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Created September 3, 2020 11:18
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Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.FiniteSets.
Definition FiniteSetProduct (X Y : FiniteSet) : FiniteSet.
set (X' := pr1 X). (* the underlying type of X *)
set (X'_isfinite := pr2 X). (* proof that X is a finite set *)
set (Y' := pr1 Y). (* the underlying type of Y *)
set (Y'_isfinite := pr2 Y). (* proof that Y is a finite set *)
exists (X' × Y'). (* the underlying type for the product is the product of types *)
use hinhfun.
(* (X' × Y' is a finite set) is a proposition
and we will be using propositions X'_isfinite and Y'_isfinite
so we use hinhfun to "go under truncation"
3: apply (hinhand X'_isfinite Y'_isfinite).
(* here we just specify that we will be using
a combination (product) of propositions X'_isfinite and Y'_isfinite *)
intros P. (* here P is untruncated version of X'_isfinite × Y'_isfinite *)
set (n := pr1 (pr1 P) : nat). (* X has n elements *)
set (X'_weq := pr2 (pr1 P) : (⟦n⟧)%stn ≃ X').
(* equivalence with a standard finite set of size n *)
set (m := pr1 (dirprod_pr2 P) : nat). (* Y has m elements *)
set (Y'_weq := pr2 (dirprod_pr2 P) : (⟦m⟧)%stn ≃ Y').
(* equivalence with a standard finite set of size m *)
exists (n * m). (* product of finite sets has n * m elements *)
eapply weqcomp. (* we will compose two equivalences together *)
apply invweq, weqfromprodofstn. (* ⟦n * m⟧ ≃ ⟦n⟧ × ⟦m⟧ *)
use weqdirprodf.
- apply X'_weq. (* ⟦n⟧ ≃ X' *)
- apply Y'_weq. (* ⟦m⟧ ≃ Y' *)
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