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Created May 30, 2021 21:32
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tailwind config starter - comments detail reminders + common project options w/ urls to relevant tailwind docs
// this gist is meant to serve as a reminder for common tailwindcss configuration options.
// it features comments that are applicable to a range of projects from react to wordpress themes
// the palette and specific settings are for example purposes -- this file is not meant to be production-ready :)
// importing the default theme is useful for referencing it and building on it
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
// the `plugin()` function is useful for a variety of purposes @see
// for example, new styles can be added to one of tailwind's layers with project-specific class names
// const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
// if using in a wordpress theme use-case, you can add in a custom plugin that adds support for common built-in wp classes
// an example of this can be found in the tailpress project @see
// const wpPlugin = require('./tailwind.wordpress')
// consider using color package to assist with palette creation: add alpha(), lighten(), darken() functions
// an example usage is shown in a comment below
const Color = require('color')
const alpha = (c, val) => Color(c).alpha(val).rgb().string()
const lighen = (c, val) => Color(c).lighten(val).rgb().string()
const darken = (c, val) => Color(c).darken(val).rgb().string()
module.exports = {
purge: {
// note: setting `enabled: true` will always purge, otherwise tailwind will only purge when env is production
// enabled: true,
content: [
// for a hypothetical wordpress project w/ separate plugin + theme folders under the src/ folder:
// for a hypothetical nextjs with source files moved under src/ folder:
// './src/pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'
// './src/components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
// if using with a cms like wordpress that is liable to add its own class names, adding a 'safe list' of
// class names (e.g. txt file, one class name per line) helps ensure they aren't purged; also refer to the
// commented-out wordpress plugin note at the top and `plugins` property declaration below.
// './tailwind.safelist.txt',
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
// the following example adds xxs breakpoint at 400px
// note: iPhone 6/7/8 Plus = 414px, 6/7/8 = 375px, 5/SE = 320px
// breakpoints must be defined in smallest->largest order, hence the example below where a new smaller breakpoint is
// added and then the other default breakpoints are then added via spread after it
// @see -
screens: {
'xxs': '400px',
// `fontFamily: { ... }` can be defined here to override tailwind defaults @see
extend: {
// example of adding a custom font to the built-in tailwind `sans` family
// remember to add any custom fonts to your project (e.g. in a react project in public folder index.html
// template, you could add <link rel="stylesheet" href="">)
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Inter var', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
// extending container is a common use-case
// container: { center: true, padding: '1.5rem' } // equivalent to `container p-6 mx-auto` -> container
// adding 0 + long transiton durations can help with debugging, especially when working with transitions in react
// alongside transition and/or animation libraries like @headlessui/react <Transition> or react-spring
transitionDuration: {
'0': '0ms',
'2000': '2000ms',
'5000': '5000ms',
'60000': '60000ms',
// bg transitions are expensive but are often sought after so here's a relevant example
// by default (at time of writing) tailwind built-in has a 'transition-color' class but this covers foreground,
// background, etc. a lot of the time the desire is only for the bg to transition:
transitionProperty: {
'bg': 'background-color',
// its helpful to define palette colors in the tailwind config to help with consistency in a project.
// tailwind will generate the classes, usage e.g. `bg-brand-pewter` (DEFAULT), or `bg-brand-pewter-dark` (dark).
colors: {
brand: {
heading: '#58585A',
pewter: {
light: '#D8E3E9',
DEFAULT: '#80A1B7',
dark: '#517690',
darkHover: '#496B83',
blue: {
DEFAULT: '#84B1D9',
ultralight: '#E0EBF6',
light: '#D0E1F1',
lightDivide: '#C1D8EC',
dark: '#306A9C',
darkest: '#1D3F5E',
purple: {
DEFAULT: '#524D88',
tan: {
copy: {
DEFAULT: '#515152',
gray: '#515152',
dark: '#3D3D3E', // e.g. use with color functions above: alpha('#3D3D3E', 0.1),
darker: '#1E1E1F',
link: {
'default': 'blue',
'hover': 'darkblue',
button: {
primary: {
DEFAULT: '#ff0000',
hover: '#ee0000',
secondary: {
DEFAULT: '#0000ff',
hover: '#0000ee',
// it can be helpful to add extra font sizes in some projects
fontSize: {
xxs: '0.675rem',
// extra line heights are common
lineHeight: {
tighter: '1.125',
// use with the tailwind/typography plugin
typography: (theme) => ({
css: {
color: theme('colors.copy.dark'),
strong: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
// p: { lineHeight: ... },
h2: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
h3: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
h4: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
h5: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
h6: {
color: theme('colors.copy.gray'),
a: {
color: '#3182ce',
'&:hover': {
color: '#2c5282',
variants: {
extend: {
// example of adding support for common css use-cases re forms and buttons
opacity: ['disabled'],
backgroundColor: ['checked'],
borderColor: ['checked'],
// example of support for changing type on hover or focus
fontFamily: ['hover', 'focus'],
// example of adding support for the last-child selector re padding + margins
padding: ['last'],
margin: ['last'],
plugins: [
// reference any complementary tailwind plugins
// if using wordpress (or other cms) and have a custom plugin for its genereated classes:
// plugin(wpPlugin)
// and of course, add in any project-specific plugins of your own...
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borma425 commented Jun 7, 2022

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