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Last active May 6, 2020 02:55
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  • Save fishi0x01/9c8d39d7a79cbe454f87c4745897d561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fishi0x01/9c8d39d7a79cbe454f87c4745897d561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
node {
def branchVersion = ""
stage ('Checkout') {
// checkout repository
checkout scm
// save our docker build context before we switch branches
sh "cp -r ./.docker/build tmp-docker-build-context"
// checkout input branch
sh "git checkout ${caller.env.BRANCH_NAME}"
stage ('Determine Branch Version') {
// add maven to path
env.PATH = "${tool 'M3'}/bin:${env.PATH}"
// determine version in pom.xml
def pomVersion = sh(script: 'mvn -q -Dexec.executable=\'echo\' -Dexec.args=\'${project.version}\' --non-recursive exec:exec', returnStdout: true).trim()
// compute proper branch SNAPSHOT version
pomVersion = pomVersion.replaceAll(/-SNAPSHOT/, "")
branchVersion = env.BRANCH_NAME
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/origin\//, "")
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/\W/, "-")
branchVersion = "${pomVersion}-${branchVersion}-SNAPSHOT"
// set branch SNAPSHOT version in pom.xml
sh "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${branchVersion}"
stage ('Java Build') {
// build .war package
sh 'mvn clean package -U'
stage ('Docker Build') {
// prepare docker build context
sh "cp target/project.war ./tmp-docker-build-context"
// Build and push image with Jenkins' docker-plugin
withDockerServer([uri: "tcp://<my-docker-socket>"]) {
withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: 'docker-registry-credentials', url: "https://<my-docker-registry>/"]) {
// we give the image the same version as the .war package
def image ="<myDockerRegistry>/<myDockerProjectRepo>:${branchVersion}", "--build-arg PACKAGE_VERSION=${branchVersion} ./tmp-docker-build-context")
set -e
if [ -n "$SERVER_XML" ]
echo ${SERVER_XML} > /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml
if [ -n "$CONTEXT_XML" ]
echo ${CONTEXT_XML} > /usr/local/tomcat/conf/context.xml
exec "$@"
FROM tomcat:8.0.38
# Place the code version inside the webapps directory
RUN echo "${PACKAGE_VERSION}" >> /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/version.txt
COPY project.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/project.war
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["", "run"]
# IMPORTANT: By default, this container will run as root user, which is not recommended for security reasons!!!
node {
echo 'The pipeline started'
node {
def branchVersion = ""
stage ('Checkout') {
// checkout repository
checkout scm
// checkout input branch
sh "git checkout ${caller.env.BRANCH_NAME}"
stage ('Determine Branch Version') {
// add maven to path
env.PATH = "${tool 'M3'}/bin:${env.PATH}"
// determine version in pom.xml
def pomVersion = sh(script: 'mvn -q -Dexec.executable=\'echo\' -Dexec.args=\'${project.version}\' --non-recursive exec:exec', returnStdout: true).trim()
// compute proper branch SNAPSHOT version
pomVersion = pomVersion.replaceAll(/-SNAPSHOT/, "")
branchVersion = env.BRANCH_NAME
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/origin\//, "")
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/\W/, "-")
branchVersion = "${pomVersion}-${branchVersion}-SNAPSHOT"
// set branch SNAPSHOT version in pom.xml
sh "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${branchVersion}"
stage ('Java Build') {
// build .war package
sh 'mvn clean package -U'
def greenColor = "#3BCF00"
def yellowColor = "#BFC14C"
def redColor = "#DE0000"
def buildNotify(buildStatus, channel) {
// build status of null means successful
buildStatus = buildStatus ?: 'SUCCESSFUL'
// Default values
def colorCode = '#FF0000'
def subject = "`[PROJECT]` ${buildStatus}: build branch `${env.BRANCH_NAME}`"
def summary = "${subject} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
// Override default values based on build status
if (buildStatus == 'STARTED') {
colorCode = yellowColor
} else if (buildStatus == 'SUCCESSFUL') {
colorCode = greenColor
} else {
colorCode = redColor
// Send notifications
// NOTE: you should get the token from Jenkins credentials instead of cleartext in script
slackSend color: colorCode, message: summary, teamDomain: 'myDomain', channel: channel,token: 'myToken'
node {
def branchVersion = ""
try {
buildNotify 'STARTED', 'my-build-channel'
stage ('Checkout') {
// checkout repository
checkout scm
// save our docker build context before we switch branches
sh "cp -r ./.docker/build tmp-docker-build-context"
// checkout input branch
sh "git checkout ${caller.env.BRANCH_NAME}"
stage ('Determine Branch Version') {
// add maven to path
env.PATH = "${tool 'M3'}/bin:${env.PATH}"
// determine version in pom.xml
def pomVersion = sh(script: 'mvn -q -Dexec.executable=\'echo\' -Dexec.args=\'${project.version}\' --non-recursive exec:exec', returnStdout: true).trim()
// compute proper branch SNAPSHOT version
pomVersion = pomVersion.replaceAll(/-SNAPSHOT/, "")
branchVersion = env.BRANCH_NAME
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/origin\//, "")
branchVersion = branchVersion.replaceAll(/\W/, "-")
branchVersion = "${pomVersion}-${branchVersion}-SNAPSHOT"
// set branch SNAPSHOT version in pom.xml
sh "mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=${branchVersion}"
stage ('Java Build') {
// build .war package
sh 'mvn clean package -U'
stage ('Docker Build') {
// prepare docker build context
sh "cp target/project.war ./tmp-docker-build-context"
// Build and push image with Jenkins' docker-plugin
withDockerServer([uri: "tcp://<my-docker-socket>"]) {
withDockerRegistry([credentialsId: 'docker-registry-credentials', url: "https://<my-docker-registry>/"]) {
// we give the image the same version as the .war package
def image ="<myDockerRegistry>/<myDockerProjectRepo>:${branchVersion}", "--build-arg PACKAGE_VERSION=${branchVersion} ./tmp-docker-build-context")
} catch(e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
throw e
} finally {
buildNotify currentBuild.result, 'my-build-channel'
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