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Created March 14, 2019 15:59
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class Notification {
;Things to configure:
; Font,color,size title
; Font,color,size body
; duration
; pop in location/behavior
Title := ""
TitleSize := 30
TitleColor := "7FA2CF"
TitleFont := "Segoe UI Light"
Message := ""
MessageSize := 11
MessageColor := "White"
MessageFont := "Segoe UI"
BackgroundColor := "2A2B2F"
Delay := 1000
ClickAction := ""
__New(title, msg, clickAction, delay = 1000) {
this.Title := title
this.Message := msg
this.ClickAction := clickAction
this.Delay := delay
Notify() {
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, 1
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
;Log call if file path provided
;~ if logPath
;~ {
;~ FormatTime, RightNow
;~ FileAppend, %RightNow%`n%notificationTitle%`n%notificationText%`n, %logPath%
;~ }
; pad the title for a default width
this.Title := this.Pad(this.Title)
; get the count of any existing notification windows
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, winCount, Count, AHKNotification -
; adjust this notification y offset according to the existing count
yPosition := 125*winCount
; set a unique notification title
winTitle := "AHKNotification - " new Guid().Small
; notification display settings
Gui, New
Gui, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border
Gui, Color, % this.BackgroundColor
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Font, % "s" this.TitleSize " c" this.TitleColor, % this.TitleFont
Gui, Add, Text, x10 gClickAction, % this.Title
Gui, Font
Gui, Font, % "s" this.MessageSize " c" this.MessageColor, % this.MessageFont
if this.Message
Gui, Add, Text, xm x15 r3, % this.Message
Gui, Add, Text, ym
Gui, Show, % "y" yPosition " NA", %winTitle%
; get the initial coords of the notification
WinGetPos x, y, width, height, %winTitle%
; start the transparency at full
t := 255
; set the travel pixels the window needs to move up
yPixelsToMoveUp := (yPosition + height) / 128
; keep the notifcation up for the duration of this.Delay
Sleep, % this.Delay
; loop 128 times (~1/2 of 255)
while (t > 0) {
NewY := y
Loop, 128
; get the id of the window the mouse is over
MouseGetPos,,, mouseWin
; get the window title
WinGetTitle, win, ahk_id %mouseWin%
; if the mouse is over this notification
if (win == winTitle) {
; rest the y postion and transparency back to initial values
NewY := y
t := 255
; move the notification back to initial
WinSet, Trans, %t%, %winTitle%
WinMove %winTitle%,, x, %NewY%
; otherwise set a new transparency level
WinSet, Trans, %t%, %winTitle%
NewY := NewY-yPixelsToMoveUp
; move the window up
WinMove %winTitle%,, x, %NewY%
; adjust the transparency for the next iteration
t := t-2
WinClose, %winTitle%
if (this.ClickAction != "") {
ca := this.ClickAction
if (ca == "ClearCricketAlert") {
RegExMatch(this.Message, "i)\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}", publishedDate)
RegExMatch(this.Message, "i)v\d+", version)
KF().Trello().AddReleaseCardToWCRIStatusBoard(version, publishedDate)
} else if (ca == "CopyToClipboard") {
Clipboard := Trim(this.Title) ":" Trim(this.Message)
Pad(x) {
Loop, % 30 - StrLen(x)
x .= A_Space
return x
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