVariableFloat
Lutana | SetVariableRef
Lutana | SHA1File
MCM | GetMCMFloat
MCM | GetMCMString
MCM | GetModINISetting
MCM | SetMCMFloat
MCM | SetMCMFloatMass
MCM | SetMCMString
MCM | SetMCMStringMass
MCM | SetModINISetting
NVSE | ActorValueToString
NVSE | ActorValueToStringC
NVSE | AddItemHealthPercentOwner
NVSE | AddItemOwnership
NVSE | AddPackageAt
NVSE | ar_Append
NVSE | ar_BadNumericIndex
NVSE | ar_BadStringIndex
NVSE | ar_Construct
NVSE | ar_Copy
NVSE | ar_CustomSort
NVSE | ar_DeepCopy
NVSE | ar_Dump
NVSE | ar_DumpID
NVSE | ar_Erase
NVSE | ar_Find
NVSE | ar_First
NVSE | ar_HasKey
NVSE | ar_Insert
NVSE | ar_InsertRange
NVSE | ar_Keys
NVSE | ar_Last
NVSE | ar_List
NVSE | ar_Map
NVSE | ar_Next
NVSE | ar_Null
NVSE | ar_Prev
NVSE | ar_Range
NVSE | ar_Resize
NVSE | ar_Size
NVSE | ar_Sort
NVSE | ar_SortAlpha
NVSE | AsciiToChar
NVSE | Break
NVSE | BuildRef
NVSE | Call
NVSE | Ceil
NVSE | CharToAscii
NVSE | ClearBit
NVSE | ClearHotKey
NVSE | ClearOpenKey
NVSE | CompareNames
NVSE | CompareScripts
NVSE | con_CloseAllMenus
NVSE | con_GetINISetting
NVSE | con_LoadGame
NVSE | con_QuitGame
NVSE | con_RefreshINI
NVSE | con_Save
NVSE | con_SaveINI
NVSE | con_SetCameraFOV
NVSE | con_SetGameSetting
NVSE | con_SetINISetting
NVSE | con_SetUFOCamSpeedMult
NVSE | con_SetVel
NVSE | con_ShowVars
NVSE | con_SQV
NVSE | con_TCL
NVSE | con_TDT
NVSE | con_TFC
NVSE | con_ToggleMenus
NVSE | Continue
NVSE | CreateTempRef
NVSE | DebugPrint
NVSE | DisableControl
NVSE | DisableKey
NVSE | DispatchEvent
NVSE | EnableControl
NVSE | EnableKey
NVSE | EquipItem2
NVSE | EquipMe
NVSE | eval
NVSE | Exp
NVSE | Floor
NVSE | fmod
NVSE | ForEach
NVSE | Function
NVSE | GenericAddForm
NVSE | GenericDeleteForm
NVSE | GenericGetForm
NVSE | GenericReplaceForm
NVSE | GetActiveFactions
NVSE | GetActiveRanks
NVSE | GetActorBaseFlagsHigh
NVSE | GetActorBaseFlagsLow
NVSE | GetAgeClass
NVSE | GetAllModLocalData
NVSE | GetAltControl
NVSE | GetAltPerkRank
NVSE | GetAmmoCasing
NVSE | GetAmmoConsumedPercent
NVSE | GetAmmoSpeed
NVSE | GetArmorAR
NVSE | GetArmorDT
NVSE | GetArrayVariable
NVSE | GetAttackDamage
NVSE | GetBaseFactions
NVSE | GetBaseForm
NVSE | GetBaseNthFaction
NVSE | GetBaseNthRank
NVSE | GetBaseNumFactions
NVSE | GetBaseObject
NVSE | GetBasePackages
NVSE | GetBaseRanks
NVSE | GetBaseSpellListLevSpells
NVSE | GetBaseSpellListSpells
NVSE | GetBipedIconPath
NVSE | GetBipedModelPath
NVSE | GetCallingScript
NVSE | GetConsoleEcho
NVSE | GetControl
NVSE | GetCrosshairRef
NVSE | GetCurrentEventName
NVSE | GetCurrentHealth
NVSE | GetCurrentPackage
NVSE | GetCurrentScript
NVSE | GetDebugMode
NVSE | GetDebugSelection
NVSE | GetDefaultForms
NVSE | GetDialogueSpeaker
NVSE | GetDialogueSubject
NVSE | GetDialogueTarget
NVSE | GetEquipmentBipedMask
NVSE | GetEquipmentSlotsMask
NVSE | GetEquippedCurrentHealth
NVSE | GetEquippedObject
NVSE | GetEquippedWeaponModFlags
NVSE | GetEquipType
