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Created October 8, 2015 11:49
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Save fivethreeo/d6ba0ffe93da5bfb7afb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
\usepackage{amssymb} % needed for math
\usepackage{amsmath} % needed for math
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % this is needed for german umlauts
\usepackage[norsk]{babel} % this is needed for german umlauts
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % this is needed for correct output of umlauts in pdf
\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} %layout
\usepackage{hyperref} % this is needed for forms and links within the text
pdfauthor = {\O{}yvind Saltvik},
pdfkeywords = {\O{}yvind Saltvik, datakortet nettkurs},
pdftitle = {Bestilling av kursplass}
\title{Bestilling av kursplass}
\author{\O{}yvind Saltvik}
xxxxxxxxxxxx: \= \kill % This is needed for the right tab width
Kurs: \> Datakortet nettkurs \\ \\
Fylke: \>
{Akershus,Aust-Agder,Buskerud,Finmark,Hedmark,Hordaland,M\o{}re og Romsdal,Nordland,Nord-Tr\o{}ndelag,Oppland,Oslo,Rogaland,Sogn og Fjordane,S\o{}r-Tr\o{}ndelag,Telemark,Troms,Vest-Agder,Vestfold,\O{}stfold} \\ \\
Vi \o{}nsker med dette å bestille kursplass for: \\
Fornavn: \> \TextField[name=fornavn,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
Etternavn: \TextField[name=etternavn,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
{\mbox{}} \\ \\
Adresse: \> \TextField[name=adresse,width=9cm,charsize=12pt]
{\mbox{}} \\ \\
Postnr: \> \TextField[name=postnr,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
Sted: \TextField[name=sted,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
{\mbox{}} \\ \\
Telefon: \> \TextField[name=telefon,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
Epost: \TextField[name=epost,width=3cm,charsize=12pt]
{\mbox{}} \\ \\
Windows versjon: \>
{{Windows 7}=windows7,{Windows 8}=windows8,{Windows 10}=windows10} \\ \\
Office versjon: \>
{{Office 2007}=office2007,{Office 2010}=office2010,{Office 2013}=office2013,{Office 360}=office360}
\renewcommand\LayoutCheckField[2]{#2 #1}
\CheckBox[name=modul1,charsize=12pt]{Datakortet (AMO), Modul 1, 7 dager - grunnleggende IT forst\aa{}else} \\ \\ \\
\CheckBox[name=modul2,charsize=12pt]{Datakortet (AMO), Modul 2, 7 dager - operativsystemer} \\ \\
\hfill ~
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