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Created May 31, 2022 11:07
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Pluscal algorithm to validate that the well-known Nim strategy is optimal
--------------------------- MODULE Nim ---------------------------
EXTENDS TLC, Sequences, Integers, FiniteSets
--algorithm Nim
\* An n-pile version of Nim with the rules:
\* * Take as much as you want, but only from one pile
\* * Player who takes the last stone on the board *loses*
\* See also
\* This is set up as two players, "Human" and "Computer".
\* "Human" moves non-deterministically, trying all possible moves.
\* "Computer" moves according to an optimal strategy.
\* The model used with this should have ValidGame as an invariant,
\* and both OnlyValidChanges and ComputerWinsEventually as temporal
\* properties to check.
\* Suggested starting values:
\* INITIAL_PILES <- <<1, 3, 5, 7>>
\* With those values, the computer always wins. Switch HUMAN_STARTS
\* to see how the human can beat the computer if the computer starts
\* from the 1,3,5,7 position.
humanTurn = HUMAN_STARTS
GameOver == \A p \in DOMAIN piles : piles[p] = 0
\* player who took the last stone lost, so these next two are flipped when
\* compared to other similar models
HumanWins == GameOver /\ humanTurn
ComputerWins == GameOver /\ ~humanTurn
ComputerWinsEventually == []<>ComputerWins
\* Validity checks to keep us honest
ValidGame == \A p \in DOMAIN piles : piles[p] >= 0
ValidChange ==
/\ (humanTurn' /= humanTurn)
/\ (\E p \in DOMAIN piles : \A q \in DOMAIN piles :
IF q = p THEN piles'[q] < piles[q] ELSE piles'[q] = piles[q])
OnlyValidChanges == [][ValidChange]_<<piles, humanTurn>>
\* From here on are operators used in the computer strategy
MaxPileLoc == CHOOSE p \in DOMAIN piles:
\A q \in DOMAIN piles: piles[p] >= piles[q]
RECURSIVE FoldL(_, _, _)
FoldL(init, op(_,_), target) ==
IF target = <<>> THEN init
ELSE FoldL(op(init, Head(target)), op, Tail(target))
\* Adapted from
RECURSIVE XorImpl(_,_,_,_)
XorImpl(x,y,n,m) == LET exp == 2^n
IN IF m = 0
ELSE exp * (((x \div exp) + (y \div exp)) % 2)
+ XorImpl(x, y, n+1, m \div 2)
Xor(x, y) == IF x >= y THEN XorImpl(x, y, 0, x) ELSE XorImpl(y, x, 0, y)
end define;
fair process human = "Human"
while ~GameOver do
await humanTurn \/ GameOver;
if ~GameOver then
with p \in DOMAIN piles do
with takeAmt \in 1..piles[p] do
piles[p] := piles[p] - takeAmt
end with
end with;
humanTurn := FALSE
end if
end while
end process;
fair process computer = "Computer"
while ~GameOver do
await (~humanTurn) \/ GameOver;
if ~GameOver then
if Cardinality({q \in DOMAIN piles : piles[q] > 1}) > 1 then
\* we have at least two piles larger than 1, so are not in the endgame
\* yet. Strategy is to move so that the human gets piles such that the
\* Xor of all piles is 0.
with allxor = FoldL(0, Xor, piles) do
if allxor = 0 then
\* Uh-oh. Human is winning. Do something, because we have to.
with p = MaxPileLoc do
piles[p] := piles[p] - 1
end with
with p = CHOOSE q \in DOMAIN piles : Xor(allxor, piles[q]) < piles[q] do
\* Note that after this move, Xor of everything is 0
piles[p] := Xor(allxor, piles[p])
end with
end if
end with
\* Now we only have "1" piles left, except maybe for the largest pile,
\* so we're in the endgame.
\* Endgame strategy is to leave human with an odd number of "1"s
with p = MaxPileLoc do
with nOnes = Cardinality({q \in DOMAIN piles : piles[q] = 1}) do
if nOnes % 2 = 1 then
\* Either piles[p] > 1, and this move leaves human with just an
\* odd number of "1"s, or human is winning and we need to do
\* something so we might as well do this
piles[p] := 0
elsif piles[p] > 1 then
\* Doing this increases the number of "1" piles by one, leaving
\* human with an odd number of "1" piles.
piles[p] := 1
\* piles[p] = 1, so this decreases the number of "1" piles by 1
piles[p] := 0
end if
end with
end with
end if;
humanTurn := TRUE
end if
end while
end process
end algorithm
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