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Created May 10, 2013 16:33
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Simple chat with bots using FreeT monad transformers for both bots and environment.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
import System.IO (isEOF, hFlush, stdout)
import Data.Char (toLower, isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad (forever, when, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
-- kind of helpers
-- FIXME: actually I wanted to use something like
-- `liftOp_` from layers package in order to use
-- `forkIO` in any MonadIO monad, but I failed
-- to install the package using ghc-7.4
class MonadToIO m where
toIO :: m a -> IO a
instance MonadToIO IO where
toIO = id
-- | Tear down trough a free monad transformer using iteration.
-- Should be in Control.Monad.Trans.Free
iter :: (Functor f, Monad m) => (f (m a) -> m a) -> FreeT f m a -> m a
iter f (FreeT m) = do
val <- m
case fmap (iter f) val of
Pure x -> return x
Free y -> f y
-- | Abstract syntax for the environment.
data EnvF node x
-- ^ Create new channel of type `a`.
= forall a. ENewChan (NodeChan node a -> x)
-- ^ Duplicate a channel of type `a`.
| forall a. EDupChan (NodeChan node a) (NodeChan node a -> x)
-- ^ Spawn a new node computation in parallel.
| forall r. ESpawnNode (node r) x
-- ^ Execute a node computation.
| forall r. EExecNode (node r) x
-- Unfortunately, -XDeriveFunctor does not work with existential types.
instance Functor (EnvF node) where
fmap f (ENewChan g) = ENewChan (f . g)
fmap f (EDupChan c g) = EDupChan c (f . g)
fmap f (ESpawnNode n x) = ESpawnNode n (f x)
fmap f (EExecNode n x) = EExecNode n (f x)
-- | Environment free monad transformer.
type EnvT node = FreeT (EnvF node)
-- | Environment monad class.
class (Monad m) => MonadEnv m where
-- | Environment node constructors.
type EnvNode m :: * -> *
-- | New channel command.
newChan :: m (NodeChan (EnvNode m) a)
-- | Duplicate channel command.
dupChan :: NodeChan (EnvNode m) a -> m (NodeChan (EnvNode m) a)
-- | Spawn a separate node computation command.
spawnNode :: EnvNode m a -> m ()
-- | Execute a node computation command.
execNode :: EnvNode m a -> m ()
instance (Monad m) => MonadEnv (FreeT (EnvF node) m) where
type EnvNode (FreeT (EnvF node) m) = node
newChan = liftF $ ENewChan id
dupChan c = liftF $ EDupChan c id
spawnNode n = liftF $ ESpawnNode n ()
execNode n = liftF $ EExecNode n ()
-- | Abstract syntax for nodes with channels of type `chan`.
data NodeF chan x
-- ^ Send a message to a channel of type `a`.
= forall a. NSend (chan a) a x
-- ^ Receive a message from a channel of type `a`.
| forall a. NRecv (chan a) (a -> x)
-- ^ Check if a channel of type `a` is empty.
| forall a. NIsEmpty (chan a) (Bool -> x)
-- ^ Do something else.
-- Unfortunately, -XDeriveFunctor does not work with existential types.
instance Functor (NodeF chan) where
fmap f (NSend c a x) = NSend c a (f x)
fmap f (NRecv c g) = NRecv c (f . g)
fmap f (NIsEmpty c g) = NIsEmpty c (f . g)
-- | Node free monad transformer.
type NodeT chan = FreeT (NodeF chan)
-- | Node monad class.
class Monad m => MonadNode m where
-- | Node's channel constructor.
type NodeChan m :: * -> *
-- | Send command.
send :: NodeChan m a -> a -> m ()
-- | Receive command.
recv :: NodeChan m a -> m a
-- | Empty check command.
isEmpty :: NodeChan m a -> m Bool
instance Monad m => MonadNode (FreeT (NodeF chan) m) where
type NodeChan (FreeT (NodeF chan) m) = chan
send c x = liftF $ NSend c x ()
recv c = liftF $ NRecv c id
isEmpty c = liftF $ NIsEmpty c id
-- | Execute node as a concurrent thread with @TChan@ channels.
stmNode :: (MonadIO m) => NodeT TChan m r -> m r
stmNode = iter stmNodeF
stmNodeF (NSend chan msg m) = (liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan chan msg) >> m
stmNodeF (NRecv chan m) = (liftIO . atomically $ readTChan chan) >>= m
stmNodeF (NIsEmpty chan m) = (liftIO . atomically $ isEmptyTChan chan) >>= m
-- | Execute environment with nodes as concurrent threads with @TChan@ channels.
