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Created May 15, 2017 18:18
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Verb with multiple methods.
class AllReflectMethod methods where
reflectMethods :: Proxy methods -> [Method]
instance AllReflectMethod '[] where
reflectMethods _ = []
instance (ReflectMethod m, AllReflectMethod ms) => AllReflectMethod (m:ms) where
reflectMethods _ = reflectMethod (Proxy @m) : reflectMethods (Proxy @ms)
( AllCTRender ctypes a, AllReflectMethod methods, KnownNat status
, GetHeaders (Headers h a)
) => HasServer (Verb (methods :: [StdMethod]) status ctypes (Headers h a)) context where
type ServerT (Verb '[] ...) m = m () ???
type ServerT (Verb (x ': xs) ...) m = ... :<|> ...
route :: Proxy api -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server api) -> Router env
route ???
type PostGet = Verb '[POST, GET] 200
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