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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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# Exercise 1 from
# Transposition of a matrix
# by Hendrik Riedmann <>
from __future__ import division, print_function
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import pycuda.autoinit
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import numpy
import numpy.linalg as la
from import context_dependent_memoize
block_size = 16
def _get_transpose_kernel():
mod = SourceModule("""
#define BLOCK_SIZE %(block_size)d
#define A_BLOCK_STRIDE (BLOCK_SIZE * a_width)
#define A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE (BLOCK_SIZE * a_height)
__global__ void transpose(float *A_t, float *A, int a_width, int a_height)
// Base indices in A and A_t
int base_idx_a = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE +
blockIdx.y * A_BLOCK_STRIDE;
int base_idx_a_t = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_SIZE +
blockIdx.x * A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE;
// Global indices in A and A_t
int glob_idx_a = base_idx_a + threadIdx.x + a_width * threadIdx.y;
int glob_idx_a_t = base_idx_a_t + threadIdx.x + a_height * threadIdx.y;
__shared__ float A_shared[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE+1];
// Store transposed submatrix to shared memory
A_shared[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = A[glob_idx_a];
// Write transposed submatrix to global memory
A_t[glob_idx_a_t] = A_shared[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y];
"""% {"block_size": block_size})
func = mod.get_function("transpose")
from pytools import Record
class TransposeKernelInfo(Record): pass
return TransposeKernelInfo(func=func,
block=(block_size, block_size, 1),
def _get_big_block_transpose_kernel():
mod = SourceModule("""
#define BLOCK_SIZE %(block_size)d
#define A_BLOCK_STRIDE (BLOCK_SIZE * a_width)
#define A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE (BLOCK_SIZE * a_height)
__global__ void transpose(float *A, float *A_t, int a_width, int a_height)
// Base indices in A and A_t
int base_idx_a = 2 * blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE +
2 * blockIdx.y * A_BLOCK_STRIDE;
int base_idx_a_t = 2 * blockIdx.y * BLOCK_SIZE +
2 * blockIdx.x * A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE;
// Global indices in A and A_t
int glob_idx_a = base_idx_a + threadIdx.x + a_width * threadIdx.y;
int glob_idx_a_t = base_idx_a_t + threadIdx.x + a_height * threadIdx.y;
__shared__ float A_shared[2 * BLOCK_SIZE][2 * BLOCK_SIZE + 1];
// Store transposed submatrix to shared memory
A_shared[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = A[glob_idx_a];
A_shared[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + BLOCK_SIZE] =
A[glob_idx_a + A_BLOCK_STRIDE];
A_shared[threadIdx.y + BLOCK_SIZE][threadIdx.x] =
A[glob_idx_a + BLOCK_SIZE];
A_shared[threadIdx.y + BLOCK_SIZE][threadIdx.x + BLOCK_SIZE] =
A[glob_idx_a + BLOCK_SIZE + A_BLOCK_STRIDE];
// Write transposed submatrix to global memory
A_t[glob_idx_a_t] = A_shared[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y];
A_t[glob_idx_a_t + A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE] =
A_shared[threadIdx.x + BLOCK_SIZE][threadIdx.y];
A_t[glob_idx_a_t + BLOCK_SIZE] =
A_shared[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y + BLOCK_SIZE];
A_t[glob_idx_a_t + A_T_BLOCK_STRIDE + BLOCK_SIZE] =
A_shared[threadIdx.x + BLOCK_SIZE][threadIdx.y + BLOCK_SIZE];
"""% {"block_size": block_size})
func = mod.get_function("transpose")
from pytools import Record
class TransposeKernelInfo(Record): pass
return TransposeKernelInfo(func=func,
block=(block_size, block_size, 1),
def _transpose(tgt, src):
krnl = _get_transpose_kernel()
w, h = src.shape
assert tgt.shape == (h, w)
assert w % krnl.granularity == 0
assert h % krnl.granularity == 0
(w // krnl.granularity, h // krnl.granularity), krnl.block,
tgt.gpudata, src.gpudata, w, h)
def transpose(src):
w, h = src.shape
result = gpuarray.empty((h, w), dtype=src.dtype)
_transpose(result, src)
return result
def check_transpose():
from pycuda.curandom import rand
for i in numpy.arange(10, 13, 0.125):
size = int(((2**i) // 32) * 32)
source = rand((size, size), dtype=numpy.float32)
result = transpose(source)
err = source.get().T - result.get()
err_norm = la.norm(err)
assert err_norm == 0, (size, err_norm)
def run_benchmark():
from pycuda.curandom import rand
powers = numpy.arange(10, 13, 2**(-6))
sizes = [int(size) for size in numpy.unique(2**powers // 16 * 16)]
bandwidths = []
times = []
for size in sizes:
source = rand((size, size), dtype=numpy.float32)
target = gpuarray.empty((size, size), dtype=source.dtype)
start = pycuda.driver.Event()
stop = pycuda.driver.Event()
warmup = 2
for i in range(warmup):
_transpose(target, source)
count = 10
for i in range(count):
_transpose(target, source)
elapsed_seconds = stop.time_since(start)*1e-3
mem_bw = source.nbytes / elapsed_seconds * 2 * count
slow_sizes = [s for s, bw in zip(sizes, bandwidths) if bw < 40e9]
print("Sizes for which bandwidth was low:", slow_sizes)
print("Ditto, mod 64:", [s % 64 for s in slow_sizes])
from matplotlib.pyplot import semilogx, loglog, show, savefig, clf, xlabel, ylabel
xlabel('matrix size')
semilogx(sizes, bandwidths)
xlabel('matrix size')
loglog(sizes, times)
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