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Last active March 1, 2023 12:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python
This is the Python client library for GrowthBook, the open-source
feature flagging and A/B testing platform.
More info at
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
def fnv1a32(unicode):
hval = 0x811C9DC5
prime = 0x01000193
uint32_max = 2 ** 32
for s in unicode:
hval = hval ^ ord(s)
hval = (hval * prime) % uint32_max
return hval
def gbhash(unicode):
n = fnv1a32(unicode)
return (n % 1000) / 1000
def inNamespace(userId, namespace):
n = gbhash(userId + u"__" + namespace[0])
return n >= namespace[1] and n < namespace[2]
def getEqualWeights(numVariations):
if numVariations < 1:
return []
return [1 / numVariations for i in xrange(numVariations)]
def getBucketRanges(
numVariations, coverage = 1, weights = None
if coverage < 0:
coverage = 0
if coverage > 1:
coverage = 1
if weights is None:
weights = getEqualWeights(numVariations)
if len(weights) != numVariations:
weights = getEqualWeights(numVariations)
if sum(weights) < 0.99 or sum(weights) > 1.01:
weights = getEqualWeights(numVariations)
cumulative = 0
ranges = []
for w in weights:
start = cumulative
cumulative += w
ranges.append((start, start + coverage * w))
return ranges
def chooseVariation(n, ranges):
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
if n >= r[0] and n < r[1]:
return i
return -1
def getQueryStringOverride(id, url, numVariations):
res = urlparse(url)
if not res.query:
return None
qs = parse_qs(res.query)
if id not in qs:
return None
variation = qs[id][0]
if variation is None or not variation.isdigit():
return None
varId = int(variation)
if varId < 0 or varId >= numVariations:
return None
return varId
def evalCondition(attributes, condition):
if u"$or" in condition:
return evalOr(attributes, condition[u"$or"])
if u"$nor" in condition:
return not evalOr(attributes, condition[u"$nor"])
if u"$and" in condition:
return evalAnd(attributes, condition[u"$and"])
if u"$not" in condition:
return not evalCondition(attributes, condition[u"$not"])
for key, value in condition.items():
if not evalConditionValue(value, getPath(attributes, key)):
return False
return True
def evalOr(attributes, conditions):
if len(conditions) == 0:
return True
for condition in conditions:
if evalCondition(attributes, condition):
return True
return False
def evalAnd(attributes, conditions):
for condition in conditions:
if not evalCondition(attributes, condition):
return False
return True
def isOperatorObject(obj):
for key in obj.keys():
if key[0] != u"$":
return False
return True
def getType(attributeValue):
t = type(attributeValue)
if attributeValue is None:
return u"null"
if t is int or t is float:
return u"number"
if t is unicode:
return u"string"
if t is list or t is set:
return u"array"
if t is dict:
return u"object"
if t is bool:
return u"boolean"
return u"unknown"
def getPath(attributes, path):
current = attributes
for segment in path.split(u"."):
if type(current) is dict and segment in current:
current = current[segment]
return None
return current
def evalConditionValue(conditionValue, attributeValue):
if type(conditionValue) is dict and isOperatorObject(conditionValue):
for key, value in conditionValue.items():
if not evalOperatorCondition(key, attributeValue, value):
return False
return True
return conditionValue == attributeValue
def elemMatch(condition, attributeValue):
if not type(attributeValue) is list:
return False
for item in attributeValue:
if isOperatorObject(condition):
if evalConditionValue(condition, item):
return True
if evalCondition(item, condition):
return True
return False
def evalOperatorCondition(operator, attributeValue, conditionValue):
if operator == u"$eq":
return attributeValue == conditionValue
elif operator == u"$ne":
return attributeValue != conditionValue
elif operator == u"$lt":
return attributeValue < conditionValue
elif operator == u"$lte":
return attributeValue <= conditionValue
elif operator == u"$gt":
return attributeValue > conditionValue
elif operator == u"$gte":
return attributeValue >= conditionValue
elif operator == u"$regex":
r = re.compile(conditionValue)
return bool(
except Exception:
return False
elif operator == u"$in":
return attributeValue in conditionValue
elif operator == u"$nin":
return not (attributeValue in conditionValue)
elif operator == u"$elemMatch":
return elemMatch(conditionValue, attributeValue)
elif operator == u"$size":
if not (type(attributeValue) is list):
return False
return evalConditionValue(conditionValue, len(attributeValue))
elif operator == u"$all":
if not (type(attributeValue) is list):
return False
for cond in conditionValue:
passing = False
for attr in attributeValue:
if evalConditionValue(cond, attr):
passing = True
if not passing:
return False
return True
elif operator == u"$exists":
if not conditionValue:
return attributeValue is None
return attributeValue is not None
elif operator == u"$type":
return getType(attributeValue) == conditionValue
elif operator == u"$not":
return not evalConditionValue(conditionValue, attributeValue)
return False
class Experiment(object):