NVSE | GetEyes
NVSE | GetFactionRankNames
NVSE | GetFalloutDirectory
NVSE | GetFirstRef
NVSE | GetFirstRefForItem
NVSE | GetFirstRefInCell
NVSE | GetFormIDString
NVSE | GetGameLoaded
NVSE | GetGameRestarted
NVSE | GetGridsToLoad
NVSE | GetHair
NVSE | GetHairColor
NVSE | GetHairLength
NVSE | GetHeadParts
NVSE | GetHealth
NVSE | GetHotkeyItem
NVSE | GetIconPath
NVSE | GetInGrid
NVSE | GetInGridInCell
NVSE | GetInventoryObject
NVSE | GetInvRefsForItem
NVSE | GetKeyName
NVSE | GetKeyPress
NVSE | GetLevCharacterRefs
NVSE | GetLevCreatureRefs
NVSE | GetLinkedDoor
NVSE | GetListForms
NVSE | GetLocalRefIndex
NVSE | GetModelPath
NVSE | GetModIndex
NVSE | GetModLocalData
NVSE | GetMouseButtonPress
NVSE | GetName
NVSE | GetNextRef
NVSE | GetNextRefForItem
NVSE | GetNPCHeight
NVSE | GetNPCWeight
NVSE | GetNthDefaultForm
NVSE | GetNthExplicitRef
NVSE | GetNthFactionRankName
NVSE | GetNthModName
NVSE | GetNthPackage
NVSE | GetNumericGameSetting
NVSE | GetNumericIniSetting
NVSE | GetNumExplicitRefs
NVSE | GetNumItems
NVSE | GetNumKeysPressed
NVSE | GetNumLoadedMods
NVSE | GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
NVSE | GetNumRanks
NVSE | GetNumRefs
NVSE | GetNumRefsInCell
NVSE | GetNVSERevision
NVSE | GetNVSEVersion
NVSE | GetObjectEffect
NVSE | GetOpenKey
NVSE | GetOwner
NVSE | GetOwningFactionRequiredRank
NVSE | GetPackageCount
NVSE | GetPackageLocation
NVSE | GetPackageLocationRadius
NVSE | GetPackageTargetCount
NVSE | GetParentCell
NVSE | GetParentCellOwner
NVSE | GetParentCellOwningFactionRequiredRank
NVSE | GetParentWorldspace
NVSE | GetPerkRank
NVSE | GetPermanent
NVSE | GetPlayerCurrentAmmo
NVSE | GetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
NVSE | GetPluginVersion
NVSE | GetRace
NVSE | GetRaceEyes
NVSE | GetRaceHairs
NVSE | GetRaceName
NVSE | GetRawFormIDString
NVSE | GetRefCount
NVSE | GetRefs
NVSE | GetRefsInCell
NVSE | GetRefVariable
NVSE | GetRepairList
NVSE | GetRespawn
NVSE | GetScopeModelPath
NVSE | GetScript
NVSE | GetSourceModIndex
NVSE | GetStringGameSetting
NVSE | GetStringIniSetting
NVSE | GetTeleportCell
NVSE | GetTexturePath
NVSE | GetType
NVSE | GetUIFloat
NVSE | GetUserTime
NVSE | GetValue
NVSE | GetVariable
NVSE | GetWeaponActionPoints
NVSE | GetWeaponAimArc
NVSE | GetWeaponAmmo
NVSE | GetWeaponAmmoUse
NVSE | GetWeaponAnimAttackMult
NVSE | GetWeaponAnimJamTime
NVSE | GetWeaponAnimMult
NVSE | GetWeaponAnimReloadTime
NVSE | GetWeaponAnimShotsPerSec
NVSE | GetWeaponAttackAnimation
NVSE | GetWeaponBaseVATSChance
NVSE | GetWeaponClipRounds
NVSE | GetWeaponCritChance
NVSE | GetWeaponCritDamage
NVSE | GetWeaponCritEffect
NVSE | GetWeaponFireDelayMax
NVSE | GetWeaponFireDelayMin
NVSE | GetWeaponFireRate
NVSE | GetWeaponFlags1
NVSE | GetWeaponFlags2
NVSE | GetWeaponHandGrip
NVSE | GetWeaponHasScope
NVSE | GetWeaponIsAutomatic
NVSE | GetWeaponItemMod
NVSE | GetWeaponItemModEffect
NVSE | GetWeaponItemModValue1
