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Created September 8, 2012 10:54
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ParallelSimulation in Programming in Scala
import scala.actors.Actor
import Actor._
object ParallelSimulation {
case class Ping(time: Int)
case class Pong(time: Int, from: Actor)
case object Start
case object Stop
case class AfterDelay(delay: Int, msg: Any, target: Actor)
class Clock extends Actor {
private var running = false
private var currentTime = 0
private var agenda: List[WorkItem] = List()
private var allSimulants: List[Actor] = List()
private var busySimulants: Set[Actor] = Set.empty
def add(sim: Simulant) {
allSimulants = sim :: allSimulants
case class WorkItem(time: Int, msg: Any, target: Actor)
private def insert(ag: List[WorkItem],
item: WorkItem): List[WorkItem] = {
if (ag.isEmpty || item.time < ag.head.time) item :: ag
else ag.head :: insert(ag.tail, item)
def act() {
loop {
if (running && busySimulants.isEmpty)
def advance() {
if (agenda.isEmpty && currentTime > 0) {
println("** Agenda empty. Clock exiting at time "+
self ! Stop
currentTime += 1
println("Advancing to time "+currentTime)
for (sim <- allSimulants)
sim ! Ping(currentTime)
busySimulants = Set.empty ++ allSimulants
private def processCurrentEvents() {
val todoNow = agenda.takeWhile(_.time <= currentTime)
agenda = agenda.drop(todoNow.length)
for (WorkItem(time, msg, target) <- todoNow) {
assert(time == currentTime)
target ! msg
def reactToOneMessage() {
react {
case AfterDelay(delay, msg, target) =>
val item = WorkItem(currentTime + delay, msg, target)
agenda = insert(agenda, item)
case Pong(time, sim) =>
assert(time == currentTime)
assert(busySimulants contains sim)
busySimulants -= sim
case Start => running = true
case Stop =>
for (sim <- allSimulants)
sim ! Stop
trait Simulant extends Actor {
val clock: Clock
def handleSimMessage(msg: Any)
def simStarting() { }
def act() {
loop {
react {
case Stop => exit()
case Ping(time) =>
if (time == 1) simStarting()
clock ! Pong(time, self)
case msg => handleSimMessage(msg)
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