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Save fizruk/5550093 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Heap sort using State monad along with lenses to deal with heap.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (last)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, put)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
-- | Heap is either empty heap or a node.
type Heap a = Maybe (HeapNode a)
-- | Heap node.
data HeapNode a = HeapNode
{ _val :: !a -- ^ Value stored in the node.
, _left :: !(Heap a) -- ^ Left subheap.
, _right :: !(Heap a) -- ^ Right subheap.
deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''HeapNode
type H v = StateT (Heap v) IO
type N v = StateT (HeapNode v) IO
-- | Pointer to the root value.
val_ :: Traversal' (Heap a) a
val_ = traverse . val
-- | Pointers to subheaps.
left_ :: Traversal' (HeapNode a) (HeapNode a)
left_ = left . traverse
-- | Pointer to the right subheap.
right_ :: Traversal' (HeapNode a) (HeapNode a)
right_ = right . traverse
-- | Lens to a leaf.
leaf :: Lens' (Heap a) (Heap a)
leaf f Nothing = f Nothing
leaf f h@(Just (HeapNode _ Nothing Nothing)) = f h
leaf f h@(Just (HeapNode x (Just l) r)) = Just <$> (flip (HeapNode x) r <$> (leaf f $ Just l))
leaf f h@(Just (HeapNode x l (Just r))) = Just <$> (HeapNode x l <$> (leaf f $ Just r))
-- | Delete all nodes from the heap, displaying sorted values.
printSorted :: (Show a, Ord a) => H a ()
printSorted = do
v <- delete
case v of
Nothing -> return ()
Just x -> liftIO $ putStr (show x ++ " ")
-- | Remove root from a Heap.
delete :: (Ord a) => H a (Maybe a)
delete = do
x <- preuse val_ -- extract root value
y <- zoom leaf $ do
z <- preuse val_ -- extract leaf value
put Nothing -- remove leaf
return z
val_ .= fromJust y -- replace root value with leaf's
down -- recover consistency
return x
-- | Swap root and given node values.
swap :: Traversal' (HeapNode a) (HeapNode a) -> N a ()
swap node_ = do
x <- use val -- extract root value
y <- zoom (singular node_) $ do
z <- use val -- extract node value
val .= x -- replace node value with root's
return z
val .= y -- replace root value with node's
-- | Recover consistency in a Heap.
down :: (Ord a) => H a ()
down = zoom traverse $ do
zoom left down -- go down for the left subheap
zoom right down -- go down for the right subheap
down' :: (Ord a) => N a ()
down' = do
-- extract root and children values
[l, r, v] <- mapM preuse [left_.val, right_.val, val]
let m = maximum [l, v, r]
-- if root value is not maximum
when (m > v) $ do
let node_ :: Traversal' (HeapNode a) (HeapNode a)
node_ = if m > l then right_ else left_
swap node_ -- swap values with max child
zoom node_ down' -- repeat for that child
-- | Convert list to an arbitrary Heap.
listToHeap :: [a] -> Heap a
listToHeap [] = Nothing
listToHeap (x:xs) = Just $ HeapNode x l r
(l, r) = both %~ listToHeap $ splitAt (1 + length xs `div` 2) xs
-- | Sort list using intermediate Heap structure.
heapSort :: (Show a, Ord a) => [a] -> IO ()
heapSort = evalStateT (down >> printSorted) . listToHeap
-- | Ask user for an input.
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt p = do
putStr p
hFlush stdout
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- read N
n <- read <$> prompt "n = "
-- read N values
xs <- (map read . take n . words) <$> prompt "xs = "
-- heap sort
heapSort (xs :: [Int])
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fizruk commented May 10, 2013

This works ~100 times slower than C program ( and ~10 times slower than Java program (

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