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Created June 22, 2012 02:44
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lol tests
/** Universal Module definition boilerplate **/
(function (root, factory) {
if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
module.exports = factory( require('../src/unregular') );
else if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( [ 'Unregular' ] , factory );
} else {
root.unregularTest = factory( root.unregular );
/** End boilerplate, begin module definition. **/
/** Arguments in the anonymous functions are dependencies **/
}( this, function( Unregular) {
'use strict';
describe( 'Unregular' , function() {
describe( '_definition' , function() {
it( 'exists', function() {
new Unregular().should.have.ownProperty( '_definition' );
it( 'is a RegExp object', function(){
new Unregular() RegExp );
describe( '#constructor', function ( ) {
it( 'returns an Unregular object ' , function() {
new Unregular() Unregular );
it( 'has a default RegExp by default if no arguments passed', function() {
new Unregular()._definition.toString().should.equal( '/(?:)/' );
it( 'does not accept anything other than String or RegExp', function(){
(function() {
new Unregular( {} );
(function() {
new Unregular( new Date() );
(function() {
new Unregular( 'foo' );
new Unregular();
new Unregular( new RegExp() );
new Unregular( new Unregular() );
it( 'copies an Unregular instances regex value if passed as the argument', function() {
var unregToMatch = new Unregular( 'foo '),
duplicateUnreg = new Unregular( unregToMatch );
unregToMatch.toRegex().toString().should.equal( duplicateUnreg.toRegex().toString() );
unregToMatch.should.not.equal( duplicateUnreg );
unregToMatch._definition = new RegExp();
unregToMatch._definition.should.not.match( duplicateUnreg._definition );
it( 'creates a default length property', function() {
var unreg = new Unregular();
unreg.should.have.ownProperty( '_length' ); 'object' );
unreg._length.should.have.ownProperty( 'min' );
unreg._length.should.have.ownProperty( 'max' );
unreg._length.min.should.equal( 0 );
unreg._length.max.should.equal( - 1);
describe( '#toRegex', function() {
it ( 'returns a RegExp object' , function() {
new Unregular().toRegex() RegExp );
describe( '#length', function() {
var unreg, length;
beforeEach( function(){
unreg = new Unregular();
length = unreg.length();
it( 'returns the length object of the object when no args passed', function(){ 'object' );
it( 'accepts only objects or numbers for passed arg', function(){
( function(){
unreg.length( {} );
(function() {
unreg.length( 'foo' );
it( 'sets _length.min and _length.max equal if only a number is passed', function(){
unreg.length( 5 );
unreg.length().should.eql( {min: 5, max: 5} );
it( 'changes the min and max of _length if an object with min and max properties is passed', function(){
unreg.length( {min: 5, max: 7} );
unreg.length().should.eql( {min: 5, max: 7} );
it( 'only copies the min and max properties of an object to _length', function(){
unreg.length( { foo: 'bar', min: 5, max: 7});
unreg._length.should.not.have.ownProperty( 'foo' );
it( 'throws an error if the passed objects min and max are not numbers', function(){
unreg.length({ min: 'foo', max: 'foo'} );
it( 'returns `this` Unregular object if length changes (arguments are passed)', function() {
var check = unreg.length( 5 );
check.should.equal( unreg );
check.length().should.eql( {min: 5, max: 5} );
describe( '#exec', function() {
it( 'is a function', function() { 'function' );
it( 'only accepts a string as its argument', function() {
(function() {
new Unregular().exec( {} );
}).should.throw(/only strings/i);
(function() {
new Unregular().exec( 'foo');
describe( '#test', function(){
var unreg;
beforeEach( function() {
unreg = new Unregular();
it( 'is a function', function() { 'function' );
it( 'returns a boolean value', function(){
unreg.test( '' ) 'boolean' );
it( 'returns false if minimum length is not met', function() {
unreg = unreg.length( { min: 3, max: 5 });
unreg.test( '' );
it( 'returns false if maximum length is not met', function() {
unreg = unreg.length({ min: 5, max: 7} );
unreg.test( 'waylongerthan7characters' );
it( 'returns false if string can only be x characters', function() {
unreg = unreg.length( 3 );
unreg.test( 'four' );
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