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Last active December 10, 2015 01:18
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Vim plugin to combine vim and tmux to add support for some erlang tools to vim. Inspired by the vimux plugin. Currently erlc, ct_run, dialyzer, eunit and rebar have some support.

The plugin works by using a ct hook or an eunit listener to produce identical format to dialyzer -o outputfile. This means all tools' output can be parsed with the same parser.

If the vimerl plugin is present (and automatically located) its check on write is integrated.


All tools (except eunit) work exactly the same as normal:

:Erlc = erlc
:Dialyzer = dialyzer
:Ctrun = ct_run
:Rebar = rebar

Eunit (may require R15B01+)

:Eunit [-dir directory | -module module [-test basic_test | generator_test_] | -cover | -surefire | -verbose | -logdir logs]

-logdir option is the same as ct_run.

Eunit is run using erl -s vet_eunit start so all erl options are supported as well, e.g. -pa ebin. Eunit support is in a very experimental stage.

The contents of the runner pane can be parsed (using tmux capture-pane) for errors, warnings or failed tests:


A quickfix list with all errors found (assuming the source files can be found) will be created. All relevant buffers will have location lists and signs updated to match the errors.

##erlc "clones"

  • :Erlv - The same as Erlc but with warnings and +strong_validation
  • :Erlt - The same as Erlc but with -DTEST

##Run suite/test under cursor

:Ctrunsuite, :Ctruncase, :Eunitmodule, :Eunittest are (experimental) commands to auto add options for the suite/module/test under cursor.


Show last 10 runs of all tools:


Show last 10 runs of a particular tool (i.e. erlc, erlt, erlv, dialyzer, ct_run, eunit or rebar):

:Erlh erlc

Repeat last run of any tool:


Repeat last run of a particular tool:

:Erlr erlc

Repeat a particular run from history (use number from Erlh - 0 is last run):

:Erlr 1

Or for a particular tool:

:Erlr erlc 1

##Error lists

Parse contents of runner pane for errors and assign a name (default names are the same as for history) to the error list:

:Erlp named_run

Select a new error (quickfix) list from a selection of the previous (note that currently location lists will contain duplicates)

:Erls selection_name dialyzer ct_run

Delete any of previous error lists:

:Erld erlc dialyzer named_run selection_name

Location lists and signs will be automatically updated to contain all active error lists.


  • Requires tmux version 1.6 or greater
  • Vim must be inside a tmux pane
  • Experimental/work in progress/proof of concept/testing in production.. You have been warned
  • Standard pathogen plugin
  • Read source for settings to add to your .vimrc (everything has settings)
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