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Last active March 31, 2023 21:17
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Virtual host enumerator
import requests, socket, hashlib, argparse
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
from threading import Thread, BoundedSemaphore, Lock
from tqdm import tqdm
# pip install tqdm
# Virtual host enumerator that uses a wordlist to generate potential subdomains,
# it works like --resolve option in curl
# It compares the response headers and body of each request to a reference MD5 hash calculated
# from the initial request. If a subdomain's response is unique, meaning it has different response
# headers and/or body from the initial request, the script outputs the subdomain and its response
# to the console. The script is multithreaded and uses a progress bar to display real-time progress.
# Additionally, it supports command line arguments for the wordlist file, target domain, and IP address
# to use for target hostname resolution.
# Example: python -t 100 -w subs100k.txt -i -d -b 502
# It will enum virtual hosts on with an IP address and ignore 502 status code
# In curl it would be: curl -k --resolve ''
# define function to handle each request
def make_request(sub, hostname, ip_address, headers, initial_md5, unique, lock, semaphore):
oHostname = f"{sub}.{hostname}"
override_dns(oHostname, ip_address)
params = {'Host': oHostname}
response = requests.get(f"https://{oHostname}", headers=headers, params=params, verify=False)
# check for blacklisted status codes
if response.status_code in blacklisted:
# release semaphore and return without printing response
# remove specified headers from response headers
headers = response.headers.copy()
for header in headers_to_remove:
headers.pop(header, None)
# calculate md5 hash of headers without specified headers and response body
body = response.content
md5 = hashlib.md5(str(headers).encode('utf-8') + body).hexdigest()
# compare to initial md5 hash
if md5 != initial_md5 and md5 not in unique:
with lock:
print('====== Unique: ' + oHostname)
for header, value in response.headers.items():
print(f"{header}: {value}")
print(body) # .text
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
if "SSLError(1, '[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE]" in str(e):
raise e
# release semaphore
# parse command line arguments for number of threads, wordlist, hostname, and IP address
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', type=int, default=10, help='Number of threads to run')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--wordlist', required=True, help='Wordlist file to use')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--hostname', required=True, help='domain to enum')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--ip', required=True, help='IP address to use for target hostname')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--blacklisted', type=str, default='', help='Comma-separated list of blacklisted status codes')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not (args.wordlist and args.ip):
parser.error("Please provide required arguments")
blacklisted = []
if args.blacklisted:
blacklisted = [int(x.strip()) for x in args.blacklisted.split(",")]
semaphore = BoundedSemaphore(args.threads)
dns_cache = {}
def override_dns(domain, ip):
domain = domain.lower()
dns_cache[domain] = ip
prv_getaddrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo
def new_getaddrinfo(*args):
if args[0] in dns_cache:
return prv_getaddrinfo(dns_cache[args[0]], *args[1:])
return prv_getaddrinfo(*args)
socket.getaddrinfo = new_getaddrinfo
hostname = args.hostname
ip_address = args.ip
initial_md5 = ''
headers_to_remove = ['Date', 'Connection', 'X-Amz-Cf-Id', 'ETag', 'Via', 'Last-Modified','Age']
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0'}
override_dns(hostname, ip_address)
response = requests.get('https://' + hostname, headers=headers, params={}, verify=False)
initial_headers = response.headers.copy()
for header in headers_to_remove:
initial_headers.pop(header, None)
initial_body = response.content
initial_md5 = hashlib.md5(str(initial_headers).encode('utf-8') + initial_body).hexdigest()
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
if "SSLError(1, '[SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE]" in str(e):
raise e
with open(args.wordlist, 'r') as f:
subs =
unique = []
lock = Lock()
# loop through subdomains and make requests with threads
for sub in tqdm(subs, desc='Checking virtual hosts'):
thread = Thread(target=make_request, args=(sub, hostname, ip_address, headers, initial_md5, unique, lock, semaphore))
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