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Last active July 21, 2023 17:20
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Ene Privacy Policy

Core Data Statement

Ene is based on Red-DiscordBot core. You can read Red's data statement here.

Message Tracking

Ene comes with automoderation tools that tracks every message sent by every user in every channel the bot has access to. These messages are only exists in RAM (Random Access Memory). Some messages are saved in form of hashes (MD5) locally (Leveler). Bot also sends messages sent to it (in DMs), into a channel with administrator access on support server.

Administrator access is only available to fixator10 and romashkoo.

Automoderation features are disabled by default and requires setup, e.g.: Defender, Retrigger.

UserData Tracking

Ene has several modules and you can find the user-data usage information by executing the following command: %help mydata

To view the End User Data statements of the 3rd party modules, execute the following command: %mydata 3rdparty. This command will list all the modules that use and don't use user data in an HTML file to read the statements with ease. Alternatively, all modules thats collects user data are provided in table below.

To make Ene forget what it knows about you, execute the following command: %mydata forgetme

Get in contact

If you have further questions or requests related to your data contact me (Fixator10#7133) via one of the next methods:

  • join support server:
  • send an email to or
  • use %contact command
  • send a message in bot's DM
Module (Cog) Data
audio This cog stores metadata and partial messages for playlists and equalizer configuration.
errorlogs This cog sends data about errored commands (message content, author, server and channel) into private bot administrative channel
russianroulette This cog stores Discord IDs as needed for operation temporarily during the game which are automatically deleted when it ends.
vkstatus This cog stores VK users tokens. This cog is for private use (tokens set by owner).
This cog does not support data removal requests.
reactkarma This cog stores data about guilds members in form of «UserID: Karma».
This cog supports data removal requests.
adventurealert This cog stores discord User ID's for the purposes of mentioning the user on certain events.
Users may delete their own data with or without making a data request.
sentryio This cog posts errors and their context to private dashboard.
todo This cog stores the todos associated with uids
hunting This cog does not persistently store end user data. This cog does store discord IDs as needed for operation. This cog does store user stats for the cog such as their score. Users may remove their own content without making a data removal request.This cog does not support data requests, but will respect deletion requests.
seen This cog does not persistently store end user data. This cog does store discord IDs and last seen timestamp as needed for operation.
timezone This cog stores data provided by users for the express purpose of redisplaying. It does not store user data which was not provided through a command. Users may remove their own content without making a data removal request. This cog does not support data requests, but will respect deletion requests.
unbelievaboat This cog stores data attached to a users ID for intent of showing a balance.
It does not store user data.
This cog supports data removal requests.
spotify This cog stores OAuth tokens and refresh tokens for the purposes of interacting with the Spotify API with discord commands and reactions. This data can be deleted at any time either via revoking the authorization token on Spotify or through the [p]mydata forgetme command.
starboard This stores message information from Users for the purposes of tracking reactions to the message.
githubcards GitHubCards stores no personal information.
cookies This cog stores operational data about "cookies" (imaginery currency). This cog supports data removal requests.
reactpoll This cog stores Discord IDs as needed for operation temporary during a poll which are automatically deleted when it ends.
defender This cog stores user IDs for the purpose of counting the messages a user sends and/or send the DM notifications the user has subscribed to.
adventure This cog stores data provided by users for the express purpose of redisplaying. It does not store user data which was not provided through a command. Users may remove their own content without making a data removal request. This cog does not support data requests, but will respect deletion requests.
casino This cog stores discord IDs as needed for operation.
godvilledata This cog stores API-tokens if provided by user.
Users may delete their tokens by either via [p]godville apikey remove or via data removal request.
weather This cog may store data about user's preferred measuring units.
This data can be remove by either via [p]forecastunits reset or via data removal request.
personalroles This cog stores users data in form of «member : role» Discord IDs pairings.
This cog supports data removal requests.
heathaze This cog stores data about users in form of logs, that's looks like this:
[01.01.1970 00:00:00] Username#0000 (111111111111111111) executed cmd ping (%ping) in channel on Guild name.
This data stored only for debugging purposes and stored only for 7 days.
This data may be removed only on direct request to owner.
retrigger This cog may store attachments and command information provided by Users for the purposes of performing actions.
Some User ID's may be stored in the bots logging information.
Users may delete their own data with or without making a data request.
highlight This cog stores data provided by uses for the purpose of notifying a user when data they provide is said.
It does not store user data which was not provided through a command and users may remove their own content without the use of a data removal request.
This cog will support data removal requests.
lastfm This cog stores a user's username, their amount of VC scrobbles, and a session key to scrobble for them. It also stores the user's crowns. This is all data that can be cleared.
leveler This cog persistently stores next data about user:
• Discord user ID
• Current username
• Per-server XP data (current XP and current level)
• Total count of XP on all servers
• URLs to profile/rank/levelup backrounds
• User-set title & info
• User's "reputation" points count
• Data about user's badges
• Data about user's profile/rank/levelup colors
• Timestamp of latest message and reputation
• Last message MD5 hash (for comparison)
This cog supports data removal requests.
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