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Created October 5, 2023 00:41
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bash script to launch phpmyadmin docker that connects to a running wp-env (@wordpress/env) database for local wp development
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# script runs/stops phpmyadmin docker image as a container that's configured to connect to a running wp-env database
# author: Kevin Firko (@firxworx)
# date: 2023-10-24
# version: 1.0.0
# license: MIT (
# @see
# @see
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# description:
# - the script will launch a container named 'phpmyadmin' at: http://localhost:8080
# dependencies:
# - wp-env must be installed and configured for your project (@wordpress/env)
# - docker must be installed and running
# - ensure the script is executable (e.g. chmod +x
# assumptions:
# wp-env must be running
# wp-env must be using 'mariadb' image for its mysql-compatible database
# wp-env must be using 2x database containers that respectively include 'mysql' and 'tests-mysql' in their name
# wp-env is configured to bridge the database container to the host network port 3306 (mysql default port)
# your local dev workstation has no port conflicts (e.g. 3306, 8080, etc)
# usage:
# ./scripts/phpmyadmin/
# notes:
# - the docker command is run with `--rm` option to remove the container when stopped
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# local phpmyadmin port
# docker image name filter
# used to exclude 'tests-mysql' container from the results
if docker ps --filter "name=$HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME" --format "{{.Names}}" | grep -q "phpmyadmin"; then
echo "$HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME container is running... stopping..."
docker stop "$HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME" &> /dev/null
echo "$HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME container stopped"
echo "preparing to start $HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME container..."
echo "- checking for running wp-env containers..."
# get the name of the container excluding the tests container
DB_CONTAINER_NAMES=($(docker ps \
--filter "name=$CONTAINER_NAME_FILTER" \
--filter "ancestor=$IMAGE_NAME_FILTER" \
--format "{{.Names}}" | grep -v "$EXCLUDE_GREP_FILTER_PATTERN" | head -n 1
if [[ ${#DB_CONTAINER_NAMES[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: no matching container found. is wp-env running?" >&2
exit 1
elif [[ ${#DB_CONTAINER_NAMES[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: multiple matching containers found. check script filters vs. 'docker ps' output." >&2
exit 1
WP_ENV_NETWORK=$(docker inspect "$DB_CONTAINER_NAME" | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks | keys[]')
if [[ -z "$WP_ENV_NETWORK" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: failed to resolve the network for container $DB_CONTAINER_NAME." >&2
exit 1
echo "- found wp-env database container: $DB_CONTAINER_NAME"
echo "- found wp-env network name: $WP_ENV_NETWORK"
PMA_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run \
-d \
--rm \
-e PMA_PORT=3306 \
-e PMA_USER=root \
-e PMA_PASSWORD=password \
-p "$HOST_PMA_PORT:80" \
--network "$WP_ENV_NETWORK" \
echo "- $HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME container started in detached mode: $PMA_CONTAINER_ID"
echo "$HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME is now running at: http://localhost:$HOST_PMA_PORT"
echo "stop the container by executing the following command"
echo "docker stop $HOST_PMA_CONTAINER_NAME"
echo "happy coding!"
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firxworx commented May 8, 2024

Hi @RWareSteve thanks for the comment.

I haven't touched the project that I wrote this script for in a while (or much of WP at all for that matter!) so I'm glad to see you found it useful in your project and to hear that the script is still relevant.

It looks like you landed on exactly what the helper scripts I added to package.json were doing to spin the dev environment up and down:

  • run wp-env start first then run bash ./scripts/phpmyadmin/ (as documented in the comments in the script)
  • run bash ./scripts/phpmyadmin/ to stop phpmyadmin and then wp-env stop

In case its helpful to you when I took a peek just now I also added a few other scripts/commands that I found made working with wp-env a little bit smoother:

    "dev:wp:logs": "wp-env run wordpress tail -50 wp-content/debug.log",
    "dev:wp:logs:clear": "wp-env run wordpress truncate --size 0 wp-content/debug.log",
    "dev:wp:ssh": "wp-env run wordpress bash",
    "dev:cli:ssh": "wp-env run wordpress bash",
    "wp": "wp-env run cli"

While you may prefer other naming conventions I recall these were pretty handy during development!

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