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Last active August 17, 2023 21:12
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Monadic robot acting in a comonadic world
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import Control.Comonad.Identity
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-- ==============================================================
-- Helpers
-- ==============================================================
-- | Try to apply a function.
try :: (a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> a)
try f w = fromMaybe w $ f w
-- | Unfold CofreeT structure using iteration.
-- Should be in Control.Comonad.Trans.Cofree
coiterT :: (Functor f, Comonad w) => (w a -> f (w a)) -> w a -> CofreeT f w a
coiterT psi = CofreeT . (extend $ \w -> extract w :< fmap (coiterT psi) (psi w))
-- | Tear down through a free monad transformer using iteration.
-- Should be in Control.Monad.Trans.Free
iterT :: (Functor f, Monad m) => (f (m a) -> m a) -> FreeT f m a -> m a
iterT psi (FreeT m) = do
val <- m
case fmap (iterT psi) val of
Pure x -> return x
Free y -> psi y
-- ==============================================================
-- | World base functor.
data WorldF pos x = WorldF
{ _worldPos :: pos -- position (cell ID)
, _worldLeft :: (Maybe x) -- move to the left cell, if possible
, _worldRight :: (Maybe x) -- move to the right cell, if possible
} deriving (Functor)
-- | World cofree comonad transformer
type WorldT pos = CofreeT (WorldF pos)
-- | Interface of a comonadic world
class Comonad w => ComonadWorld w where
type WPos w :: *
wPos :: w a -> WPos w
wMoveLeft :: w a -> Maybe (w a)
wMoveRight :: w a -> Maybe (w a)
-- | Implementation for WorldT.
instance Comonad w => ComonadWorld (CofreeT (WorldF pos) w) where
type WPos (CofreeT (WorldF pos) w) = pos
wPos = _worldPos . unwrap
wMoveLeft = _worldLeft . unwrap
wMoveRight = _worldRight . unwrap
-- | Robot base functor.
data RobotF pos x
= RGetPos (pos -> x) -- ^ get current position
| RMoveLeft x -- ^ move left
| RMoveRight x -- ^ move right
deriving (Functor)
-- | Robot free monad transformer.
type RobotT pos = FreeT (RobotF pos)
-- | Robot API.
class Monad m => MonadRobot m where
type RPos m :: *
getPos :: m (RPos m)
moveLeft :: m ()
moveRight :: m ()
-- | Implementation for RobotT.
instance Monad m => MonadRobot (FreeT (RobotF pos) m) where
type RPos (FreeT (RobotF pos) m) = pos
getPos = liftF $ RGetPos id
moveLeft = liftF $ RMoveLeft ()
moveRight = liftF $ RMoveRight ()
-- | Run robot in given environment.
runRobot :: (ComonadWorld w, Monad m, pos ~ WPos w) => w a -> RobotT pos m r -> m r
runRobot w m = evalStateT (iterT runRobotF $ hoistFreeT lift $ m) w
runRobotF (RGetPos f) = gets wPos >>= f
runRobotF (RMoveLeft next) = modify (try wMoveLeft) >> next
runRobotF (RMoveRight next) = modify (try wMoveRight) >> next
-- | Infinite world represinting Z.
infiniteWorld :: (Comonad w, Num t) => w t -> WorldT t w ()
infiniteWorld = void . coiterT f
f w = WorldF
{ _worldPos = extract w
, _worldLeft = Just $ fmap (subtract 1) w
, _worldRight = Just $ fmap (+1) w }
-- XXX: is it possible to create abstract cell (with no neighbors) ?
cell :: (ComonadWorld w) => WPos w -> w ()
cell pos = undefined
-- XXX: is it reasonable and possible to combine (semi-)finite worlds?
-- For instance, should that be possible:
-- cell 0 |~> cell 1 -- two-cell world
(<~|), (|~>) :: (ComonadWorld w) => w a -> w a -> w a
(<~|) = undefined
(|~>) = undefined
-- XXX: is it possible to provide an API for modifying world?
-- For instance, is it possible for a robot to "build" new cells?
-- sample world
world :: (Num t) => WorldT t Identity ()
world = infiniteWorld $ Identity 1
-- sample robot
robot :: (MonadRobot m) => m [RPos m]
robot = do
x <- getPos
y <- getPos
z <- getPos
return [x, y, z]
-- main
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- runRobot world robot
print res
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