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Created June 12, 2014 22:58
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// from
// Explanation of International Morse Code from:
// Dot is basic unit of time
// Dash is three dits
// Space between dots and dashes within characters is one dot
// Space between letters is 3 dots
// Space between words is 7 dots
// These units are in seconds
#define DOT_LENGTH 0.25;
float dotLength = DOT_LENGTH;
float dashLength = 3 * DOT_LENGTH;
String message = "What Hath God Wrought What Hath God Wrought What Hath God Wrought";
int led = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Loop through each letter of the message
for (int i=0; i<message.length(); i++) {
// Get the current character
char c = message[i];
// Convert it to morse
String morseString = internationalMorse(c);
// Process the morse string to the LED
// Hacky solution to the problem of determining when to signal a space between letters
// If the current character is not a space AND
// If there is another character left in the string AND
// The next character is not a space
// Then send a signal to indicate a space between letters
if ((i+1<message.length()) && (message[i]!=' ') && (message[i+1]!=' ')) {
processMorseToLED(" "); // Space between letters is equal to three dots
// Turn off LED after end of message
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
void processMorseToLED(String morse) {
for (int i=0; i<morse.length(); i++) {
char c = morse[i];
if (c == '.') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
delay(dotLength * 1000.0);
else if (c == '-') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
delay(dashLength * 1000.0);
else if (c == ' ') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
delay(dotLength * 1000.0);
// Given a char, c, return the uppercase version (if c is alphabetical)
// Lower Case Letters a-z are from 97 to 122
// Upper Case Letters are from 65 to 90
// Converting to upper case then just requires subtacting 32
char convertCharToUpper(char c) {
if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) c -= 32;
return c;
// Given an alphanumeric char (or space), c, return a string of morse code where:
// a dot is represented by '.'
// a dash is represented by '-'
// the gap between dots and dashes is represented by ' '
// a space between words is represented by ' '
// NOTE: all other chars will return an empty string
String internationalMorse(char c) {
c = convertCharToUpper(c);
if (c == 'A') return ". -";
else if (c == 'B') return "- . . .";
else if (c == 'C') return "- . - .";
else if (c == 'D') return "- . .";
else if (c == 'E') return ".";
else if (c == 'F') return ". . - .";
else if (c == 'G') return "- - .";
else if (c == 'H') return ". . . .";
else if (c == 'I') return ". .";
else if (c == 'J') return ". - - -";
else if (c == 'K') return "- . -";
else if (c == 'L') return ". - . .";
else if (c == 'M') return "- -";
else if (c == 'N') return "- .";
else if (c == 'O') return "- - -";
else if (c == 'P') return ". - - .";
else if (c == 'Q') return "- - . -";
else if (c == 'R') return ". - .";
else if (c == 'S') return ". . .";
else if (c == 'T') return "-";
else if (c == 'U') return ". . -";
else if (c == 'V') return ". . . -";
else if (c == 'W') return ". - -";
else if (c == 'X') return "- . . -";
else if (c == 'Y') return "- . - -";
else if (c == 'Z') return "- - . .";
else if (c == '1') return ". - - - -";
else if (c == '2') return ". . - - -";
else if (c == '3') return ". . . - -";
else if (c == '4') return ". . . . -";
else if (c == '5') return ". . . . .";
else if (c == '6') return "- . . . .";
else if (c == '7') return "- - . . .";
else if (c == '8') return "- - - . .";
else if (c == '9') return "- - - - .";
else if (c == '0') return "- - - - -";
else if (c == ' ') return " ";
else return "";
void loop() {
// No need to loop
float dotLength;
float dashLength;
float letterSpaceLength;
float wordSpaceLength;
// What God Hath Wrought in morse code where ' ' is a space, '>' indicates a new letter and '|' indicates a new word
char morseString[] = ". - ->. . . .>. ->-|- - .>. .>- . .|. . . .>. ->->. . . .|. - ->. . .>. .>. . ->- - .>. . . .>-";
int led = 13;
void setup() {
// Explanation of American Morse Code from:
// Dot is basic unit of time
// Dash is three dits
// Space between dots and dashes within characters is one dot
// Space between letters is 3 dots
// Space between words is 7 dots
dotLength = 0.25;
dashLength = 3 * dotLength;
letterSpaceLength = 3 * dotLength;
wordSpaceLength = 7 * dotLength;
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
int numberChar = sizeof(morseString) / sizeof(char);
for (int i = 0; i < numberChar; i++) {
char currentChar = morseString[i];
if (currentChar == '.') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
delay(dotLength * 1000.0);
else if (currentChar == '-') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
delay(dashLength * 1000.0);
else if (currentChar == ' ') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
delay(dotLength * 1000.0);
else if (currentChar == '>') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
delay(letterSpaceLength * 1000.0);
else if (currentChar == '|') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
delay(wordSpaceLength * 1000.0);
void loop() {
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