NVSE | GetWeaponItemModValue2
NVSE | GetWeaponLimbDamageMult
NVSE | GetWeaponLongBursts
NVSE | GetWeaponMaxRange
NVSE | GetWeaponMinRange
NVSE | GetWeaponMinSpread
NVSE | GetWeaponNumProjectiles
NVSE | GetWeaponProjectile
NVSE | GetWeaponReach
NVSE | GetWeaponReloadAnim
NVSE | GetWeaponRequiredSkill
NVSE | GetWeaponRequiredStrength
NVSE | GetWeaponResistType
NVSE | GetWeaponRumbleDuration
NVSE | GetWeaponRumbleLeftMotor
NVSE | GetWeaponRumbleRightMotor
NVSE | GetWeaponRumbleWavelength
NVSE | GetWeaponSightFOV
NVSE | GetWeaponSightUsage
NVSE | GetWeaponSkill
NVSE | GetWeaponSpread
NVSE | GetWeaponType
NVSE | GetWeight
NVSE | Goto
NVSE | HasOwnership
NVSE | HasVariable
NVSE | HoldKey
NVSE | IsClonedForm
NVSE | IsControl
NVSE | IsControlDisabled
NVSE | IsControlPressed
NVSE | IsDigit
NVSE | IsEquipped
NVSE | IsFormValid
NVSE | IsKeyDisabled
NVSE | IsKeyPressed
NVSE | IsLetter
NVSE | IsModLoaded
NVSE | IsOwned
NVSE | IsPersistent
NVSE | IsPlayable
NVSE | IsPlayerSwimming
NVSE | IsPluginInstalled
NVSE | IsPowerArmor
NVSE | IsPrintable
NVSE | IsPunctuation
NVSE | IsQuestItem
NVSE | IsReference
NVSE | IsRefInList
NVSE | IsScripted
NVSE | IsUpperCase
NVSE | Label
NVSE | LeftShift
NVSE | Let
NVSE | ListAddForm
NVSE | ListAddReference
NVSE | ListClear
NVSE | ListGetCount
NVSE | ListGetFormIndex
NVSE | ListGetNthForm
NVSE | ListRemoveForm
NVSE | ListRemoveNthForm
NVSE | ListReplaceForm
NVSE | ListReplaceNthForm
NVSE | Log10
NVSE | LogicalAnd
NVSE | LogicalNot
NVSE | LogicalOr
NVSE | LogicalXor
NVSE | loop
NVSE | MenuHoldKey
NVSE | MenuReleaseKey
NVSE | MenuTapKey
NVSE | MessageBoxEx
NVSE | MessageEx
NVSE | ModLocalDataExists
NVSE | NumToHex
NVSE | OutputLocalMapPicturesOverride
NVSE | PickOneOf
NVSE | Pow
NVSE | Print
NVSE | PrintToConsole
NVSE | QFromAxisAngle
NVSE | QFromEuler
NVSE | QInterpolate
NVSE | QMultQuat
NVSE | QMultQuatVector3
NVSE | QNormalize
NVSE | QToEuler
NVSE | Rand
NVSE | ReleaseKey
NVSE | RemoveAllPackages
NVSE | RemoveEventHandler
NVSE | RemoveMeIR
NVSE | RemoveModLocalData
NVSE | RemovePackageAt
NVSE | RemoveScript
NVSE | ResetAllVariables
NVSE | RightShift
NVSE | SetActorBaseFlagsHigh
NVSE | SetActorBaseFlagsLow
NVSE | SetAltControl
NVSE | SetArmorAR
NVSE | SetArmorDT
NVSE | SetAttackDamage
NVSE | SetBaseItemValue
NVSE | SetBipedIconPathEX
NVSE | SetBipedModelPathEX
NVSE | SetBit
NVSE | SetConsoleEcho
NVSE | SetControl
NVSE | SetCurrentHealth
NVSE | SetDebugMode
NVSE | SetEquipmentBipedMask
NVSE | SetEquipmentSlotsMask
NVSE | SetEquippedCurrentHealth
NVSE | SetEquippedWeaponModFlags
NVSE | SetEventHandler
NVSE | SetEyes
NVSE | SetFunctionValue
NVSE | SetHair
NVSE | SetHairColor
NVSE | SetHairLength
NVSE | SetHealth
NVSE | SetHotkeyItem
NVSE | SetIconPathEX
NVSE | SetIsControl
NVSE | SetIsPlayable
NVSE | SetIsPowerArmor
NVSE | SetModelPathEX
NVSE | SetModLocalData
NVSE | SetName
NVSE | SetNameEx
NVSE | SetNPCHeight
