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Created June 5, 2014 01:02
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Quicksort in Swift
var randomNumbers = [42, 12, 88, 62, 63, 56, 1, 77, 88, 97, 97, 20, 45, 91, 62, 2, 15, 31, 59, 5]
func partition(v: Int[], left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
var i = left
for j in (left + 1)..(right + 1) {
if v[j] < v[left] {
i += 1
(v[i], v[j]) = (v[j], v[i])
(v[i], v[left]) = (v[left], v[i])
return i
func quicksort(v: Int[], left: Int, right: Int) {
if right > left {
let pivotIndex = partition(v, left, right)
quicksort(v, left, pivotIndex - 1)
quicksort(v, pivotIndex + 1, right)
quicksort(randomNumbers, 0, randomNumbers.count-1)
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Filtering makes this way less efficient. You're doing an O(n) operation through the list multiple times, which dramatically slows down execution.

You can accomplish the same thing by using a switch statement and traversing the list one time. That way you cut down on list traversals.

func quicksort<T: Comparable>(var list: T[]) -> T[] {
    if list.count <= 1 {
        return list

    let pivot = list[0]

    var smallerList = T[]()
    var equalList = T[]()
    var biggerList = T[]()

    for x in list {
        switch x {
            case let x where x < pivot:
            case let x where x == pivot:
            case let x where x > pivot:

    return quicksort(smallerList) + equalList + quicksort(biggerList)

Plus, if we maintain a list of equal values, then the complexity becomes O(n * log(unique n's))

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jkleiser commented Jun 6, 2014

Thanks for these nice examples!
I wanted to see what kind of error messages I would get if I inserted a string item in the randomNumbers array, like var randomNumbers = [42, "x", 12, ...]. I then tried to run using 'xcrun swift -i quicksort.swift' or compile using 'xcrun swift quicksort.swift', but none of these gave me any response at all. I waited a few seconds, then typed Ctrl-C. I did the same with Flávio's and Harlan's versions. Maybe there are other ways to get a reasonable error message from Swift ...?

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vpdn commented Jun 6, 2014

Tried to quantify @harlanhaskins's "dramatically": The overhead seems to be quite considerable, given a larger list of arcr4andom UInt32s. At 1M entries, the filter variant is roughly 26% slower (40.078sec vs 31.734sec), at 10M roughly 35% (456.69sec vs 337.18sec). For 1k entries, both implementations are in the tens of milliseconds.

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I tried a simpler example involving a bad array (string/number combination), like this one:
let myArr = [42, 12, "foo", 88]
println("Hello Swift World ", myArr)
... and when I do the xcrun swift bad.swift I get a proper error message:
error: cannot convert the expression's type 'Array' to type 'ArrayLiteralConvertible'
... but when I do the same with Flávio's or Harlan's quicksort, I get no response at all, as far as I can see.

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m4rr commented Jul 4, 2014

Just quickSort(&a, 0..a.count)

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willzcc commented Nov 16, 2014

little bit improved with new swift grammar

func partition(inout dataList: [Int], low: Int, high: Int) -> Int {
    var pivotPos = low
    var pivot = dataList[low]

    for var i = low + 1; i <= high; i++ {
        if dataList[i] < pivot && ++pivotPos != i {
            (dataList[pivotPos], dataList[i]) = (dataList[i], dataList[pivotPos])
    (dataList[low], dataList[pivotPos]) = (dataList[pivotPos], dataList[low])
    return pivotPos

func quickSort(inout dataList: [Int], left: Int, right: Int) {
    if left < right {
        var pivotPos = partition(&dataList, left, right)
        quickSort(&dataList, left, pivotPos - 1)
        quickSort(&dataList, pivotPos + 1, right)

var dataList = [42, 12, 88, 62, 63, 56, 1, 77, 88, 97, 97, 20, 45, 91, 62, 2, 15, 31, 59, 5]
quickSort(&dataList, 0, dataList.count - 1)

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novinfard commented Apr 4, 2020

This is your solution with a bit modification for Swift 5:

var randomNumbers = [42, 12, 88, 62, 63, 56, 1, 77, 88, 97, 97, 20, 45, 91, 62, 2, 15, 31, 59, 5]

// MARK: - Solution 1 : Naive
func quicksort1<T: Comparable>(_ list: [T]) -> [T] {
	if list.count <= 1 {
		return list

	let pivot = list.randomElement() ?? list[0]

	var smallerList = [T]()
	var equalList = [T]()
	var biggerList = [T]()

	for x in list {
		switch x {
			case let x where x < pivot:
			case let x where x == pivot:
			case let x where x > pivot:

	return quicksort1(smallerList) + equalList + quicksort1(biggerList)

// solution 1 with array extension
extension Array where Element: Comparable {
	func quicksort1() -> [Element] {
		let list = self
		if list.count <= 1 {
			return list

		let pivot = list.randomElement() ?? list[0]

		var smallerList = [Element]()
		var equalList = [Element]()
		var biggerList = [Element]()

		for x in list {
			switch x {
				case let x where x < pivot:
				case let x where x == pivot:
				case let x where x > pivot:

		return smallerList.quicksort1() + equalList + biggerList.quicksort1()

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