def __init__(
weights = None,
active = True,
status = u"running",
coverage = 1,
condition = None,
namespace = None,
url = u"",
groups = None,
force = None,
hashAttribute = u"id",
self.key = key
self.variations = variations
self.weights = weights = active
self.coverage = coverage
self.condition = condition
self.namespace = namespace
self.force = force
self.hashAttribute = hashAttribute
# Deprecated properties
self.status = status
self.url = url
self.include = include
self.groups = groups
def to_dict(self):
return {
u"key": self.key,
u"variations": self.variations,
u"weights": self.weights,
u"coverage": self.coverage,
u"condition": self.condition,
u"namespace": self.namespace,
u"force": self.force,
u"hashAttribute": self.hashAttribute,
def update(self, data):
weights = data.get(u"weights", None)
status = data.get(u"status", None)
coverage = data.get(u"coverage", None)
url = data.get(u"url", None)
groups = data.get(u"groups", None)
force = data.get(u"force", None)
if weights is not None:
self.weights = weights
if status is not None:
self.status = status
if coverage is not None:
self.coverage = coverage
if url is not None:
self.url = url
if groups is not None:
self.groups = groups
if force is not None:
self.force = force
class Result(object):
def __init__(
self.variationId = variationId
self.inExperiment = inExperiment
self.value = value
self.hashUsed = hashUsed
self.hashAttribute = hashAttribute
self.hashValue = hashValue
self.featureId = featureId or None
def to_dict(self):
return {
u"featureId": self.featureId,
u"variationId": self.variationId,
u"inExperiment": self.inExperiment,
u"value": self.value,
u"hashUsed": self.hashUsed,
u"hashAttribute": self.hashAttribute,
u"hashValue": self.hashValue,
class Feature(object):
def __init__(self, defaultValue=None, rules = []):
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
self.rules = []
for rule in rules:
if isinstance(rule, FeatureRule):
def to_dict(self):
return {
u"defaultValue": self.defaultValue,
u"rules": [rule.to_dict() for rule in self.rules],
class FeatureRule(object):
def __init__(
key = u"",
variations = None,
weights = None,
coverage = 1,
condition = None,
namespace = None,
hashAttribute = u"id",
self.key = key
self.variations = variations
self.weights = weights
self.coverage = coverage
self.condition = condition
self.namespace = namespace
self.force = force
self.hashAttribute = hashAttribute
def to_dict(self):
data = {}
if self.key:
data[u"key"] = self.key
if self.variations is not None:
data[u"variations"] = self.variations
if self.weights is not None:
data[u"weights"] = self.weights
if self.coverage != 1:
data[u"coverage"] = self.coverage
if self.condition is not None:
data[u"condition"] = self.condition
if self.namespace is not None:
data[u"namespace"] = self.namespace
if self.force is not None:
data[u"force"] = self.force
if self.hashAttribute != u"id":
data[u"hashAttribute"] = self.hashAttribute
return data
class FeatureResult(object):
def __init__(
experiment = None,
experimentResult = None,
self.value = value
self.source = source
self.experiment = experiment
self.experimentResult = experimentResult
self.on = bool(value) = not bool(value)
def to_dict(self):
data = {
u"value": self.value,
u"source": self.source,
u"on": self.on,
if self.experiment:
data[u"experiment"] = self.experiment.to_dict()
if self.experimentResult:
data[u"experimentResult"] = self.experimentResult.to_dict()
return data
class GrowthBook(object):
def __init__(
enabled = True,
attributes = {},
url = u"",
features = {},
qaMode = False,
# Deprecated args
user = {},
groups = {},
overrides = {},
forcedVariations = {},
self._enabled = enabled
self._attributes = attributes
self._url = url
self._features = {}
if features:
self._qaMode = qaMode
self._trackingCallback = trackingCallback
# Deprecated args
self._user = user
self._groups = groups
self._overrides = overrides
self._forcedVariations = forcedVariations
self._tracked = {}
self._assigned = {}
self._subscriptions = set()
def setFeatures(self, features):
self._features = {}
for key, feature in features.items():
if isinstance(feature, Feature):
self._features[key] = feature
self._features[key] = Feature(**feature)
def getFeatures(self):
return self._features
def setAttributes(self, attributes):
self._attributes = attributes
def getAttributes(self):
return self._attributes
def destroy(self):
self._trackingCallback = None
def isOn(self, key):
return self.evalFeature(key).on
def isOff(self, key):
return self.evalFeature(key).off
def getFeatureValue(self, key, fallback):
res = self.evalFeature(key)
return res.value if res.value is not None else fallback
def evalFeature(self, key):
if key not in self._features:
return FeatureResult(None, u"unknownFeature")
feature = self._features[key]
for rule in feature.rules:
if rule.condition:
if not evalCondition(self._attributes, rule.condition):
if rule.force is not None:
if rule.coverage < 1:
hashValue = self._getHashValue(rule.hashAttribute)
if not hashValue:
n = gbhash(hashValue + key)
if n > rule.coverage:
return FeatureResult(rule.force, u"force")
if rule.variations is None:
exp = Experiment(
key=rule.key or key,
