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Created June 7, 2010 18:19
// Based on Nicholas C Zakas' function in High Performance Javascript
function batchProcess(items, process, callback) {
// Create a copy of the original items array so that our side effects
// (calling .shift()) don't pollute anything outside of this scope.
var todo = items.slice(0);
setTimeout(function () {
var start = +new Date, result = true;
// Process the items in batch for 50ms, or until the iteration is
// canceled (by the process function returning false).
(result !== false
&& todo.length > 0
&& ((+new Date) - start < 50))
result = process(todo.shift());
// When the 50ms is up, let the UI thread update by defering the rest of
// the iteration in a setTimeout.
if (todo.length > 0 && result !== false) {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
} else {
}, 25);
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