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Created March 17, 2021 14:00
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HashTable implementation in swift
import UIKit
import XCTest
class HashTableNode<T> {
var value: T
var key: String
var nextNode: HashTableNode?
init(value: T, key: String) {
self.value = value
self.key = key
enum InsertionStatus {
case success, collision, replacement
class HashTable<T> {
private var bucket: [HashTableNode<T>?]
init(bucketSize: Int) {
bucket = Array(repeating: nil, count: bucketSize)
func getElement(forKey hashKey: String) -> T? {
let index = findIndex(forKey: hashKey)
var node = bucket[index]
while node != nil {
if node?.key == hashKey { return node?.value }
else {
node = node?.nextNode
return nil
@discardableResult func addElement(_ element: T, forKey hashKey: String) -> InsertionStatus {
let node = HashTableNode(value: element, key: hashKey)
let index = findIndex(forKey: hashKey)
var auxNode = bucket[index]
if auxNode == nil {
bucket[index] = node
return .success
while auxNode?.nextNode != nil {
if auxNode?.key == hashKey || auxNode?.nextNode?.key == hashKey {
auxNode = [auxNode, auxNode?.nextNode].first(where: {$0?.key == hashKey})!
auxNode?.value = element
return .replacement
auxNode = auxNode?.nextNode
auxNode?.nextNode = node
return .collision
func deleteElementForKey(_ key: String) -> Bool {
let index = findIndex(forKey: key)
var node = bucket[index]
if node?.key == key {
bucket[index] = node?.nextNode
return true
while node?.nextNode != nil {
if node?.nextNode?.key == key {
node?.nextNode = node?.nextNode?.nextNode
return true
node = node?.nextNode
return false
private func findIndex(forKey hashKey: String) -> Int {
if hashKey.isEmpty { return -1 }
let v = hashKey.unicodeScalars.reduce(0, { $0 + Int($1.value) })
let ret = v % bucket.count
return ret
var table = HashTable<String>(bucketSize: 5)
table.addElement("Hello", forKey: "1234")
XCTAssertEqual(table.getElement(forKey: "1234"), "Hello")
XCTAssertNil(table.getElement(forKey: " "))
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