result = self._run(exp, key)
self._fireSubscriptions(exp, result)
if not result.inExperiment:
return FeatureResult(result.value, u"experiment", exp, result)
return FeatureResult(feature.defaultValue, u"defaultValue")
def getAllResults(self):
return self._assigned.copy()
def _getHashValue(self, attr):
if attr in self._attributes:
return unicode(self._attributes[attr] or u"")
if attr in self._user:
return unicode(self._user[attr] or u"")
return u""
def _fireSubscriptions(self, experiment, result):
prev = self._assigned.get(experiment.key, None)
if (
not prev
or prev[u"result"].inExperiment != result.inExperiment
or prev[u"result"].variationId != result.variationId
self._assigned[experiment.key] = {
u"experiment": experiment,
u"result": result,
for cb in self._subscriptions:
cb(experiment, result)
except Exception:
def run(self, experiment):
result = self._run(experiment)
self._fireSubscriptions(experiment, result)
return result
def subscribe(self, callback):
return lambda: self._subscriptions.remove(callback)
def _run(self, experiment, featureId = None):
# 1. If experiment has less than 2 variations, return immediately
if len(experiment.variations) < 2:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 2. If growthbook is disabled, return immediately
if not self._enabled:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 2.5. If the experiment props have been overridden, merge them in
if self._overrides.get(experiment.key, None):
# 3. If experiment is forced via a querystring in the url
qs = getQueryStringOverride(
experiment.key, self._url, len(experiment.variations)
if qs is not None:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, qs, featureId=featureId)
# 4. If variation is forced in the context
if self._forcedVariations.get(experiment.key, None) is not None:
return self._getExperimentResult(
experiment, self._forcedVariations[experiment.key], featureId=featureId
# 5. If experiment is a draft or not active, return immediately
if experiment.status == u"draft" or not
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 6. Get the user hash attribute and value
hashAttribute = experiment.hashAttribute or u"id"
hashValue = self._getHashValue(hashAttribute)
if not hashValue:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 7. Exclude if user not in experiment.namespace
if experiment.namespace and not inNamespace(hashValue, experiment.namespace):
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 7.5. If experiment has an include property
if experiment.include:
if not experiment.include():
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
except Exception:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 8. Exclude if condition is false
if experiment.condition and not evalCondition(
self._attributes, experiment.condition
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 8.1. Make sure user is in a matching group
if experiment.groups and len(experiment.groups):
expGroups = self._groups or {}
matched = False
for group in experiment.groups:
if expGroups[group]:
matched = True
if not matched:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 8.2. If experiment.url is set, see if it's valid
if experiment.url:
if not self._urlIsValid(experiment.url):
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 9. Get bucket ranges and choose variation
ranges = getBucketRanges(
len(experiment.variations), experiment.coverage or 1, experiment.weights
n = gbhash(hashValue + experiment.key)
assigned = chooseVariation(n, ranges)
# 10. Return if not in experiment
if assigned < 0:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 11. If experiment is forced, return immediately
if experiment.force is not None:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, experiment.force, featureId=featureId)
# 12. Exclude if in QA mode
if self._qaMode:
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 12.5. If experiment is stopped, return immediately
if experiment.status == u"stopped":
return self._getExperimentResult(experiment, featureId=featureId)
# 13. Build the result object
result = self._getExperimentResult(experiment, assigned, True, featureId=featureId)
# 14. Fire the tracking callback if set
self._track(experiment, result)
# 15. Return the result
return result
def _track(self, experiment, result):
if not self._trackingCallback:
return None
key = (
+ unicode(result.hashValue)
+ experiment.key
+ unicode(result.variationId)
if not self._tracked.get(key):
self._trackingCallback(experiment=experiment, result=result)
self._tracked[key] = True
except Exception:
def _urlIsValid(self, pattern):
if not self._url:
return False
r = re.compile(pattern)
return True
pathOnly = re.sub(ur"^[^/]*/", u"/", re.sub(ur"^https?:\/\/", u"", self._url))
return True
return False
except Exception:
return True
def _getExperimentResult(
self, experiment, variationId = -1, hashUsed = False, featureId = None
hashAttribute = experiment.hashAttribute or u"id"
inExperiment = True
if variationId < 0 or variationId > len(experiment.variations) - 1:
variationId = 0
inExperiment = False
return Result(
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