NVSE | SetNPCWeight
NVSE | SetNthDefaultForm
NVSE | SetNthFactionRankNameEX
NVSE | SetNthPackage
NVSE | SetNumericGameSetting
NVSE | SetNumericIniSetting
NVSE | SetOpenKey
NVSE | SetOutputLocalMapPicturesGrids
NVSE | SetOwningFactionRequiredRank
NVSE | SetPackageLocationRadius
NVSE | SetPackageLocationReference
NVSE | SetPackageTargetCount
NVSE | SetPackageTargetReference
NVSE | SetPermanent
NVSE | SetPlayerCurrentAmmoRounds
NVSE | SetQuestItem
NVSE | SetRefCount
NVSE | SetRefVariable
NVSE | SetRepairList
NVSE | SetRespawn
NVSE | SetScopeModelPath
NVSE | SetScript
NVSE | SetStringGameSettingEX
NVSE | SetStringIniSettings
NVSE | SetTexturePath
NVSE | SetUIFloat
NVSE | SetUIString
NVSE | SetUIStringEx
NVSE | SetVariable
NVSE | SetWeaponActionPoints
NVSE | SetWeaponAimArc
NVSE | SetWeaponAmmo
NVSE | SetWeaponAmmoUse
NVSE | SetWeaponAnimAttackMult
NVSE | SetWeaponAnimMult
NVSE | SetWeaponAttackAnimation
NVSE | SetWeaponBaseVATSChance
NVSE | SetWeaponClipRounds
NVSE | SetWeaponCritChance
NVSE | SetWeaponCritDamage
NVSE | SetWeaponCritEffect
NVSE | SetWeaponFireRate
NVSE | SetWeaponFlags1
NVSE | SetWeaponFlags2
NVSE | SetWeaponHandGrip
NVSE | SetWeaponIsAutomatic
NVSE | SetWeaponLimbDamageMult
NVSE | SetWeaponLongBursts
NVSE | SetWeaponMaxRange
NVSE | SetWeaponMinRange
NVSE | SetWeaponMinSpread
NVSE | SetWeaponNumProjectiles
NVSE | SetWeaponProjectile
NVSE | SetWeaponReach
NVSE | SetWeaponReloadAnim
NVSE | SetWeaponRequiredSkill
NVSE | SetWeaponRequiredStrength
NVSE | SetWeaponResistType
NVSE | SetWeaponSightFOV
NVSE | SetWeaponSightUsage
NVSE | SetWeaponSkill
NVSE | SetWeaponSpread
NVSE | SetWeaponType
NVSE | SetWeight
NVSE | SortUIListBox
NVSE | sv_Compare
NVSE | sv_Construct
NVSE | sv_Count
NVSE | sv_Destruct
NVSE | sv_Erase
NVSE | sv_Find
NVSE | sv_GetChar
NVSE | sv_Insert
NVSE | sv_Length
NVSE | sv_Percentify
NVSE | sv_Replace
NVSE | sv_Set
NVSE | sv_Split
NVSE | sv_SubString
NVSE | sv_ToLower
NVSE | sv_ToNumeric
NVSE | sv_ToUpper
NVSE | TapControl
NVSE | TapKey
NVSE | TempCloneForm
NVSE | TestExpr
NVSE | ToLower
NVSE | ToNumber
NVSE | ToString
NVSE | ToUpper
NVSE | TypeOf
NVSE | UnequipMe
NVSE | Update3D
NVSE | V3Crossproduct
NVSE | V3Length
NVSE | V3Normalize
NVSE | While
NVSE Extender | NX_ClrEVFl
NVSE Extender | NX_ClrEVFo
NVSE Extender | NX_GetConversationPartner
NVSE Extender | NX_GetEVFl
NVSE Extender | NX_GetEVFo
NVSE Extender | NX_GetQVEVFl
NVSE Extender | NX_GetRandom
NVSE Extender | NX_GetVersion
NVSE Extender | NX_IsInList
NVSE Extender | NX_IsUsingSkeleton
NVSE Extender | NX_SetEVFl
NVSE Extender | NX_SetEVFo
PN | PN_GetActorBaseFlagsLow
PN | PN_GetConditionDamagePenalty
PN | PN_GetExplosionDamage
PN | PN_GetExplosionForce
PN | PN_GetProjectileExplosion
PN | PN_ListClear
PN | PN_SetConditionDamagePenalty
PN | PN_SetExplosionDamage
PN | PN_SetExplosionForce
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