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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Recording and replaying arbitrary FreeT computation. For what happened next see
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Free.Class
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Free as FT
import qualified Control.Monad.Free as F
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
-- | Capturing the notion that @g@ encodes all necessary information to
-- replay @f@ action.
class Replay f g where
replay :: f a -> g b -> Maybe (g (a, b))
-- | Replay @FreeT f m a@ computation given @Free g ()@ computation log tree.
-- The result is new @FreeT g m@ log tree with leftover @FreeT f m@ computations and
-- unmatched @Free g ()@ log subtrees in leaves.
replayFreeT :: (Replay f g, Functor f, Functor g, Monad m)
=> F.Free g () -- ^ The log tree.
-> FT.FreeT f m a -- ^ The computation to replay.
-> FT.FreeT g m (FT.FreeT f m a, F.Free g ())
replayFreeT r@(F.Pure _) ft = return (ft, r)
replayFreeT r@(F.Free g) (FT.FreeT m) = do
f <- lift m
case f of
FT.Pure x -> return (return x, r)
FT.Free h ->
case replay h g of
Nothing -> return (wrap h, r)
Just k -> wrap $ fmap (\(ft', r') -> replayFreeT r' ft') k
-- | Run @FreeT f m a@ computation and record actions.
-- The result is a @FreeT g m a@ computation.
-- This function is analogous to 'iterT'.
recordFreeT :: (Functor f, Functor g, Monad m)
=> (forall x. f (m x) -> m (g x)) -- ^ How to record each layer of computation.
-> FT.FreeT f m a -- ^ Computation to record.
-> m (F.Free g a) -- ^ The computation log tree.
recordFreeT mapF (FT.FreeT m) = do
f <- m
case fmap (recordFreeT mapF) f of
FT.Pure x -> return (return x)
FT.Free g -> mapF g >>= return . wrap
-- ===============================================================================
-- Example
-- ===============================================================================
-- | This is our base functor, which describes the list of actions.
data F a
= Ask (String -> a) -- ^ Get some input.
| Fork a (ThreadId -> a) -- ^ Fork computation.
| Halt -- ^ Abort computation.
deriving (Functor)
-- | This is a derived data structure which retains 'F' tree structure and
-- stores recorded values for functions in 'F'.
data F' a
= Ask' (String, a) -- ^ Recorded input.
| Fork' a (ThreadId, a) -- ^ Recorded child ThreadId.
| Halt' -- ^ We don't record anything for halt.
| Save' -- ^ Here we paused our computation to collect the log.
deriving (Show, Functor)
instance Replay F F' where
replay (Ask f) (Ask' (s, x)) = Just $ Ask' (s, (f s, x))
replay (Fork c p) (Fork' c' (pid, p')) = Just $ Fork' (c, c') (pid, (p pid, p'))
replay Halt Halt' = Just Halt'
replay _ _ = Nothing
-- DSL commands for F functor
-- Note: these can be actually derived automatically using $(makeFree ''F)
-- | Ask user for input.
ask :: MonadFree F m => m String
ask = liftF $ Ask id
-- | Fork computation.
fork :: MonadFree F m => m (Maybe ThreadId)
fork = liftF $ Fork Nothing Just
-- | Halt computation.
halt :: MonadFree F m => m a
halt = liftF Halt
-- | Perform and record an F action in IO monad.
recordF :: F (IO a) -> IO (F' a)
recordF (Ask g) = do
s <- getLine
case s of
"save" -> return Save'
_ -> do
x <- g s
return (Ask' (s, x))
recordF (Fork c p) = do
v <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
pid <- forkIO $ c >>= atomically . putTMVar v
px <- p pid
cx <- atomically $ takeTMVar v
return (Fork' cx (pid, px))
recordF Halt = return Halt'
-- | Perform recorded actions (simplified).
evalF' :: F' (IO a) -> IO a
evalF' (Ask' (_, m)) = m
evalF' (Fork' mc (_, mp)) = do
v <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
_ <- forkIO $ mc >> atomically (putTMVar v ())
x <- mp
_ <- atomically $ takeTMVar v -- this is simply waiting for another thread to finish
return x
evalF' Halt' = error "halt"
evalF' Save' = error "save"
-- | Sample program.
test :: (MonadFree F m, MonadIO m) => m ()
test = do
name <- prompt "What's your name?"
liftIO $ putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ "!")
x <- prompt "What do you want to do (save/halt/continue)?"
case x of
"halt" -> halt
_ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Continuing..."
mpid <- fork
liftIO . putStrLn $
case mpid of
Nothing -> "I am child!"
Just pid -> "I am parent! My child is " ++ show pid ++ "."
y <- prompt $ show mpid ++ ": And the final input!"
liftIO $ putStrLn y
prompt s = do
liftIO $ putStrLn s
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "========================================"
putStrLn " Recording"
putStrLn "========================================"
logTree <- recordFreeT recordF test
putStrLn "========================================"
print logTree
putStrLn "========================================"
putStrLn " Replaying"
putStrLn "========================================"
let -- build a replayed computation
replayed = replayFreeT logTree test
-- evaluate leftover computations at the leaves of replayed computation
-- we ignore unmatched logTree subtrees
replayed' = fmap (recordFreeT recordF . fst) replayed
-- attach computations at leaves to the computation tree
replayed'' = do
m <- replayed'
lift $ do
putStrLn "========================================"
putStrLn " Continuing"
putStrLn "========================================"
-- replay and continue computation
_logTree <- FT.iterT evalF' replayed''
putStrLn "========================================"
return ()
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