stmEnv :: (MonadIO m, MonadToIO m, Functor m) => EnvT (NodeT TChan m) m r -> m r
stmEnv = iter stmEnvF
stmEnvF (ENewChan m) = (liftIO . atomically $ newTChan) >>= m
stmEnvF (EDupChan chan m) = (liftIO . atomically $ dupTChan chan) >>= m
stmEnvF (ESpawnNode n m) = (liftIO . forkIO . toIO . void $ stmNode n) >> m
stmEnvF (EExecNode n m) = stmNode n >> m
-- | Observable environment of a chat bot.
data ChatBotE chan = ChatBotE
{ chatInputChan :: chan String -- ^ input channel
, chatOutputChan :: chan String -- ^ output channel
-- | Chat bot monad transformer.
type ChatBotT m = ReaderT (ChatBotE (NodeChan m)) m
instance (MonadNode m) => MonadNode (ReaderT r m) where
type NodeChan (ReaderT r m) = NodeChan m
send c = lift . send c
recv = lift . recv
isEmpty = lift . isEmpty
-- | Receive a message from an input channel.
chatRecv :: (MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m String
chatRecv = do
cin <- asks chatInputChan
recv cin
-- | Send a message to an output channel.
chatSend :: (MonadNode m) => String -> ChatBotT m ()
chatSend msg = do
cout <- asks chatOutputChan
send cout msg
-- | Check if input channel is empty.
chatIsEmpty :: (MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m Bool
chatIsEmpty = do
cin <- asks chatInputChan
isEmpty cin
-- | Simple echo bot.
echoBot :: (MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m r
echoBot = forever $ do
msg <- chatRecv
chatSend $ "echo: " ++ msg
-- | Echo bot that sleeps before responding.
slowEchoBot :: (MonadIO m, MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m r
slowEchoBot = forever $ do
msg <- chatRecv
liftIO $ threadDelay $ 2 * 10^6 -- wait 2 secs
chatSend $ "slow: " ++ msg
-- | Bot that responds with "Hello!" message for various greeting messages.
helloBot :: (MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m r
helloBot = forever $ do
msg <- chatRecv
when (isHello msg) $ do
chatSend "hellobot: Hello!"
isHello :: String -> Bool
isHello = (`elem` ["hello", "hi", "hi there", "hello world"]) . map toLower
-- | Bot that squares numbers.
squareBot :: (MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m r
squareBot = forever $ do
msg <- chatRecv
when (all isDigit msg) $ do
chatSend $ "square: " ++ show (read msg ^ 2 :: Integer)
-- | User interface for a chat room.
userNode :: (MonadIO m, MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m ()
userNode = do
msg <- liftIO prompt -- ask user for input
case msg of
Nothing -> return ()
Just s -> do
chatSend s -- send message
liftIO $ threadDelay $ 10^5 -- wait 0.1 sec for immediate answers
printAnswers -- print available answers
-- print all available messages
printAnswers :: (MonadIO m, MonadNode m) => ChatBotT m ()
printAnswers = do
e <- chatIsEmpty
unless e $ do
ans <- chatRecv
liftIO $ putStrLn ans
-- ask user for an input
prompt :: IO (Maybe String)
prompt = do
putStr "you: "
hFlush stdout
eof <- isEOF
case eof of
True -> return Nothing
False -> do
s <- getLine
return $ Just s
-- | Multi-agent environment with bots and user node.
chatRoom :: (MonadIO n, MonadNode n, Monad m) => [ChatBotT n a] -> ChatBotT n () -> EnvT n m ()
chatRoom bots user = do
cin <- newChan -- user input (bots' messages)
cout <- newChan -- user output (user's messages)
let botE = ChatBotE cout cin
userE = ChatBotE cin cout
-- spawn bots (cin in bot's output, cout is bot's input)
mapM_ (spawnBot botE) bots
-- run user interface
execNode $ runReaderT user userE
-- spawn a bot
spawnBot :: (Monad m) => ChatBotE (NodeChan n) -> ChatBotT n a -> EnvT n m ()
spawnBot e bot = do
-- duplicate input channel to enable multiple readers
cin <- dupChan $ chatInputChan e
spawnNode $ runReaderT bot e{chatInputChan = cin}
-- | main
main :: IO ()
main = stmEnv $ chatRoom bots userNode
bots = [echoBot, slowEchoBot, helloBot, squareBot]
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